3rd Trimester

*Vent* I hate pregnant skinny girls


Re: *Vent* I hate pregnant skinny girls

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    Wow!!! why don't you "get a frigging clue" !!! I am so glad you do not have a picture of yourself posted. Because the only people that have to make fun of others and put people down are dumb ass ugly people probably like yourself! Does it make you feel better to sit in front of your little computer and put people down? Does it make your pathetic life seem more important? You disgust me! People like you should be put down like a dog! Am I an overweight person? No I am not. But I have enough respect and commonsense than to talk trash about others. Ohhh and I don't have to put others down to try and make my self feel better. So like I said "get a frigging clue" or get the f*ck off this board!  

     :::scratches head::::  is this directed at the original poster???  Cause if so... wow.  

    if this is directed at someone else's post... might want to quote which one.  Just sayin

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    Yikes, the claws are coming out! This is the third trimester board, friends. We're all fatties here, get over it, haha.
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    Wow!!! why don't you "get a frigging clue" !!! I am so glad you do not have a picture of yourself posted. Because the only people that have to make fun of others and put people down are dumb ass ugly people probably like yourself! Does it make you feel better to sit in front of your little computer and put people down? Does it make your pathetic life seem more important? You disgust me! People like you should be put down like a dog! Am I an overweight person? No I am not. But I have enough respect and commonsense than to talk trash about others. Ohhh and I don't have to put others down to try and make my self feel better. So like I said "get a frigging clue" or get the f*ck off this board!  


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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

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    sorry I thought I did direct it to her but this is to pattismithcox or whatever her name is about her rude comments.
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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.



    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls


    I really would.  

    This and this. Shaming people for being skinny is just as bad as shaming people for being overweight. Can we all just realize that everyone is different and not judge?


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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.



    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls


    I really would.  

    This and this. Shaming people for being skinny is just as bad as shaming people for being overweight. Can we all just realize that everyone is different and not judge?


    Shut up you skinny b!tch



    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.

    I was a size 18 before I got pregnant. Clearly, I'm a fail. And apparently, seriously damaging my child since it's the same as smoking. Confused

    Ditto. My dr is happy with my progress. I weigh less than when I got pregnant and I am still not in maternity pants. Though I have to say that its all down to the glorious stretchy denim jeans. I found my old size 20 pair of stretchy denim jeans and they are fabulous!

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    Although I am neither skinny or overweight I just have to say I am fine with who I am and the way I look. I am built the way I am and you know their are days I don't always like the way I look and their are days where I too feel like I am a whale and just feel horrible. Most people have made comments that I look good so that always makes me feel a little better. But we all have those thoughts on what we would like to change and things like that. I have pretty much only gained in the belly whereas my sister who is also expecting has gained like everywhere. And she started out way smaller than me. She is probably about 20-30 pounds lighter than me and she has gained more during pregnancy. But you know we are both built the way we are and unless my doctor shows concern I really have no reason to think that anything is wrong or that I need to be concerned about anything.
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    Mrs Totty, I just peed my pants at that GIF. Thank you :)!! Ahhh LOL.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


    breastfeeding, cloth diapering, farming mama.

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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.



    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls


    I really would.  

    This and this. Shaming people for being skinny is just as bad as shaming people for being overweight. Can we all just realize that everyone is different and not judge?


    Shut up you skinny b!tch


    Oh you are SOOOOOOO one to talk Iris!  ;) 

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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.



    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls


    I really would.  

    This and this. Shaming people for being skinny is just as bad as shaming people for being overweight. Can we all just realize that everyone is different and not judge?


    Shut up you skinny b!tch


    Oh you are SOOOOOOO one to talk Iris!  ;) 

    My thoughts exactly. Stick out tongue

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    Wow, I have no idea how she's still fitting into her pre-pregnancy jeans!  I was a size 1 before I got pregnant, but there's no way that I could squeeze into my non-maternity jeans or pants at this point.   I've actually been in maternity jeans since week 12, and I've only gained weight in my belly.  I donated my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans to charity when they stopped zipping, because I'm pretty sure it'd be unhealthy for me to keep them around as a goal size to get back to post-pregnancy. 
    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
    BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
    BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
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    Wow!!! why don't you "get a frigging clue" !!! I am so glad you do not have a picture of yourself posted. Because the only people that have to make fun of others and put people down are dumb ass ugly people probably like yourself! Does it make you feel better to sit in front of your little computer and put people down? Does it make your pathetic life seem more important? You disgust me! People like you should be put down like a dog! Am I an overweight person? No I am not. But I have enough respect and commonsense than to talk trash about others. Ohhh and I don't have to put others down to try and make my self feel better. So like I said "get a frigging clue" or get the f*ck off this board!  


    This is the best thing I've read all day.  Summed it up beautifully!

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    Wow I did not realize this was going to be such a hot button issue. I was really just looking to vent my feelings. There are days when I do not care and just look forward to the day when I get to hold the prize at the end (LO). Today was just one of those days when I looked in the mirror and was feeling down on myself. Thanks to all the supportive comments.

