LGBT Parenting


What's up this week?

My self-serving QOTD: What are your top 3 parenting books?  ETA:  I know this has been asked before, but I didn't write them down!!


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    ATP: Ky starts a new sitter on Monday and I am super nervous. She is home all of this week with our friend K so that is a nice break: I get to sleep in and my car gets a driving break...

    TTC: Still 2ww even though DW took a test already which was negative (big surprise since it is too early).

    QOTD: I am going to admit I have never read any parenting books. I read some early childhood development books in college (I have an ECE degree) but other than that nothing.

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    TTC- I used a OPT yesterday and got the 2 pink lines :) tested again this morning and 2pink likes again. So today is the big day! This will be my 1st time, i feel excited and nervous at the same time.

    QOTD- The only book i have read is The Lesbian Parenting Book second edition, this was about 2 yrs ago. I think i have to reread it again. But will like to see what you  ladies have read so i can start my reading.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker It's a Girl!! BabyFruit Ticker
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    ATP: Ky starts a new sitter on Monday and I am super nervous. She is home all of this week with our friend K so that is a nice break: I get to sleep in and my car gets a driving break...

    TTC: Still 2ww even though DW took a test already which was negative (big surprise since it is too early).

    QOTD: I am going to admit I have never read any parenting books. I read some early childhood development books in college (I have an ECE degree) but other than that nothing.



    What test did you use? We used First Response and got a positive 6 days before missed period. The 2nd pink line was very light but you could tell it was there. Good Luck!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker It's a Girl!! BabyFruit Ticker
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    ATP: Things are pretty status quo. The boys are saving their money (damn generous grandparents) to buy a Nintendo 3DS. It is all they can talk about and they want to count their money every day. But it is teaching them a good lesson about money and saving.

    QOTD: We didn't read much in the beginning. We both had a good deal of infant experience and with the two of them (and their hatred of sleeping) we didn't read much at all. Once we needed to get into the realm of behavior modification, we liked the Love and Logic books (L is much better about implementing it than I am) I read a ton of sleep books when we were in the throws of sleep deprivation (I mean sleep training.) We ended up doing the Sleep Lady Method (Good Night, Sleep Tight) to finally get them to fall asleep in their own bed.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    PCP: Things are pretty much the same here.  KD got his sperm analysis and it's good enough that we're going to go for it.  Hopefully seeing them in two weeks to iron out more of the details.

     QOTD: I nannied for several years, and from that experience my favorite infant book is "The Happiest Baby on the Block".  Looking forward to reading some parenting books, as I'm such a book nerd. 

    Same sex couple TTC with donor sperm.  I am 35 and carrying.  Endometriosis and DOR.
    AMH 0.5, AFC 5-8, FSH 7ish

    IVF #1 - antagonist.  Empty follicle syndrome.  1 retrieved, 0 fertilized.
    IVF #2 - antagonist.  Ovulated early.  3 retrieved, 2 fertilized, 0 blasts
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    This week: I'm nervous because M has a fibroid in her uterus and we have to go for an extra ultrasound next week to see how big it has gotten.  The doc didn't seem worried beyond the extra test...but we have no idea what the impact of this could be (other than the worst case scenario: it has gotten too big and we'll have to induce our little boy early because there's no room for him, at some point).  Trying to relax knowing there's nothing we can do right now and he's perfectly fine for now.  At least we get to see him an extra time:)


    Parenting book: I am in love with the book Superbaby by Dr. Jen Berman.  I read the library copy from cover to cover and then bought it so we could refer to it once baby arrives.  It has made me feel more confident about this journey we're on:)


     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    No PCP/TTC updates but I just wanted to say I miss the bump and grad school is trying to kill me!!!!
    We had three BFN in the Fall of 2011. It is back on to some baby making come June. Swim little fellas, SWIM!!!!
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    Tomorrow we go for u/s to learn whether my ovaries are friends with Femara.  
    TTC with PCOS since July 2011.
    IVF Oct/Nov 2012
    Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 190, Beta #3 = 1044
    Cautiously optimistic.
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    QOTD: I haven't read any parenting books thoroughly, so I don't have any recs. I did, however, find the November thread where I asked the same question (yay Go.ogle!). I was happy to find it since I didn't write them down, either. Here's the thread. 

    -- I need to find a good system for capturing all the little things the kids do. Memories are starting to fade, and that makes me so sad.
    -- I think we might have hit a little patch of night terrors with Peanut. I haven't googled yet to see what "night terrors" actually are, but she's been waking up screaming and freaked out the last few nights. Last night S brought her in to our room to sleep with us. She spent most of the night with S (her favorite mom), but when S got up she came and snuggled with me. When it was time for me to get up, I tried to slip my arm out from under her head (she was sleeping), and she said "NO, Mommy!" and grabbed my arm (half asleep). So.sweet!
    -- We really have to start  PTing soon. Little Man is *obsessed* with seeing his/his sister's poop. Every time we take off a poopy diaper, he says "see it! see it!" until we show him. A boy after my wife's heart, I'm afraid (she is much too interested in all things poop, too! lol).

