Georgia Babies

We're here!

Got tp Atlanta on Tuesday after a pretty wild trip from Israel.  We flew Continental from Tel Aviv to Newark and was supposed to fly from Newark to Atlanta, but the airline lost the dog's water bottle and there was actual pieces of garbage in her crate when we landed (like someone through in pieces of plastic/paper in her crate)!  She was dehydrated and miserable, so instead we rented an SUV and roadtripped the rest of the way.  It was actually quite a great road trip with our little family.

Since then we've bought 2 cars, had my first OB appt here, rented a beautiful townhouse in the Berkeley Lake area, bought a few pieces of furniture and are moving in tomorrow!  It has been a stressful, fast paced week, but I'm home finally!

Looking forward to having an Atlanta GTG with you ladies.

Our sweet little guy
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