
8--10 Hours without pumping or breastfeeding?

I will be out of work for leave for 6-7 weeks. I am a teacher that commutes 1 hour away.
I leave home at 6:15 and return about 4:15. I will only have about 3 1/2 weeks of the school year remaining when I return back to work.
I will not pump at school. Our classrooms do not lock, and our bathrooms do not have outlets. I know what federal law says and blah blah so save it. It's not an option for me.
I want to pump and nurse at home as much as my body will allow during my leave and anytime I am at home after I return for the few weeks.
I can even wake up at night to pump when baby is still sleeping if needed. (kind of like a reverse to those that say the pump or nurse often during the day but sleep 8-10 hours at night)
I'm worried about losing my milk supply during these 3 1/2 weeks and not being about to nurse during the summer months when I will be home with her.
Has anyone tried to go this long during a day without pumping or nursing and still been able to produce enough for their baby?
Also, FMLA will not apply to me teacher, and I have not been employed with the state 12 months. So. 6-7 weeks is maximum.

Re: 8--10 Hours without pumping or breastfeeding?

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    Can you pump in your car durinig a break? This long w/o pumping or nursing is going to put a serious dent in your supply.

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    I don't think that would work. Even a couple days of that schedule would hurt your supply, a few weeks might knock it out.
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    Nope, won't work.
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    Nope- that won't do.

    you are 1. going to be in pain and 2. your supply is going to take a major hit.

    Gotta find some way to make that work.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    you dont need an outlet, you can get a battery pack for the pump.  Car is a great option too.  You are not the only teacher at that school that ever BF, talk to other teachers and see what they did.   If rooms don't lock, you can get a privacy cover and pump under it.
    imageNicole Hanna 11-23-2010
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    I am in pain after 6 hours of not pumping/nursing.  There is no way I could go 8 or more hours due to the pain.  Plus, I leak like crazy starting at around 6 hours.

    Ditto pp re a battery pack for the pump.  Another option is a hand pump.  In dire situations I have quickly used a hand pump for 5 minutes in a bathroom to get some relief.  So, you could take a few 5 minute breaks during the day with a hand pump.  Then you could pump in your car on your way to and from work.  The car adapter has been a life saver for me!  Not ideal, but it would only be for a few weeks. 

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    You could do maybe 6 hours once you hit 12 weeks or so but there is absolutely no way you could go that long early on.

    You'd be so susceptible to mastitis by doing it, I am wincing thinking of the pain you'll be in. You'll end up in the hospital with an infection before the week is out.

    I'm a big formula hater but I'd encourage you to look that route if you're not willing to find a way to pump at least once at work. I agree with PP's that you can pump in your car no problem or use a cover in your classroom. I know there are women that even go out to their cars to pump during their lunch break. The cover is a good idea too, you can tell someone to get out without them seeing anything. That's always an option.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Definitely won't work. I did this just a few times just because of being exhausted and sleeping without pumping and my supply tanked so I am trying to get it back right now. Not only that but I was so engorged and they were so rock hard and I was in so much pain that even after pumping it took a good long time for the pain to go away.

    ETA: Pump in your car with a cover if you need or, if you can, talk to the principal to figure out someplace for you to pump such as using a counselors office while they are on lunch? I would definitely look for any options other then not pumping.

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    I can't even go that long asleep without being in pain. You gotta figure out a way to pump, period.
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    WHen I went back to teaching and LO was 4 months, I would feed him at 7am and again at 4pm.  So it worked for me.
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    I can't even go that long asleep without being in pain. You gotta figure out a way to pump, period.

    yep.  The few times my daughter has slept 8 hours, I have woken up before her in pain and had to express milk for some relief.  I can't imagine going that long during the day when my supply is stronger and having to perform at work as well. 

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    WHen I went back to teaching and LO was 4 months, I would feed him at 7am and again at 4pm.  So it worked for me.

    There is a world of difference between 2 and 4 months.

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    It will most likely be impossible.  I am also a teacher and have had to make it work.  Some of my pumping sessions are only 10-15 minutes, but I use all my alone time to make it work.  Can you pump while your kids are at art, music, gym, lunch?  My room locks, but I also put a shade over my window so people know not to attempt to come in.  The kids don't know what I'm doing, but they know that is a sign to wait a minute.  You can get a hands free bra so you can grade papers while you pump.  If I need to pump quietly I can stick my pump in my desk and it muffles the sound (I have a freestyle).  Good luck.

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    well, i have a different opinion. my LO is 2 months and i've been going from probably 12/12:30am to 8 or 9 for probably 2 weeks now without nursing or pumping and I've been fine. no decreased supply, no pain, no engorgement. I feed her on one side first thing and then pump the other (I just pumped 5oz out of the one side this morning) and I'm not taking any supplements to help my supply.

    if you pump overnight to mimic what the rest of us do during the day, that might work but holy cow - how are you going to function during the day waking up every 2-3 hours at night to pump?

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