Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

62 days later - D&C possible afterall

XP from TTACL:

Just had my dr. appt to discuss my "persistant vag. bleeding after m/c on 8/30" (as it read on my u/s form).  I have to go back and have a belly u/s in an hour.  Next week I get to find out the course of action she wants to take but it sounds like it is either going to be another round of misoprostol (orally with all of the fun side effects) or a D&C (and what I read in her face to me most probable).  She wants to go the least invasive way at this point, but only the u/s will tell that. 

 I WANT THIS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am barely keeping it together at work right now.  This is not fair.

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Re: 62 days later - D&C possible afterall

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    I am so sorry you are continuing to deal with this.  You have been so helpful to me in this process and I wish for you to be able to move on and focus on the future.  (((Hugs)))  This isn't fair :(
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    I am really sorry.  I think being a mother is something that a lot of us would like to be able to achieve, and it is just harder to get there for some of us.  I am thinking even after my BFP that I am having a chemical pregnancy now.  It is a longer road. 
    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010. Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12. Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
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    I am so so sorry you have to go through this. You seem like such a wonderful, caring person and you really don't deserve it at all. If it makes you feel any better, the D&C wasn't bad at all and I think it really provided some closure/ending to it for me. Hope your ultrasound goes well and you don't have to do any of this. Hang in there. ((Hugs))
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    I am so sorry you have to deal with this.  That would be awful.  My bleeding lasted for three weeks, which I thought was awful.  I had a d&c after my delivery, it wasn't too bad, a lot easier than the labor.
    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
    April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
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    Oh Jeffrae, I'm so sorry.  I had stupid AF/spotting for almost two months after miso before I got a true AF.  I hope the u/s can give you answers about what's going on in your body.  You're right...this is not fair at all and I hope it's over for you soon. ((( BIG HUGS )))


    TTC #1 w/ endo since Sept 2005. After many losses, a lap, tons of meds and tons of testing and, one failed IVF cycle, we were blown away with a surprise, sticky BFP...it's a girl!!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I am so very sorry you are dealing with this right now. The waiting and wanting everything to get back to normal is so hard, let alone it being so prolonged even one more day. Then having to go about your daily business (like work) like everything is fine is so very difficult.  Hopefully everything will fall into place for you soon. HUGS

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    Thank you all for your kind words....it has helped me on this emotional day.
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    I am so sorry.  You have been such a great support for all of us women.  now its our turn and i know in my heart that everything is going to turn out great for u.  you are in my prayers and it is def not fair. 
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