3rd Trimester

*Vent* I hate pregnant skinny girls

I know the title sounds awful. But man, I feel like a beached whale sometimes standing next to my skinny pregnant friend. She was size 1 when she got pregnant (me a 12, not super overweight and not "unhealthy" skinny). I am gaining weight everywhere and so far she is only gaining in her stomach area. She is a month behind me and is still weaing her pre baby jeans. I have been in maternity jeans for the past 3 months. Drives me nuts. Just had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening.
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Re: *Vent* I hate pregnant skinny girls

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    I don't blame you. While I am plus sized I have only gained in my belly thankfully but I am not a skinny person and I understand what you're saying.
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    I think I posted something about this last week.  I was a size 12 when I got pregnant, and now I've gained weight EVERYWHERE!  I have a friend who was a 0.  She got awesome boobs, and has this cute little belly.  So unfair!
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    Being 28w and still fitting into your pre-preg size 1 jeans sounds pretty unhealthy to me! I'd just be happy knowing you're nourishing your baby. 
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    Being 28w and still fitting into your pre-preg size 1 jeans sounds pretty unhealthy to me! I'd just be happy knowing you're nourishing your baby. 

    This!  You sound like the "normal" healthy one not your friend.  But I agree it's hard not to compare yourself to others.


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    Eh, blame it on the body type not the size. I was a 0-2 pre-pregnancy with both boys and I blow up EVERYWHERE too both times. I am basically unrecognizable and round (as mentioned by a co-worker today).  I agree with whoever said that being able to fit into your size 1 jeans when in 3rd tri is not something to be proud of, IMO. 
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    I just focus on how awesome it's going to feel to lose all this weight once LO arrives.  As I eat leftover baby shower cake for breakfast and watch all the joggers running through the park across the street.  ;)
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    Everyone is different.  I was a size 1 before and after DD but during my pregnancy with her I gained weight in places I never even thought about.  I currently have a double chin and back fat and I've only gained 23 lbs so far, I just carry it in other places than just my belly.  Everyone has their insecurities but don't compare yourself during pregnancy (or ever for that matter)..my friend is due 2 days after me and all she does is compare us and it drives me crazy, she insists she is bigger than me but I have no problem looking in the mirror and noticing every little thing about myself that has changed.
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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.
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    Don't worry about it.  Really.

    Some people are just naturally thin.  I have two girlfriends who were pregnant with me who both have a VERY hard time putting on weight. Because of that, they ate their faces off and still gained very little weight.  Lucky duckies I guess!

    I was pretty thin (size 4/6) before TTC.  But IF drugs, stress, two back-to-back bed rest pregnancies, P17 shots, etc. etc has caused me to gain a lot of weight over the past 3 years.  BUT.  I am 3 months pp and down 47 pounds already (7 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight with my son).  I still have a long way to go to get back into my size 4 jeans, but it will happen.  And you will lose the weight too.  Enjoy your pregnancy, embrace your body for what it is, and don't compare yourself to others.  I'm sure you look great!

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    As a skinny pregnant woman, I could tell you that even skinny pregnant women feel horrible about our bodies.  I too have only gained a belly and no where else, but there are days when I feel disproportionate, unattractive or like I look like I'm smuggling a large pumpkin under my shirt.  I don't think women of any size feel good about our appearance during pregnancy. 

    I'd like to add that it may or may not be unhealthy. Don't assume that a woman is healthy or unhealthy because of how much/little weight she gains or how she carries it.  We are all different and our bodies, like our pregnancies, are different. 


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    As a skinny pregnant woman, I could tell you that even skinny pregnant women feel horrible about our bodies.  I too have only gained a belly and no where else, but there are days when I feel disproportionate, unattractive or like I look like I'm smuggling a large pumpkin under my shirt.  I don't think women of any size feel good about our appearance during pregnancy. 

    I'd like to add that it may or may not be unhealthy. Don't assume that a woman is healthy or unhealthy because of how much/little weight she gains or how she carries it.  We are all different and our bodies, like our pregnancies, are different. 

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    Alright, you haters (kidding!). I was a size 3 pre-preg and have only gained any real weight in the belly (and my hips have widened substantially). I am extremely small framed, and let me tell you, this is killer! I can't help but think that if I'd had a broader frame or a little more girth, that I would have been able to adjust slightly better to this melon on my front. As it is, my frame is nearly crumbling as it tries to adjust. I'm a wreck. Does that make you feel any better? :-P
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    As a skinny pregnant woman, I could tell you that even skinny pregnant women feel horrible about our bodies.  I too have only gained a belly and no where else, but there are days when I feel disproportionate, unattractive or like I look like I'm smuggling a large pumpkin under my shirt.  I don't think women of any size feel good about our appearance during pregnancy. 