    Troll dramz aside, what some people are saying here is that your "vent" is unfair and insensitive. People who are small pre-preg and only gain in their bellies also feel like total shiit about themselves as they gain and get very uncomfortable, both physically and with their body images. We're all going through the same thing.

    That said, if you want to hate on the women who have had fabulous, golden, sick-free pregnancies and "could stay pregnant forever", I'll jump right on that bandwagon, lol.

    imagePregnancy Ticker
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    While the troll should not have said what she said, I find it funny that she's getting alot more backlash than the poster that said fitting into your size one jeans is unhealthy and the baby is probably not getting nourished.



    I would love to see who would be getting their flesh roasted if the title instead read: 

    *Vent* I hate pregnant fat girls


    I really would.  

    This and this. Shaming people for being skinny is just as bad as shaming people for being overweight. Can we all just realize that everyone is different and not judge?


    Shut up you skinny b!tch


    Oh you are SOOOOOOO one to talk Iris!  ;) 

    Ditto this for real.

    *Vent* I HATE totally adorable pregnant girls.  

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    Yikes, the claws are coming out! This is the third trimester board, friends. We're all fatties here, get over it, haha.


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    That said, if you want to hate on the women who have had fabulous, golden, sick-free pregnancies and "could stay pregnant forever", I'll jump right on that bandwagon, lol.

    haha...that's me.  Except for NIX the "could stay pregnant forever" part.  F-That.  I want my frozen margaritas, my skinny body back- and a plane ticket to South Beach.   

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    And it doesn't sound awful (referring to the original post)-

    We all have our up and down days.  I would say that I am very average.  PP I was a size 25, I guess that translates into a 1?  But I gained (as I've been describing it) college weight- in my butt, thighs, and lower back.  Lovely.  I go to a LOT of pregnancy events, and I am always looking around comparing myself to all the other ladies.  I have to remind myself that I DO look great, and thankfully FEEL great, and above all else- I am growing a healthy happy baby.

    So keep you chin up, we all only have a little bit to go.  And after the little wee one arrives, you won't be thinking about weight anymore- and hopefully those pounds will melt off in the process.


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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.

    Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.


    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.


    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?


    Okay, we're all dying to know, so out with it - What was YOUR pre-preg size? :-)

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.

    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?


    Okay, we're all dying to know, so out with it - What was YOUR pre-preg size? :-)


    Between a four and a six.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.

    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?


    Okay, we're all dying to know, so out with it - What was YOUR pre-preg size? :-)


    Between a four and a six.


    And have you given into any unhealthy cravings during the course of your pregnancy?

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.

    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?


    Okay, we're all dying to know, so out with it - What was YOUR pre-preg size? :-)


    Between a four and a six.


    Well just so you know before my pregnancy I was between a 4 and a 6 w/ a BMI of 26.  Technically that's overweight for my body type.  Everyone is different and I think a Dr.'s opinion matters a heck of a lot more than yours.

    BabyFruit Ticker






    Patiently waiting for little brother!



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    And have you given into any unhealthy cravings during the course of your pregnancy?


    The only craving I keep getting is for organic cottage cheese and strawberries. Mmmm.

    Our family doesn't eat any prepackaged processed foods.

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    Being overweight and getting pregnant is shameful. Its as bad as smoking when you are pregnant. Get a frigging clue.


    Confused  ummmm. no. shame on you for being so judgemental. i got pregnant overweight and i am extremely healthy. my doctor has no concerns with my pregnancy.

    Being overweight is never healthy. And why are you overweight anyway? Lazy? Overeater?


    And also a size 12 is not perfectly acceptable. A size 12 is fat, unless you are like six foot two. Are you six foot two?


    Okay, we're all dying to know, so out with it - What was YOUR pre-preg size? :-)


    Between a four and a six.


    Well just so you know before my pregnancy I was between a 4 and a 6 w/ a BMI of 26.  Technically that's overweight for my body type.  Everyone is different and I think a Dr.'s opinion matters a heck of a lot more than yours.


    My body is five feet ten inches long. Obviously if you are short a four or a six might be overweight for you.

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    And have you given into any unhealthy cravings during the course of your pregnancy?


    The only craving I keep getting is for organic cottage cheese and strawberries. Mmmm.

    Our family doesn't eat any prepackaged processed foods.


    Alright, I'm impressed, although I could wax on eloquently about the health dangers associated with ANY dairy products... I am also to assume that you're on a regular exercise routine, although you don't push it too hard, because that would be bad for baby too. Your marriage is also perfect all the time and your house is never a mess. All of your friends are good influences and you are your kind-all-the-time-yet-still-perfectly-masculine husband are both entirely financially stable, with a college fund already in the works for your little one. It's my impression that none of us really ever has our act all together, and we're all going to damage our children with our imperfections to some extent. If we waited until we were perfect to have children, the human race would go extinct.

    That being said, my weight is probably acceptable in your opinion, but I have a sweet tooth, and sometimes it gets the best of me. I don't think my size alone makes me any more ready to have children than my friend who has always been a little bit overweight, but exercises and typically eats healthy. 

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