
Growth spurt vent!

The 6 week growth spurt is no joke. I feel like DS has been attached to me all day. He didn't sleep last night, barely napped today, just wants to eat eat eat! I feed him, change him, get myself some water and a snack, and back to feeding him again. Poor DD pretty much watched movies all day. Every time I tried to play with her I had to stop to feed DS.

Formula has crossed my mind multiple times today. I know this will only last a few days but I'm just so tired and frustrated. My nipples are just raw and I just want to sleep. I'm taking my frustration out on DH. Poor guy. I know there's nothing he can do. He's tried to rock him and get him to sleep, but the kid just wants to eat, and DH can't do that part.

There's really no point to this post other than for me to vent, but I'll take any words of encouragement if ya got them!
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Re: Growth spurt vent!

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    It gets better. Gather some things, settle on the couch or in the recliner, and just nurse nurse nurse. When he was home,  I had my DH bring me snacks, change the baby, etc, and I pretty much just hung out and nursed. it was a lazy few days, but we stuck it out and I'm glad we did. 

    Hang in there. :) 


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    Have you tried nursing while laying down? It was a life saver for me. Maybe you DD could be in the bed to watching a movie or reading. It is so hard with 2 my hats off to you Mamas
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    Great job hanging in there. I know it's hard, with the pain, and being stuck in one place for so long.

    With only the 6 week and 3 month growth spurts under my belt, I kinda look back fondly at the 6 week growth spurt. I'm lazy, and I liked the cuddling with my LO and getting to lay about watching movies and reading books, whereas now I'm desperate to get 30 minutes to do something I want in a day.

    So, even though it's hard and not so enjoyable, just keep in mind that you'll look back on this time with either fondness, wistfulness, or pride.

    You can do it! 

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    You're doing great! I was driven crazy last week with LOs constant feeding and needing to be held. This week she is up 9 oz, so she had her 6 week growth spurt right on schedule lol, and it didn't occur to me at the time. It'll be over soon :)
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    Thanks ladies! I think DD is going to go to my moms today. That should make things a little easier.. So here goes day 2 of constantly feeding DS!
    and i thought i loved you then <3<a href="">Daisypath Anniversary tickersBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Missed Miscarriage discovered at 9w6d
    D&E 10.27.2011
    I'll love you forever Baby Speck Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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