August 2013 Moms

UO Thursday

It's kind of dead around here, and I haven't seen anything yet, so let's hear 'em.

Mine: I don't get the point of gender reveal parties, or really making a big deal of of announcing the gender at all. Yay, you're growing a penis! Or a vagina! Send me a text. But then again, I don't get the big deal about second showers being considered tacky. If someone wants to throw you one, and people want to buy you presents, then by all means, go ahead.

And go:


Ezra James 08/22/2013  <3
Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016  <3

Two Angel Babies 

"If you're still my small babe
or you're all the way grown,
my promise to you
is you're never alone.
You are my angel, my darling,
my star...and my love will find you,
wherever you are."

Re: UO Thursday

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    I think naming a winter storm is stupid... it's snow people, it happens every year.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

    OaD August siggy challenge- fav show that's off the air:
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    It's kind of dead around here, and I haven't seen anything yet, so let's hear 'em.

    Mine: I don't get the point of gender reveal parties, or really making a big deal of of announcing the gender at all. Yay, you're growing a penis! Or a vagina! Send me a text. But then again, I don't get the big deal about second showers being considered tacky. If someone wants to throw you one, and people want to buy you presents, then by all means, go ahead.

    And go:


    I agree!!

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    I don't understand the gender reveal party thing either. Then again, I'm not really a fan of baby showers in general...they're just not my thing.

    I think stocking up on diapers for months before your baby is born is ridiculous too. Diapers are constantly on sale, and they are ALWAYS super cheap on amazon. (Not to mention delivered right to your door step for free!) Apparently that's an unpopular opinion around these parts. I just think if you really feel the need to prepare, there are lots of other things you can do.

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

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    imageLJR 84:

    I don't understand the gender reveal party thing either. Then again, I'm not really a fan of baby showers in general...they're just not my thing.

    I think stocking up on diapers for months before your baby is born is ridiculous too. Diapers are constantly on sale, and they are ALWAYS super cheap on amazon. (Not to mention delivered right to your door step for free!) Apparently that's an unpopular opinion around these parts. I just think if you really feel the need to prepare, there are lots of other things you can do.

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

    I have been to one gender reveal party, it was my BFF's. It was small, just family and close friends and they did the cake. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed sharing that moment with her. And I love baby showers, baby things make me so happy.

    Stocking up on diapers is just one thing to stock up on, and again it's not just about the money

    My DD did not wear the same thing twice until she was 2. Not all because of me but I spent a ton of money on clothes for her.


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    imageLJR 84:

    I don't understand the gender reveal party thing either. Then again, I'm not really a fan of baby showers in general...they're just not my thing.

    I think stocking up on diapers for months before your baby is born is ridiculous too. Diapers are constantly on sale, and they are ALWAYS super cheap on amazon. (Not to mention delivered right to your door step for free!) Apparently that's an unpopular opinion around these parts. I just think if you really feel the need to prepare, there are lots of other things you can do.

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

    I have been to one gender reveal party, it was my BFF's. It was small, just family and close friends and they did the cake. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed sharing that moment with her. And I love baby showers, baby things make me so happy.

    Stocking up on diapers is just one thing to stock up on, and again it's not just about the money

    My DD did not wear the same thing twice until she was 2. Not all because of me but I spent a ton of money on clothes for her.

    It's funny because people say we won't need to purchase clothes this time around since we have one of each sex. I'm thinking, yeah right! As soon as we find out the sex I'll be buying baby clothes, haha. I'd rather buy clothes for my kids than for myself. 

    eta: My MIL is the same way, though. I buy a lot off of stuff off of FB children's clothing sites and this morning she went to comment on an outfit for DD and saw that I already had!  

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    imageLJR 84:

    I don't understand the gender reveal party thing either. Then again, I'm not really a fan of baby showers in general...they're just not my thing.

    I think stocking up on diapers for months before your baby is born is ridiculous too. Diapers are constantly on sale, and they are ALWAYS super cheap on amazon. (Not to mention delivered right to your door step for free!) Apparently that's an unpopular opinion around these parts. I just think if you really feel the need to prepare, there are lots of other things you can do.

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

    I love buying my kids clothes. I won't even say how many winter items are in my kids closets right now. ;) This baby will be blessed with clothing also.

    I keep trying to think of a UO for this week, I just am coming up blank!



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    Seeing all the heartbreaking "goodbye" posts on this board lately has solidified my opinion on early ultrasounds.  Not early early when you can't see anything, but I believe there should be a standard "viability" ultrasound done at 6-7 weeks.  Making ladies wait until they are 10 or more weeks only to find out they have been carrying around a dead fetus (embryo, whatever) for weeks is horrifying to me.


