Cincinnati Babies

Can anyone give me a rec.?

Hey everyone,


I am a FTM in the Dayton/Cincinnati area (closer to Dayton). I'm really unhappy with my OB/GYN. They scheduled the first appointment for 7 weeks and said they would only do blood work and a pap. They said they will not do an ultrasound until 20 weeks, and I'm not even meeting with doctor until 11 weeks -- a nurse practitioner is doing my first exam.

I don't know if this is normal or not. It seems like 20 weeks is really, really late to do a first ultrasound. I am completely terrified of something happening to the baby. So many people have babies who just stop growing and I don't want to go on half my pregnancy without knowing that something is wrong.

So, can anyone give me a recommendation for a good OB/GYN who will listen to my concerns (and actually meet with me), and do an ultrasound earlier than that?

I really wanted to delivery at Miami Valley hospital since they have a natural birth center inside the hospital, but I'm not married to that idea.



Re: Can anyone give me a rec.?

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    I'm a FTM as well and while I can't help you with the OB recs, I can help to reassure you that your first visit is what I had for my first visit as well. One thing though, I didn't get a breast exam (like you usually do with your yearly) and I wish I would've realized that at the time. They found a lump the year before, but since I didn't get an exam this time around, I felt like my exam was incomplete.

    I got an ultra sound at 9 wks for dating purposes. I couldn't remember when my last period was exactly, but I knew it was a weird one, so they had to do an ultra sound to figure out when I was due. Then i got one at 20 wks. (I'm 23 now). 20 weeks is the standard and unless medically necessary, insurance won't cover one before then. 20 wks is when you should find out the sex, that's why they won't do one before then, because things jsut aren't typically as clear before then. You WILL get to hear the heartbeat at every appt though and that is very fun! While I couldn't feel my baby until just before 18 wks, I could hear hear kick the heart monitor, lol.

    My first appt. I had to meet with the CNM (Certified Nurse Mid-Wife) first and in my practice, you have to meet with everyone because they rotate who's on call and you don't want some strange Dr. in the room when it comes time. Knowing that's how it's done anymore is why I picked a small practice, 2 OB's and 1 CNW and it's really been great. I have seen practices where they have 9 different OB's and I didn't want that, I wanted to feel like they wuld know me on site and I didn't want jsut a 1 OB practice because what if I'm not the only one giving birth?

    Welcome to The Bump, and check out other boards for questions. I don't have support from my family, so this board has been great for me and everyone is super eager to pass on their experiences and what they've learned. But don't forget to check back here as well, we need our local support too!

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    I also would like to reassure you that the process you have outlined is perfectly normal. My first appointment was at 8 weeks, it was just blood work and a pap. My ultrasound was the typical anatomy scan at 20 weeks. They will listen for a heartbeat at around 12 weeks and will do that each and every time you go from then on. Now if you opt to have some of the genetic testing and such, you will have an ultrasound a little sooner at around 16 weeks and they will look for markers for down syndrome, I opted not to do this as it would not change the outcome for me. Just try to relax and know that chances are everything is fine, I know that can be easier said than done, especially for a first time mom.
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    Thanks, ladies. I actually do feel better knowing that it's pretty standard.

    I just keep freaking out because what if it's an ectopic pregnancy or the baby just stops growing, or anything else and I just keep thinking of all the things that could go wrong. I'm pretty sure my husband thinks I've turned into a complete lunatic.

    It's going to be a long 9 months, lol.

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    If you are near the Centerville area at all I HIGHLY recommend Contemporary OB/GYN.  I have seen all but one of their doctors and they have all been fantastic!  They have a great nurse available to field phone calls and have seen me quickly when my morning sickness got out of hand.  The Centerville practice is also just down the hall from where ultrasounds are conducted which is really convenient.  They deliver at Southview though not Miami Valley.  GL! 
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    I delivered at Miami Valley in the Family Beginings and it was great.  I used Dr Horlacher, Dr Wood, and Dr Kidd (I love this practice!).  Dr Guy is also great and works with mid-wives if you like that. 

