2nd Trimester


I have been fortunate enough to totally evade morning sickness, but I have been plagued with headaches all day every day for a good three weeks now. I know I can take acetaminophen, but I really don't want to be taking it all the time. I've tried heat and it doesn't do much, cold makes it worse. It's usually in the back of my neck where my neck meets the bottom of my head and spreads from there in a tension headache way. 


Does anyone have any recommendations? Pain relief without meds? My OB basically told me tough cookies. 

Re: Headaches?

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    Relax, warm bathes, if you cut out a lot of caffeine a little caffiene could help, sleep. 

    I have been having bad headaches as well. Tylenol does nothing.. it sucks!  

    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    I had my first migraine in two years, hand went numb and blurred vision. Prior to that I have had an annoying headache 3 to 4 times a week. On Monday I am going to look into seeing a chiropractor.  I hope an adjustment might help.
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    I was actually hospitalized a few weeks ago for two nights due to dehydration and an incontractible migraine.  I was dehydrated and LO started having lower fetal heart tones.  I was given demerol, nausea meds and lots and lots of fluid.

    I was prescribed Fioricet before that migraine due to daily headaches... it did not help though. Currently I have headaches daily and migraines lasting over 24 hours twice a week. I have seen the high risk dr. and am going to see a neurologist that has worked with pregnant women on Monday.... 

    My advice is if it is really bothering you, let the OB know.  I was in with the same complaint 3x and then wound up hospitalized. Caffeine helps occasionally, ice seems to help as well as laying in a dark room.   Otherwise it is pretty miserable and I feel your pain... literally.

    TTC since 05/10

    Dx: PCOS,Hypothyroidism, Endometriosis, elevated prolactin

    Surgery: Laproscopy 12/15/11 to remove Endo, 8/12/11 to remove 7cm cyst and cauterize 4cm cyst

    April 2011 - Clomid 50 mg round 3 - O'd CD 18 BFP 5/2 C/P 5/10

    RE Consult 06/02/11, Sonohystogram - clear, DH SA - great! HSG all Clear.

    Meet up with RE for plan of attack 10/25: 2 natural rounds and then onto clomid

    CD 21 BW shows poor ovulation, November 2011 Clomid 50 mg round 4 - BFP on 11/30 Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    There are headaches that are cervico-genic meaning from the neck.  If that is the kind of headache it may respond to physical therapy.
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    Peppermint oil has really helped my headaches!

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