    Both conceived using 7.5 mg Femara+Ovidrel+IUI



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    I think it's ridiculous how people on the first tri board go to the ER for everything from spotting at 5 weeks to a hangnail. There is NOTHING that can be done if the spotting means bad things that early on, and I'm guessing that half of the time my tax dollars are paying for the visit.

    On a kinder to nervous pregnant nellies out there note, I am fed up with MDs blaming insurance companies for how little time they have to see each patient. A, they're free to work late or extend office hours just like the rest of us mere mortals do, B, they can schedule fewer patients if they don't want to sacrifice quality care, even if it means they might bring home a little less money, and C, if they managed their time better maybe they wouldn't get so behind and regularly make people wait for appointments, then try to hurry them out of their office so they're not late for whatever THEIR personal plans might be.
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    imageLJR 84:
    imageLJR 84:

    I don't understand the gender reveal party thing either. Then again, I'm not really a fan of baby showers in general...they're just not my thing.

    I think stocking up on diapers for months before your baby is born is ridiculous too. Diapers are constantly on sale, and they are ALWAYS super cheap on amazon. (Not to mention delivered right to your door step for free!) Apparently that's an unpopular opinion around these parts. I just think if you really feel the need to prepare, there are lots of other things you can do.

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

    I have been to one gender reveal party, it was my BFF's. It was small, just family and close friends and they did the cake. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed sharing that moment with her. And I love baby showers, baby things make me so happy.

    Stocking up on diapers is just one thing to stock up on, and again it's not just about the money

    My DD did not wear the same thing twice until she was 2. Not all because of me but I spent a ton of money on clothes for her.

    It's funny because people say we won't need to purchase clothes this time around since we have one of each sex. I'm thinking, yeah right! As soon as we find out the sex I'll be buying baby clothes, haha. I'd rather buy clothes for my kids than for myself. 

    eta: My MIL is the same way, though. I buy a lot off of stuff off of FB children's clothing sites and this morning she went to comment on an outfit for DD and saw that I already had!  

    Me too!! Especially girls, their stuff is irresistable!!


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    Seeing all the heartbreaking "goodbye" posts on this board lately has solidified my opinion on early ultrasounds.  Not early early when you can't see anything, but I believe there should be a standard "viability" ultrasound done at 6-7 weeks.  Making ladies wait until they are 10 or more weeks only to find out they have been carrying around a dead fetus (embryo, whatever) for weeks is horrifying to me.


    I am 12 weeks and haven't had an ultrasound. I won't have one until 16 weeks. I am leaving in about 15 mins to go to dr. and hear the heartbeat on the doppler. That is my BIGGEST fear. Although, I feel fine and I feel very pregnant I am very scared.


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    imageLJR 84:

    My DD did not wear the same thing twice until she was 2. Not all because of me but I spent a ton of money on clothes for her.

    Are you saying she had 700 outfits? I'm both astounded and impressed!
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    Are you saying she had 700 outfits? I'm both astounded and impressed!
    Probably more than that to be honest, not including onesies and stuff. Another girl before me had a little girl and she gave me a ton of clothes, most still had tags. I got LOADS of clothes at my shower and I bought her tons of clothes so I was a combination of "hand me downs" and new clothes from me and family and friends.


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    I think it is ridiculous that people spend so much money on clothes, baby furniture, swings, and all the other crap that you "have" to have for a baby. We make very good money and have the ability to buy a 1500.00 nursery set, but we won't. That is absolutely crazy. We used my nephews crib, clothes from Craigslist, and those gifted to us, borrowed swing, bouncy chair and baby carrier. Just because you buy everything brand new does not make you better, just stupid IMO
    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on
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    Just ate a turkey sandwich from panera for lunch. Plan to have a glass of red wine on valentines day. I hate when ppl judge or tell pregnant ppl what they should and should not do. I am an adult, I am educated, I am also a pedIatric nurse. I do not need anyone other than my doctors thoughts on what is ok during my pregnancy, thank you very much!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I should follow my post by saying 1 turkey sanwhich, one glass of wine I am ok with this treats, as always, in moderation. I am not a booze hound!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My UO is that while I have absolutely no problem with used baby stuff and I appreciate hand me downs, some of it is just too much or things I do not want.

    I buy things off craigslist all the time and I will wear used clothing on my baby.  But I like to be the one to pick it out.  I have very particular taste and I want my baby to wear the things I like.  And if I have to have my house cluttered with baby junk, it is going to be baby equipment that I don't mind looking at. 

