November 2012 Moms

x post- gaining too much weight

Has anyone else been told that they have gained too much weight already? I am famished lately and sometimes even wake up in the night to eat. 
I have gained quite a bit (about 40 lbs and I am 32 weeks preg). She told me to cut out carbs.

Has this happened to anyone else? 

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: x post- gaining too much weight

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    My doctors told me that I need to watch my sugar. Which for me thats bread, cause of carbs. And also to eat more veggies. Ive gained 40 too and I'm 34 weeks.
    BabyName Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    It's definitely higher than what is recommended for women who start out at a normal weight. Take a good honest look at what you are eating, is it healthy most of the time? Are you eating for 2 literally? A pregnant woman only needs 200-300 additional calories a day then pre-pregnancy. Are you exercising? 
    That being said...some women simply gain more then others.  As long as you are doing the above, your body is going to gain what it needs to. Your comment about waking in the middle of the night to eat makes me question if you are eating enough protein in the evening (perhaps have a snack of toast and peanut butter before bed?). 

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    I've gained too much, but I've also had swollen feet, so some of the pounds are fluid retention. However, my doctor is pretty strict about weight so despite the fact I passed my glucose test at 24 weeks with flying colors, they're having me do it again just to be sure I'm not developing GD. I'm pretty frustrated about it though because the last time they weighed me was late in the afternoon right after I had a big lunch and my feet were swollen. I weighed myself the next morning and I was down over 5 pounds. In fact, I'm still not at the weight I was supposedly at 3 weeks ago at my last appointment. They harp on weight gain though and want me between 1800 and 2000 calories a day. I tried for 2 days and ended up SO hungry all the time. 2100 to 2300 calories is more realistic for me, so that's what I've been doing.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Yep.  I am up about 32 lbs and the doctor said to power walk more and watch the starchy carbs like breads and pastas.  I haven't been eating poorly, I just haven't been eating as much protein as I probably should.  I've upped in the last week or so and I think it has really helped to keep the cravings for starchy food at bay.
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    I had gained 30 lbs at my 30 week appointment. I also got the news that I have GD. I've been following the diet and exercising more but that was a rough day...
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    I am 5'8 and normally around 140 lbs.  With my last pregnancy I gained 52 lbs and I worried myself sick about it constantly.  I breastfed and tried to walk or jog when i had time and i had 90% of the weight off in the first three months and it took about three more to get the last few pounds off. I have already gained 42 lbs with this baby and I am trying to not worry about it.  I figure that chasing two under two will help me to loose whatever I gain this time!
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    My doctor will literally mention if I'm even a pound over my projected weight gain target for my appointments which I am thankful for because it has kept me from gaining anything excessive. I told her going into this I didn't want to get carried away and to harp on me if she wanted. Thankfully I am all belly and am only up 23 lbs but I have a very active job and my appetite has decreased so I am thinking this is a good thing. As long as you are not making excuses for yourself and you are listening to your body than whatever you are gaining is needed. 
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    I am right on target for weight gain, but I attribute that to excellent nutrition advice from my midwives! As a powerful mentioned, PROTEIN!!! I sometimes wake up hungry at night too. I keep a bag of homemade trail mix next to my bed. It's mostly nuts, with some raisins and pineapple yogurt bites thrown in. I used to have one that has craisins instead of yogurt bites. This way I don't go rummaging for the wrong thing at 2am. I try to eat a good snack in the evening and mid morning, a complex carb and protein combo. My favorites are an Apple and cheese or cheese melted on a triscuit. Even if you're eating healthily, it's important to eat the right things in the right combinations. It keeps your blood sugar stable and provides your LO with the proper nutrition while leaving some for you! Mommy's body needs nourishment too!
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    Personally, I think you're fine. People tend to emphasize "too much" weight gain based on a standard that does not fit everyone. As someone else mentioned, it could be edema (water retention) or any number of things. Some women gain 50-70 lbs and shed it soon after birth. My mother did. It also depends on when you are being weighed. At this point (32 weeks) I would be more concerned about putting a post-partum weightloss plan together and ensuring that you're eating as much as you need to satisfy yourself and little one.
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    What you're eating is much more important than the number on the scale, but it's not a bad idea to cut down on the carbs.  You may find you have much more energy, and hell, we all need that right about now, don't we.
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    I have been told twice I have and I am at 33 weeks with 31 pounds. I was told by one doctor this was great, and the one I have now doesnt agree. The first one was a malke and the one I have now is a female and probably weighs 90 pounds soaking wet.
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