    I'd like to add that it may or may not be unhealthy. Don't assume that a woman is healthy or unhealthy because of how much/little weight she gains or how she carries it.  We are all different and our bodies, like our pregnancies, are different. 

    This.  Being pregnant is a struggle no matter what your body type is.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    WTF. Who are you to judge. Being so-called overweight is not that big of an issue. Everyone makes there own choices.

    Why don't you just STFU!

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    WTF. Who are you to judge. Being so-called overweight is not that big of an issue. Everyone makes there own choices.

    Why don't you just STFU!

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused

    Chelsea; 7/22/2005 Carissa; 4/9/2011 Cassidy; 9/6/2012
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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

     This was really mean and incredibly hurtful.

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    There are downfalls to being the skinny pregnant lady. When I got pregnant I was a loose size 0. Its been a PITA finding maternity clothes that fit me. I had to find XS and XXS (near IMPOSSIBLE). NO maternity jeans will fit me. Even the very smallest size swim around my legs. Now that Im 9 months, the maternity shirts I DO have that fit me perfectly, are exposing a nice amount of bump at the bottom. It sucks. Seriously. I had to make my own damned maternity jeans just to have something that wasnt leggings or yoga pants.

    So hate on us if you will but its not all sunshine and giggles.

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    I know what you mean, my sister is due 6 weeks after me, and was very petite when she got pregnant.  I have never been petite, and was a little overweight from where I would have wanted to be when I got pregnant.  So, while I am measuring exactly where I should be for 33 weeks, I feel so huge when I am around her as she is barely even showing at all.

    However, we all carry different and she is actually jealous of me because she wishes she were showing more.  She wishes she looked pregnant to match how far along she is, as she just looks like she got a little chubby, not pregnant.

    But pregnancy comes in all shapes and sizes, so try not to feel too bad!

    BFP #1 2/10/10: No HB on 4/29/10 at 15 wk, D&C 4/30/10, Baby measured 11-12 wks. First Pregnancy and first loss. BFP #2 7/25/10: Blake Daniel arrived 3/25/11 BFP #3 3/9/12: Our Turkey Baby! Due Date: 11/19/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic image
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    As a skinny pregnant woman, I could tell you that even skinny pregnant women feel horrible about our bodies.  I too have only gained a belly and no where else, but there are days when I feel disproportionate, unattractive or like I look like I'm smuggling a large pumpkin under my shirt.  I don't think women of any size feel good about our appearance during pregnancy. 

    I'd like to add that it may or may not be unhealthy. Don't assume that a woman is healthy or unhealthy because of how much/little weight she gains or how she carries it.  We are all different and our bodies, like our pregnancies, are different. 


    And each pg is different. With DD I was 105 pre-pg and gained everywhere...especially my butt and thighs. I went to 160!

    I lost all of it and went back to 105 (bfing) and this pg with DS I am currently 138 and ALL belly.

    I feel equally unattractive, like a waddling walrus, and fat. I am not in my  pre pg jeans or clothing at all. Most of the time I am not out of yoga pants and some maternity top because I overall just feel disgusting. 

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused


    Ill. Thats just sick. Why don't you take some pride in yourself? Don't you know that being fat is the second leading cause of death next to smoking? Being overweight is just stupid and irresponsible. Go for a walk.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused


    Ill. Thats just sick. Why don't you take some pride in yourself? Don't you know that being fat is the second leading cause of death next to smoking? Being overweight is just stupid and irresponsible. Go for a walk.

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    Every pregnancy is different.  With DS#1 I gained 45 lbs ... with this one, I haven't even hit 20lbs yet.  

    Oh, and pattismithcox, no one likes an effing troll.  Be gone!  Before another house is dropped on you! 

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    Every pregnancy is different.  With DS#1 I gained 45 lbs ... with this one, I haven't even hit 20lbs yet.  

    Oh, and pattismithcox, no one likes an effing troll.  Be gone!  Before another house is dropped on you! 


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    Wow, you definitely don't seem like someone I would like to get to know.

     Have fun giving your child a weight complex.

    (this is to the lady who is throwing around criticism for people being overweight)

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused


    Ill. Thats just sick. Why don't you take some pride in yourself? Don't you know that being fat is the second leading cause of death next to smoking? Being overweight is just stupid and irresponsible. Go for a walk.

    Sums you up as a parent if thats the type of thing you're going to teach your children.  Get some class.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused


    Ill. Thats just sick. Why don't you take some pride in yourself? Don't you know that being fat is the second leading cause of death next to smoking? Being overweight is just stupid and irresponsible. Go for a walk.