    I had people give me things that I already had, and I detest clutter and extra stuff, so I ended up giving it away and I felt bad.  But I felt bad to turn it down, so I give it to a children's charity so I don't feel quite so bad.   But I don't need a bunch of stuff sitting around my house just because it is free.  My daughter only needs a certain amount of toys, not a room and a living room packed full.  I like to keep my house very clutter free and minimal.  I would rather have a small amount of things I love than a bunch of stuff I don't want to look at.

    Same thing with clothes.  I was given so many clothes that I was barely able to wear the things I bought for her until she outgrew them for the first 3 months.  So I ended up giving away a lot of the larger sizes so she could just wear the stuff I loved.  I would rather her wear the same cute clothes over and over than a new outfit every day of blah clothes that aren't my taste.

    Now with the twins, I have a new issue.  I hate mismatched stuff, equipment not clothes.  So now I have to have everything matching and cohesive.  I don't want 2 different high chairs, because everyday when I stare at them I will feel like my house looks like a mess and it will bug me to no end.  I need to buy the same crib as last time, because 2 different cribs would drive me crazy.

    Yes.  I am very neurotic about my surroundings.  A clutter free and cohesive, well decorated home soothes my soul.  I seriously find it to be a necessary component of my mental well being. I guess that is the result of growing up with hoarders:)

    ETA:  Whoa...that was long.  Sorry...I am a crazy ladyStick out tongue


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

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    Maybe this isn't unpopular, but I see way too many moms in my line of work that are complete bishes and don't let/want the father to be actively involved in their childs life and do everything they can to make the situation more difficult.  Whatever animosity you have toward your ex-hubs or baby daddy, LET IT GO and let your kid have a Father!!!  (Of course I believe in exceptions for domestic violence, child abuse and drug use type situations).
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    Mine is that if you make the decision to give up things like lunch meat/hot dogs/caffeine etc during pregnancy, fine, its your decision, I am ok with whatever you decide!  But dont constantly complain about you how you can't waiiiiiit to have a subway sub immediately after bith with a big diet coke.  Or how being pregnant is so so dificult because you can't have anything you want.
    image    image   image   image
    DS #1 arrived 10/09/2011
    DS #2 arrived 08/27/2013
    Loving every minute with two sweet boys!

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    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on Tara
    I don't think "No tv" is unrealistic. DS is only 10 months old, but we have made it this far without watching TV. Well I watch the morning news and DH watches football. DS notices the TV but he doesn't watch it. Other than that, we never have the TV on. I plan to keep it like that for as long as I can. With baby 2 coming, the TV may get turned on once in awhile but who knows.

    My kids had no interest in TV at 10 months either. They noticed it was on, but didn't watch it. I really didn't start turning on Nick Jr and such until around 2 years old. They just didn't care for it.



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    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on Tara
    I don't think "No tv" is unrealistic. DS is only 10 months old, but we have made it this far without watching TV. Well I watch the morning news and DH watches football. DS notices the TV but he doesn't watch it. Other than that, we never have the TV on. I plan to keep it like that for as long as I can. With baby 2 coming, the TV may get turned on once in awhile but who knows.
      I know a lot of people who don't allow their kids to watch TV - I live in Portland, so it is a very Portlandia thing to do :o)  We didn't really let DD watch TV before she was 2 yrs old.
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    Mine is that if you make the decision to give up things like lunch meat/hot dogs/caffeine etc during pregnancy, fine, its your decision, I am ok with whatever you decide!  But dont constantly complain about you how you can't waiiiiiit to have a subway sub immediately after bith with a big diet coke.  Or how being pregnant is so so dificult because you can't have anything you want.

    I totally agree.

    DS 3/11 * CP 6/12 * BFP 12/10/12, EDD 8/20/13
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    imageLJR 84:

    I also find spending crazy amounts of money on baby/toddler clothes acceptable.

    I definitely understand wanting your kids to have cute clothes and look nice, I am the same way. But, I do think it's kind of crazy to spend lots of money on their clothes. I buy my son clothes all the time but I always wait for sales, coupons, etc. and I don't really buy anything unless it's at least half off. It shocks me that people actually pay full price at expensive stores for their kid's clothes. 

    DS 3/11 * CP 6/12 * BFP 12/10/12, EDD 8/20/13
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on Tara
    I don't think "No tv" is unrealistic. DS is only 10 months old, but we have made it this far without watching TV. Well I watch the morning news and DH watches football. DS notices the TV but he doesn't watch it. Other than that, we never have the TV on. I plan to keep it like that for as long as I can. With baby 2 coming, the TV may get turned on once in awhile but who knows.
      I know a lot of people who don't allow their kids to watch TV - I live in Portland, so it is a very Portlandia thing to do :o)  We didn't really let DD watch TV before she was 2 yrs old.

