December 2010 Moms

::OilyO:: (regarding Newborn Napper transition)

We bit the bullet this weekend and put L in her crib on Friday night. It was a little rough... she woke up crying 3 or 4 times during the night and we went upstairs to find her in some awkward position in the crib (which is what woke her up, I imagine). 

We decided to keep being persistent and put her in again on Saturday night. She woke up once because of a loud noise (the dog knocked something over), but other than that, she slept the whole night through. Yesterday, we packed up the pack and play. Last night, she slept the whole night through... no stirring. I think it was harder on me than it was on her, and she's now sleeping in there like a champ. We do have a crib wedge (which I think makes it feel a little more homey). But all in all it's been a good experience and I feel a lot better with her in a safer place. I was always worried about her smothering on the plush stuff in the napper. Hope this helps! I'd say just go for it! : ))  

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Re: ::OilyO:: (regarding Newborn Napper transition)

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