
Am I mean? I need help with my 3yo

I have a 3 & 5 yo. The 5 yo has always been great about taking a few toys out at a a time and putting them back. She helps to clean up all the time, with no complaints. My 3 yo refuses to help clean up her messes. She dumps toys out all over the playroom, and won't help clean up, saying she's "too tired".

She loves TV. I took it away until the playroom was cleaned. After 4 days I sat down with her and we did it together (with my 5 yo). I have put her in time-out, taken away toys, and taken away TV. We make it a game, sing songs, etc.

What is left for me to do? 

Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

Any advice? My poor DD1 is upset that she has to pay for my DD2's not helping out. DD2 makes most of the mess and DD1 ends up cleaning it up.


Re: Am I mean? I need help with my 3yo

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    Good. Luck.  I've had the EXACT same problem with my youngest.  I know how you feel.  It's annoying but what works best for me is to tell my dd one thing at a time to clean up.  such as..."go clean up the puzzle."  Two minutes later..."Ok that was great!  Now pick up your socks."  My dd is totally capable of doing more, she's smart as a whip but will not cooperate when it comes to cleaning up.  I often just leave it for when she is more cooperative or else I have to do it along with her. 



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    I think you are being too hard.  If the whole room is trashed, that is WAY too much for a 3 yo.  Can you try to work with her on putting away a toy when she is done with it.

    Do you help at all?  Sing a clean up song, make it a game?  "I can clean up faster than you?"  

    I def. wouldn't put a 3yo to bed with no dinner over it, but maybe people think I am too soft.  I think people expect too much from these little kids!  She's 3 :)  I don't think she shouldn't help at all, but have reasonable expectations.


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    Thanks, she did end up coming out of her room and put away the doll clothes before she ate supper. I always pick something specific for her to tidy that I know she can handle.

    When I put her in time out, she'll stay there for a while, say she is going to clean-up, then clean for 2 minutes, then make a bigger mess. rinse & repeat until we have to go somewhere, have a meal, go to bed, etc, and she gets out of it.

    Basically any punishment I give her is really a punishment for my older dd, which is why I feel bad about the whole thing.

    I don't see why my DD2 needs to dump toys out everywhere to have a good time. 



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    It sounds from your post that you expected the 3yo to clean up without your help which is unreasonable.  If you played games from the beginning it would be different but 3yo is way too young to do it on her own, even much older kids need help usually.  And yeah, at 3yo she does not care that her sister gets punished for what she is doing so that is unfair.  Take away the toys that were hers that were not put away and put the toys that are your oldest's in her room so her sister cannot have them but you cannot punish her.  And the TV is not a natural consequence so it is probably not helping.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    We do one type of toy at a time (ie. Pick up your trucks, pick up the puzzle, etc) at a time. I ask him to clean up. If he doesn't clean it up, I ask him "Would you like to clean it up or would you like mama to clean it up? You know if mom cleans it up, the toys go to time out". He almost always says he wants to clean it up and then he does. If he doesn't, I clean up and put the toys in time out (not him, just the toys). Then I say, "how about the dinosaurs? Do you want mom to clean those up or would you like to clean them up?" After one set of toys is in time out, he ALWAYS cleans up the others. I would not withhold food is one thing I don't want to make a power struggle and this is clearly a power struggle with the toys - I wouldn't want it to extend.
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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    My DS was like that and my DD is the opposite.  Honestly, I wouldn't engage in a battle of the wills over it.  Maybe just let her take a few out at a time before she moves onto something else so that it's not too overwhelming.  but, she will get better at it.  DS didn't get better at it until he was 4 y/o.  3 was a tough age for him/me.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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    This is what I said 1 time: 

    Me:  It's time to clean up your toys.  Do you want to clean them up or should Mommy do it later?

    DS2:  Oh, you can do it later!

    Me:  Ok  (Then I clean them up later, putting them in a bag and on the top shelf of my closet.

    Next day...