    TTC: Ha! Made you look! Wink

    married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
    IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
    Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
    finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
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    Sigh.  2ww.  This cycle is messing with my head.  Temps are still crazy high for me and I know I don't have a fever, am not really sick anymore, have been sleeping normally etc.  It could be the trigger or it could be just a weird cycle -- none of mine really look the same as the others -- but of course it makes me hopeful.  I have not had any phantom symptoms since Cycle 1 (ah, innocent Cycle 1) when I read that pretty much all pregnancy symptoms occur AFTER 4w when I would already know I was pregnant (if your experience contradicts this, please don't tell me!)...but this cycle I have been overanalyzing every move my body makes.  Heartburn?  Of COURSE you're pregnant!!  It's 5 DPO, people.  It's way too effing early.  I know better than this.

    Parenting books -- I got nothin'.  But you can be sure I'm writing down all your suggestions, because I love nothing more than excessive research.  That is not sarcasm.

    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    TTC: Looks like AF will be here any time now, so we'll start our third FET. Not holding out much hope for our four remaining embies in the deep freeze after our convo with the doc, but hey, who knows! 
    IUI #1 (50 mg clomid and ovidrel) - BFN
    IUI #2 (100 mg clomid and HCG trigger) - BFN
    IUI #3 (Gonal-f and HCG trigger) - BFN
    IVF #1 - 21 retrieved, 20 mature, 15 fertilized (ICSI), 2 d5 blasts transferred, 8 frozen - c/p
    FET #1 - BFFN
    FET #2 - BFN? c/p? Either way no baby
    FET #3 - No shock...BFN
    FET #4 - BFN :-(
    Surgery and TTC cancelled - pursuing surrogacy
    7/31/12 Surrogate got a +HPT!!!! BabyFruit Ticker
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    Parenting books -- I got nothin'.  But you can be sure I'm writing down all your suggestions, because I love nothing more than excessive research.  That is not sarcasm.

     Hah!  Me too, I'm glad I'm not the only one.  

    Same sex couple TTC with donor sperm.  I am 35 and carrying.  Endometriosis and DOR.
    AMH 0.5, AFC 5-8, FSH 7ish

    IVF #1 - antagonist.  Empty follicle syndrome.  1 retrieved, 0 fertilized.
    IVF #2 - antagonist.  Ovulated early.  3 retrieved, 2 fertilized, 0 blasts
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    ATP: Status quo.  Sprout was doing really well but I can tell he had a rough day at school yesterday.  On top of it, we told the kids about Nana last night so all in all I"m guessing a not very good day today.  Daisy has started hitting (oh how I do not at all love this age range) and I wish she could learn a few words to help ease her communication fustrations. She hasn't taken to signing either which is hard...and honestly a little concerning.  But she does give the world's best stuggles and baby hugs.  And Rosebud has been the same old sugar and spice she always is. 

    We are trying to figure out how to manage them through the memorial service/reception/dinner.  Of course its all at prime nap time and it will be formal and emotionally charged.  Not to mention all the other family obligations we will have over the next few days. Basically a whole lot of nightmare for 3 young children....oy.

    In other news, our back up plan for the baby that might or might not be currently growing in BM is kinda falling apart. Which is making DW think more seriously about saying yes to the babe...we'll see how that all pans out.

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    Oh, and QOTD - my favorite topic Wink

    I've read a sh!t-ton of parenting books and my top 3 are:

    1) Love, Lessons and Limits 

    2) Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood

    3) Unconditional Parenting  (though this one is less like a parenting manual and more theoretical)

    The other one I used to recommend when i was facilitaing parenting classes was 1-2-3 Magic, but I dont any more and dont use it myself because, frankly, my expectation is for my children to listen to me the first time - not the 3rd.  But, if a parent is really struggling on setting boundaries and making a child listen to their words, its a decent starting place.

    Also, while we are on the topic, I love the webinars offered by Love and Logic (here) since, hello, I am too busy actually parenting the 3 children I have to read books on making sure i'm doing it correctly ;)

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    Also, while we are on the topic, I love the webinars offered by Love and Logic (here) since, hello, I am too busy actually parenting the 3 children I have to read books on making sure i'm doing it correctly ;)
    Oooh! Thanks for the webinar link! I have been wanting to read the book for forever, but seriously, who has the time? (And yeah, I'll admit that after the kids go to bed I want to RELAX, not use my brain. Stick out tongue)
    married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
    IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
    Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
    finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
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    PCP: Status quo, including discussions of career and savings plans.

    QOTD: In addition to those mentioned in the last thread, I enjoyed Nurture Shock, by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman and I'm looking forward to reading Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman.

    Met 07/07/05, Wedding 07/07/07, Legal Marriage Ceremony 12/9/12, Baby Boy Born 08/09/13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    In other news, our back up plan for the baby that might or might not be currently growing in BM is kinda falling apart. Which is making DW think more seriously about saying yes to the babe...we'll see how that all pans out.

    What?!? How did I miss this? Is it wrong that I am now hoping that she is pregnant and that you take the baby, because she makes beautiful babies and you make amazing children! 

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