Two Under 2

Waiting for labor

Hi ladies!  Since I am basically sitting here, begging my body to go into labor, wondering how it will be different from l & d with DD, I figured you ladies would be the best to tell me about your l & d differences between LO1 and LO2. 

DD turned 20 months this month and with her, at 39 wks 2 days, I started having contractions no further than 10 min apart that lasted 21 hours.  After those 21 hours, it turned to excrutiating back labor, with the contractions coming every 1-5 minutes, that lasted another 9 hrs...or that's when I got my epidural at least.  When I got to the hospital after about 3 hours of the back labor, I was 1 freaking cm dilated.  They wouldn't give me an epi or officially admit me til I was 3cm.  They did however, let me stay in a delivery room and ride out the contractions, seeing if I would progress.  After 6 long hours, my water broke and I was 3cm.  Epi immediately = heaven.  Another 8 hrs later and it was time to push.  I pushed for 56 minutes before DD was born.  If I remember correctly, I lost a big chunk of my mucus plug (clear) 5-7 days before labor started.  Once the bareable contractions started (early on in labor), I had bloody show. 

I am currently on day 2 of losing my clear mucus plug.  Having some contractions here and there.  Yesterday's doc appt revealed that I am 3cm dilated and 70% effaced.  I am obsessively looking for anything brown/pink/red everytime I go to the bathroom!     

Just looking for some hope maybe.....or maybe something that will not make me get my hopes up prematurely.  I am begging this LO to come out soon!!  Would love to hear your stories ladies! 


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Re: Waiting for labor

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    Not much of my experiences will be relevant to you. I will say, I had people telling me all day long, every pregnancy, that I would definitely not make it to my due date, that I would go early, that I was going to go any minute. I obsessed about the million contrax I had and packed my bags and told myself every night "this could be it!" It never happened!

    The sad truth is that if you buy into it, you will make yourself miserable. I went a week late with my first and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It was awful. Be prepared for it. Tell yourself that your due date is just a guess and you're probably not going to go into labor until a week afterwards. Then, anything earlier will be so thrilling and wonderful!

    Good luck to you! I hope you have a great labor and delivery! (and that I didn't totally crush you with my sad story above!) Just be patient and stay positive, don't let the waiting get you down.

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    I'm also waiting for baby #2. I have 9 days left! With my first DD i had my membranes swept on a Friday and went into labor Sunday and had her on Monday which was my due date....This time around I just had my membranes swept yesterday and have been having contractions on and off ever since as well as bloody discharge...Im hoping this works! I'd love to go before Thanksgiving so we can be home with the family and our new little one! Wishful thinking though! Good luck to you!
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    With ds1 i was overdue and had to be induced due to dips in his heartrate, shown on an NST. The labor and delivery was super fast at 4 hours with 45min of pushing and it got uncomfy for a while but the epi took care of that. With ds2 my water broke at home at 39weeks and total labor time was 7 hours, so longer than my first and I was counting on why everyone told me, that it would go quicker. Oh well! The labor was much more painful but thats because my epi didnt take fully. Only pushed for 10min though! Now afterwards, the recovery was LOADS better with my 2nd. Both physically and emotionally because I knew what to expect. You can just never know what will happen.
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    Thanks for the replies ladies!
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