    DS1:  Where are my toys?

    Me:  Oh, remember when you said Mommy should clean them up?  Well, I did and when I clean toys I keep them in my closet.  You can have them back tomorrow or you can help me do some chores around the house today to earn them back today. 

    I only had to do this 1, maybe 2 times.....worked like a charm and still does, he thinks it's so funny when I say it now!

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    This is what I said 1 time: 

    Me:  It's time to clean up your toys.  Do you want to clean them up or should Mommy do it later?

    DS2:  Oh, you can do it later!

    Me:  Ok  (Then I clean them up later, putting them in a bag and on the top shelf of my closet.

    Next day...

    DS1:  Where are my toys?

    Me:  Oh, remember when you said Mommy should clean them up?  Well, I did and when I clean toys I keep them in my closet.  You can have them back tomorrow or you can help me do some chores around the house today to earn them back today. 

    I only had to do this 1, maybe 2 times.....worked like a charm and still does, he thinks it's so funny when I say it now!

    Yeah, we've taken her toys away, it doesn't work.  In fact, some of her toys are still on the top shelf of my closet. She doesn't care.

    I don't want to take away toys that my older dd plays with.  She plays with my 5 yo in their playroom all the time. I am not sitting in there with them while they play one thing at a time.

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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 



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    I was hoping for some magic advice! Everything you've all suggested I already stated that I do :-(

    Any other ideas?


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    You might be falling into the trap of comparing your children.  Don't do it!  Your 3 y/o has a different personality -they play different, they're good at different things, etc-- than your 5 y/o and that's a good thing. 

    If the mess is getting to be too much, cut back on the number of toys that are available.  Put a few baskets of toys away and rotate what they have in the playroom.  That keeps the toys more interesting anyway. 

    One of our biggest issues were game pieces/art supplies/and puzzles getting stirred into the "toy soup" of our playroom.  So I moved those toys to another part of the house (stored in the pantry and used at the dining room table). 

    And don't deny food.  That's never a suitable punishment. 

    Make tidying up more pleasant.  At regular intervals (like before you move on to something fun) put on some "clean up music" and have them race around while you praise them about the good job they're doing.  Make a fuss telling your DH about how awesome the playroom looks and stuff like that. 

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    If the mess is getting to be too much, cut back on the number of toys that are available.  Put a few baskets of toys away and rotate what they have in the playroom.  That keeps the toys more interesting anyway. 

    I just did this yesterday. I took out the wooden blocks and the legos and put them away. I'll pull them out at times when they will have to clean them up right away after playing with them (just like puzzles). I also took half the train track away. All my 2 1/2 year old does is walk in and destroy the track. So, I made it super small. It seems to be perfect for him! 

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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 


    It might not be beating your child but I find sending a hungry 3yo to bed without dinner to be abusive.  Physical pain is caused by it, is it not?  And psychological pain?  I realize that she came out on her own but you did not indicate that you planned on getting her.  I understand that we all get to the point of not knowing what to do and make mistakes, I am certainly no expert on disciplining children, not even my own, and I certainly have chosen the wrong consequence for their behavior in the past but I do not think that sending a child to bed hungry is ever an answer.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    I was hoping for some magic advice! Everything you've all suggested I already stated that I do :-(

    Any other ideas?


    No. The things we suggested you said you don't WANT to do.
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    imageMrs Manners:

    I was hoping for some magic advice! Everything you've all suggested I already stated that I do :-(

    Any other ideas?


    No. The things we suggested you said you don't WANT to do.

    What was suggested? I said in my op that I did them all. 

    what else? other than limiting the toys we have out, which was posted AFTER my response, and is still punishing my 5 yo.

     We have one playroom, and we have an art table in the kitchen. We also don`t have a lot of storage so I don`t know where I would put half the toys. 