    I'm glad there's someone here to keep all us fatties in line! What would we do if no one called us names in order to motivate us to lose weight? We should all thank her for her harsh words because clearly we're too stupid to have children. Confused Why don't you worry about your own weight? I'm sure being anorexic is far more healthy for the unborn baby.

    OP, try to be comfortable in your own skin, this only lasts a little while. Besides, I personally have never looked at a pregnant woman and thought she was fat. Pregnancy is beautiful, no matter the size.

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    My reason for hating pregnant skinny girls is different from yours....

     I only gained 17 lbs and I'm due in a few days, but @ 5'10" I didn't show FOREVER. I would compare myself to these small, short, tiny girls with these huge bumps and get bump envy for the longest time. From the back I still don't even look pregnant. When people see me they don't even see a preggo chick most of the time. I had a guy ask me for a cigarette on my walk the other day. I have servers at restaurants offering me drinks. I tell people I'm due in a few days and they always say "You don't even look pregnant!!". 


    Thalia Kathryn
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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    Indifferent  Are you effin kidding me?! I have no words. I'm an angry person today anyway but this just makes me pissed off. If we were all in a room together and I could claw someone's eyes out one of you would need to hold me back.

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

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    Being 28w and still fitting into your pre-preg size 1 jeans sounds pretty unhealthy to me! I'd just be happy knowing you're nourishing your baby. 

     Not necessarily. I can still put on my pre pregnancy jeans... if they are low cut enough. I have a pair I wear rubber banded all the time and I'm a few days from my due date! All my baby weight is in my belly and I'm high waisted. Trust me when I say I eat enough lol. 

    Thalia Kathryn
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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    A size 12 is perfectly healthy. Get a friggin clue. 

    Thalia Kathryn
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    as so many others have said..we all have issues. 

    With my first I gained EVERYWHERE... my EARS were fat.  Seriously.  I could rest my chin on my gargantuan boobs.  

    This one... I have gained predominantly in the belly (still gargantuan boobs) but I feel like my stomach is  about to split open. 

    And I tried on about fifteen outfits today... no lie.  

    hang in there.  You're growing a human!  :)  

    and trolly troll...  you so funny.  you shoulda been a comedienne


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    Wow I did not realize this was going to be such a hot button issue. I was really just looking to vent my feelings. There are days when I do not care and just look forward to the day when I get to hold the prize at the end (LO). Today was just one of those days when I looked in the mirror and was feeling down on myself. Thanks to all the supportive comments. To all the "being overweight is going to kill your baby" comments, I will not even give you the benefit of a response.
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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.

    With my first one I only gained 12 pounds and my dd was a healthy 6lbs 3 oz. I just had a really hard time gaining weight. I hardly showed and could still fit into all my jeans.

    This pregnancy is different though. I've gained 18 pounds so far, have outgrown most of my clothes and I love my belly. Stick out tongue

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     I've gained 18 pounds so far, have outgrown most of my clothes and I love my belly. Stick out tongue

    I love this

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I'm going to assume you're joking... if you're not, shame on you.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    There is NOTHING wrong with being overweight and pregnant. I am overweight and my doctor is 100% happy about mine and my girls progress. I am very healthy and who are you to say it's shameful?

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    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls



    I really would.  

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    OK I totally get where you are coming from and granted- some total idiots are responding to your post with really rude and untrue statements. However, as one of those pregnant skinny girls I have to say I threw up 6-7 times a day for 4 months straight and then almost daily until now (37 weeks with twins). I have felt MISERABLE this entire pregnancy and the morning sickness has been so severe I can't even go into the grocery store or our fridge because if I see something gross to me...like an egg or raw meat...I will throw up on the spot. My teeth are damaged from being so sick and I have gained weight the best I can for these beloved babies but I really have wished multiple times that I was able to go back to eating like normal, stop throwing up and help pack the pounds on my babies. It has been exhausting to be so sick and none of the medications I have been given have really helped in a major way. So- I guess I am just trying to say things aren't always as peachy as they may appear. I like the post that said being pregnant is just hard no matter what. I agree!
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    Wow!!! why don't you "get a frigging clue" !!! I am so glad you do not have a picture of yourself posted. Because the only people that have to make fun of others and put people down are dumb ass ugly people probably like yourself! Does it make you feel better to sit in front of your little computer and put people down? Does it make your pathetic life seem more important? You disgust me! People like you should be put down like a dog! Am I an overweight person? No I am not. But I have enough respect and commonsense than to talk trash about others. Ohhh and I don't have to put others down to try and make my self feel better. So like I said "get a frigging clue" or get the f*ck off this board!  
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