    Meh.  My mom put Sesame Street on for DD when she was about 10 months old and she loved it.  We let her watch it once every other day or so and she was an early walking and an early talking with a really long attention span and ability to focus.  So I don't see anything wrong with it.  I also think it's way harder to shield the second child from TV the way you did the first.

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    Seeing all the heartbreaking "goodbye" posts on this board lately has solidified my opinion on early ultrasounds.  Not early early when you can't see anything, but I believe there should be a standard "viability" ultrasound done at 6-7 weeks.  Making ladies wait until they are 10 or more weeks only to find out they have been carrying around a dead fetus (embryo, whatever) for weeks is horrifying to me.

    I feel this way as well.  I only heard the heartbeat for the first time this past week, and I won't have an ultrasound done until 20 weeks unless they feel there is a medical need for it.  Heartbeat was very strong and she found it right away this week, but for this reason I am seriously looking into buying a home doppler so that I can check in on baby anytime I feel a little uneasy. 

    My UO relates to that in a way - I have avoided reading too many of the "goodbye" posts because I don't want to freak myself out that something is wrong with my LO.  I feel terrible for the mothers that have lost their babies, but I just haven't been able to handle reading all the stories.

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    My UO is that while I have absolutely no problem with used baby stuff and I appreciate hand me downs, some of it is just too much or things I do not want.

    I buy things off craigslist all the time and I will wear used clothing on my baby.  But I like to be the one to pick it out.  I have very particular taste and I want my baby to wear the things I like.  And if I have to have my house cluttered with baby junk, it is going to be baby equipment that I don't mind looking at. 

    I had people give me things that I already had, and I detest clutter and extra stuff, so I ended up giving it away and I felt bad.  But I felt bad to turn it down, so I give it to a children's charity so I don't feel quite so bad.   But I don't need a bunch of stuff sitting around my house just because it is free.  My daughter only needs a certain amount of toys, not a room and a living room packed full.  I like to keep my house very clutter free and minimal.  I would rather have a small amount of things I love than a bunch of stuff I don't want to look at.

    Same thing with clothes.  I was given so many clothes that I was barely able to wear the things I bought for her until she outgrew them for the first 3 months.  So I ended up giving away a lot of the larger sizes so she could just wear the stuff I loved.  I would rather her wear the same cute clothes over and over than a new outfit every day of blah clothes that aren't my taste.

    Now with the twins, I have a new issue.  I hate mismatched stuff, equipment not clothes.  So now I have to have everything matching and cohesive.  I don't want 2 different high chairs, because everyday when I stare at them I will feel like my house looks like a mess and it will bug me to no end.  I need to buy the same crib as last time, because 2 different cribs would drive me crazy.

    Yes.  I am very neurotic about my surroundings.  A clutter free and cohesive, well decorated home soothes my soul.  I seriously find it to be a necessary component of my mental well being. I guess that is the result of growing up with hoarders:)

    ETA:  Whoa...that was long.  Sorry...I am a crazy ladyStick out tongue

    Can you please come and declutter my house? lol

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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. (yes, "classic" Pooh is included). I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.

    I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. (yes, "classic" Pooh is included). I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.

    I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

    Me too.  I think they're so cheesy, ugly and overpriced.  SHe doesn't need Elmo on her shirt!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. yes, "classic" Pooh is included. I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

    Completely agree!!!
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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. yes, "classic" Pooh is included. I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

    Couldn't agree more!! If I get a gift with a cartoon character, it goes into the good will pile immediately!
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    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on Tara
    I don't think "No tv" is unrealistic. DS is only 10 months old, but we have made it this far without watching TV. Well I watch the morning news and DH watches football. DS notices the TV but he doesn't watch it. Other than that, we never have the TV on. I plan to keep it like that for as long as I can. With baby 2 coming, the TV may get turned on once in awhile but who knows.

     If avoiding TV is really important to you, it's not an unrealistic goal, but things can change quickly. DD didn't watch TV until she was 14 months. DH and I rarely watch TV, so it was never even on. Then she got super clingy, and it wasn't safe for her to be in the kitchen while I was cooking. TV was the best solution for us (instead of having a very unhappy toddler trying to rip down her baby gate). I felt bad about it at first, but she's learning new things at least.

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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. (yes, "classic" Pooh is included). I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.

    I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

    Totally agree!!  Along with liking a simple home, I also love simple, comfy clothing.  Layla wears a lot of gray, white, and black when I can find it.  I wish they made more black for babies, haha.