    You will have an ultrasound at 13 weeks for testing,  Then another one at 20 weeks and find out the gender if you want.  I met with the nurse practitionor (sp?) first, you actually meet with her throughout the pregnancy as well as the doctors.  I don't think that they meet with you until 10 weeks though.  Their office is at Miami Valley, but they have offices at MV south as well, which was closer to my house.  But they are wonderful!

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    I delivered at Miami Valley in the Family Beginings and it was great.  I used Dr Horlacher, Dr Wood, and Dr Kidd (I love this practice!).  Dr Guy is also great and works with mid-wives if you like that. 

    You will have an ultrasound at 13 weeks for testing,  Then another one at 20 weeks and find out the gender if you want.  I met with the nurse practitionor (sp?) first, you actually meet with her throughout the pregnancy as well as the doctors.  I don't think that they meet with you until 10 weeks though.  Their office is at Miami Valley, but they have offices at MV south as well, which was closer to my house.  But they are wonderful!

     I second this post.  We went to Drs. Horlacher, Wood and Kidd and Family Beginnings at Miami Valley Hospital.  Good practise and respectful of the patient's needs, concerns, desires, etc.

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    I delivered at Miami Valley in the Family Beginings and it was great.  I used Dr Horlacher, Dr Wood, and Dr Kidd (I love this practice!).  Dr Guy is also great and works with mid-wives if you like that. 

    You will have an ultrasound at 13 weeks for testing,  Then another one at 20 weeks and find out the gender if you want.  I met with the nurse practitionor (sp?) first, you actually meet with her throughout the pregnancy as well as the doctors.  I don't think that they meet with you until 10 weeks though.  Their office is at Miami Valley, but they have offices at MV south as well, which was closer to my house.  But they are wonderful!


    This. I went to Dr. Horlacher/Wood with my first, then switched to Dr. Guy and the midwives for my second, who is due in August. I would recommend either practice, but know that only midwives deliver for Dr. Guy/Dr. Crouch unless something comes up that needs a doctor's intervention. Dr. Guy actually delivered my first because he was on call at the hospital (he was the on-call person for Dr. Horlacher/Wood before they added Dr. Kidd, I believe)

     If you have any more questions, let me know! :)

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    What you are describing is perfectly normal! Part of the reason that many OB's/midwives dont see you before 11 weeks is because up until that point there isnt much they can do. Sometimes they will see you at like 8wks to confirm the pregnancy via blood work or a pee test but other than that there isnt much that can be done. Around 11 weeks is a general time to see you for the first time b/c occasionally they can find the heartbeat for the first time (not always- its common to not be able to find it till close to 13 weeks). Also, most insurance companies dont want to cover multiple ultrasounds which is why they dont do many unless they need to because of a concern (like you've had multiple losses or have uterine issues or cervical issues) or to date your pregnancy if you have NO idea about dates.

    The 20 week anatomy scan is typically the only one covered by insurance and trust me- having earlier ultrasounds really cant catch or do much for you as far as if your baby has any medical issues. My son was actually one of those babies that "just quit growing" and had we found out before 20 weeks there wasnt really anything they would have done differently. My son had SEVERE IUGR and even with severe IUGR he was only 2 weeks behind at the 20 week anatomy scan, it was the month following that scan that he started to really fall behind and I was eventually put on strict hospital bedrest at 27 weeks for the remainder of my pregnancy. As for other issues (heart, lung, chromosomal things like Downs, etc.) knowing before 20 weeks doesnt really change treatment protocols unless you are considering abortion which it doesnt seem like you are.

    I think it IS really important to feel comfortable with your provider and in my experience midwives provide more holistic care as far as they arent just looking at the medical/physical aspect of pregnancy they try and monitor your biological/physical, psychological/emotional and social/familial aspects too which was really important for me (plus I wanted med-free deliveries which they had more experience with!) If you are really concerned you could make an earlier appointment, I just wouldnt expect much to happen at that appointment. I know its hard to wait especially when you are SO excited about the pregnancy but its definitely worth waiting until 20 weeks- by 20 weeks there is a SURPRISING amount of detail in the ultrasound vs. 8wks where it looks kinda like a baby but other than a vague outline you cant see much. HTH! 

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