
possible c- section

2 weeks ago I found out our daughter was breech.

Yesterday I find out she is transverse.

Does this mean she is on the move? And could possibly flip down by the end of August?

I've read a lot of boards about positive experience with c-sections and it gives me a little peace of mind, but being a FTM and not knowing what to expect with either kind of delivery I'm FREAKING out.

In the long run all I care about is her coming into this world safely- whether she is delivered vaginally or via c-section.

Just wanted to see if anyone else had any experience with this.

Thank you! 

Re: possible c- section

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    If you have until the end of August, that is plenty of time for her to finish flipping.
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    DS moved head down sometime in August and was born at the end of August. I ended up with a c-section for other reasons.

    At this point, you should probably read up on giving birth if you haven't. (You said you don't know what to expect with either kind.) Also read up on post-delivery stuff soon - it will be hard to read about that when you're exhausted and have a newborn to care for.

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    Lots of time to move.  She may be flipping on her own.  Have you discussed the possibility of external cephalic version with your OB?

    DD was breech and stubborn.  We tried ECV at 39 weeks, but neither she nor I tolerated the epidural well, so I ended up having an emergency c-section.  I was just happy to have a healthy baby.  Recovery was easier than I was expecting.

    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
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    Check out spinningbabies.com.  Your baby still has plenty of time to flip, and the website might be helpful to you to try to encourage your LO to flip.

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    If you have until the end of August, that is plenty of time for her to finish flipping.

    This.  I hope she moves for you! :-) 

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    She could definitely flip!  My baby is likely head up but my doctor said she'll probably move again before my scheduled c/s date.

    Rest assured though, that if you need a c/s, they're not as bad as people make them out to be!  There are great and bad deliveries no matter how they happen.  I've had two great c/s with fast recoveries and am happily signed up for #3! 

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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    If you have until the end of August, that is plenty of time for her to finish flipping.

    This! Do some research (like spinningbabies.com) on how to encourage it.


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    DS was breech and my OB said I most likely need a c/s. I was devastated and terrified. I tried a version. I suggest you DON'T even bother. Not a high success rate and very painful. The c/s ended up being nothing. Soooo easy. The worst part for me was the IV bc they had to try 3 times bc my veins collapsed bc of nerves and not a lot of water. I downloaded spa music onto my iPod and listened to that the whole time until the baby was out and crying. I'll be getting another one next baby bc my medical group doesn't practice vbacs. I'm not sweating it. I just don't like picking my child's bday! 

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