    I also dislike super frilly, obnoxious dresses and monstrous headbands.  It reminds me of pageant babies.  I think she is cute enough to not need all that floof hiding her natural beauty:) 


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    Along with a dislike of characters, I am also kind of freaked out by Disney fanatics.  Disney is cute for kids and I am sure I will take my kids, but I don't get the adults who go all the time.  I live about 4 hours from Disneyland and the number of adults I know that go on a regular basis is just weird. 

    I know someone who goes several times a year, often just going with her husband and leaving the kids at home.  And she always makes comments about me and my husband travelling internationally every year or two and how it must be nice.  Stop going to Disney so much and use that money for Europe then!  Disney isn't cheap.


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.

    I agree. Though I wonder if we've lost a few w all the drama lately???

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.
    I agree. Though I wonder if we've lost a few w all the drama lately???

    This happened to my last BMB after the FB groups started.  It bums me out because I like having a busy anonymous board.  I didn't join the FB group last time because I was working so much and then when I got put on bedrest, I was told I wasn't allowed to join because I waited too long, haha.  It was like sorority time all over again.  And seeing what happened already on here with FB I didn't even bother.


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.

    I agree. Though I wonder if we've lost a few w all the drama lately???

    Well, I keep reading complaints about silly questions, redundant posts, bad grammar, and even though I am not a total saint when it comes to interwebz responses...there have been some responses that even I think are way out of line. So I'm sure the people b!tching scared everyone off. Boo Hoo.

    This is going to be a long couple months. I like spirited debate on TB. hope today's slowness isn't a sign of what is to come!
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.

    I agree. Though I wonder if we've lost a few w all the drama lately???

    This happened to my last BMB after the FB groups started.&nbsp; It bums me out because I like having a busy anonymous board.&nbsp; I didn't join the FB group last time because I was working so much and then when I got put on bedrest, I was told I wasn't allowed to join because I waited too long, haha.&nbsp; It was like sorority time all over again.&nbsp; And seeing what happened already on here with FB I didn't even bother.

    That's true! I forgot they made Facebook groups already! I go back and forth on that. I love Facebook, but not sure if I want to do bump stuff on there.
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    I really dislike cartoon character themed nurseries. Like Winnie the Pooh, Snoopy, etc. (yes, "classic" Pooh is included). I think they're tacky and ugly, and pretty corny.

    I also dislike, and don't buy any for DD, character clothing. No Dora or Elmo or Disney Princess clothes for us. She knows the chracters and likes them, but toys will have to be good enough because the clothes are just awful.

    Totally agree!!&nbsp; Along with liking&nbsp;a simple home, I also love simple, comfy&nbsp;clothing.&nbsp; Layla wears a lot of gray, white, and black when I can find it.&nbsp; I wish they made more black for babies, haha.

    I also dislike super frilly, obnoxious dresses and monstrous headbands.&nbsp; It reminds me of pageant babies.&nbsp; I think she is cute enough to not need all that floof hiding her natural beauty:)&nbsp;

    OMG those headbands are HIDEOUS!!! When someone shows me a picture of their baby in them, I have to work really hard to pretend they're cute!! And the tragedy is that usually the baby is really adorable!!
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    I can't believe how quiet this BMB is. I didn't expect it to be this slow until August! 35 UOs. Wow.
    I agree. Though I wonder if we've lost a few w all the drama lately???

    This happened to my last BMB after the FB groups started.  It bums me out because I like having a busy anonymous board.  I didn't join the FB group last time because I was working so much and then when I got put on bedrest, I was told I wasn't allowed to join because I waited too long, haha.  It was like sorority time all over again.  And seeing what happened already on here with FB I didn't even bother.

    That's true! I forgot they made Facebook groups already! I go back and forth on that. I love Facebook, but not sure if I want to do bump stuff on there.

    I intended on joining but they did it so early and then there was the drama.  I am definitely a FB addict.  I felt more comfortable joining once I made my 12 weeks, and was out to the public.  I didn't even know there was a FB group until they kicked people out.


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

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    Also love the ftm proclamations of no tv for my kid! Ha just wait until you want to make dinner without a cling on

    I am always amused by the people who think it's impossible to raise a kid without TV.  During the long years of IF I had plenty of time to research and learned about the ill effects of TV on infant brains.  And when I was KU and said this everyone was like "Oh you just wait!  You'll see."  But they were wrong.  My kid never saw TV (or any kind of screened media) until after 24 months and even now is limited to learning apps on the iPad and no more than one 20-30 minute program on the TV.  Of course now everyone says "Oh but with TWO kids you just can't help but have the younger one see it when the older one is watching."  So I will have to listen to that BS for the next few years until I can tell all the same people they were wrong.  Again. 

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