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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 


    It might not be beating your child but I find sending a hungry 3yo to bed without dinner to be abusive.  Physical pain is caused by it, is it not?  And psychological pain?  I realize that she came out on her own but you did not indicate that you planned on getting her.  I understand that we all get to the point of not knowing what to do and make mistakes, I am certainly no expert on disciplining children, not even my own, and I certainly have chosen the wrong consequence for their behavior in the past but I do not think that sending a child to bed hungry is ever an answer.

    So someone else posts -  i lost `my temper and spanked my child`and the masses respond with it`s ok, we`ve all been there`.

    I note that we were cleaning up before dinner, and my child refused to clean. I reach my point and says she doesn`t get dinner until she cleans.  It wasn`t punishment, actually, it was a consequence. I felt bad, and it wasn`t the right choice, but you are being ridiculous to call that child abuse in any form. Seriously.


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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 


    It might not be beating your child but I find sending a hungry 3yo to bed without dinner to be abusive.  Physical pain is caused by it, is it not?  And psychological pain?  I realize that she came out on her own but you did not indicate that you planned on getting her.  I understand that we all get to the point of not knowing what to do and make mistakes, I am certainly no expert on disciplining children, not even my own, and I certainly have chosen the wrong consequence for their behavior in the past but I do not think that sending a child to bed hungry is ever an answer.

    Sending your child to bed without dinner one night is not child abuse and any social worker would laugh at that. Although not something I would do a child missing one meal will not scar them physically or emotionally for life.  So when I make a dinner with stuff I know DD will eat, but she wants a hot dog instead I say no, she goes to bed hungry...Child abuse now? 

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    Oh and any Mom of a three year old that says they have tried everything means to me that they have been consistent with nothing, just because something does not work does not mean you should stop doing it. Your child has your number "when it does not work Mommy does not do it again" Try finding one thing and being consistent.
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    just because something does not work does not mean you should stop doing it. Your child has your number "when it does not work Mommy does not do it again" Try finding one thing and being consistent.

    I 100% agree with this.

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    Oh and any Mom of a three year old that says they have tried everything means to me that they have been consistent with nothing, just because something does not work does not mean you should stop doing it. Your child has your number "when it does not work Mommy does not do it again" Try finding one thing and being consistent.

    Thanks & good point. how long should i keep doing the same thing, it`s already been going on for months. It is discouraging because my older dd is a picky eater and we have been doing the same thing for 4 years and she is still a picky eater. She does not eat any more than she did 3 years ago.

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    You might be falling into the trap of comparing your children.  Don't do it!  Your 3 y/o has a different personality -they play different, they're good at different things, etc-- than your 5 y/o and that's a good thing. 

    Yes, i have to try hard not to compare them, they are complete opposites!  

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    what else? other than limiting the toys we have out, which was posted AFTER my response, and is still punishing my 5 yo.

    Limiting the toys doesn't have to be like a punishment.  We let the kids pick what they think they play with the most, then the others were bundled away in under-the-bed-boxes.  They can have those toys whenever they want if they trade in something else.  Rotating toys is a good way to keep them interesting too; it is actually something I learned in my early childhood development class. 

    Of course it might not be the right thing for you but I thought I'd explain myself!  :)

    You sound very frustrated.  Sometimes when I'm frustrated about something, DH can help by kind of seeing the situation through new eyes.  Maybe that could help>

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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 


    It might not be beating your child but I find sending a hungry 3yo to bed without dinner to be abusive.  Physical pain is caused by it, is it not?  And psychological pain?  I realize that she came out on her own but you did not indicate that you planned on getting her.  I understand that we all get to the point of not knowing what to do and make mistakes, I am certainly no expert on disciplining children, not even my own, and I certainly have chosen the wrong consequence for their behavior in the past but I do not think that sending a child to bed hungry is ever an answer.

    So someone else posts -  i lost `my temper and spanked my child`and the masses respond with it`s ok, we`ve all been there`.

    I note that we were cleaning up before dinner, and my child refused to clean. I reach my point and says she doesn`t get dinner until she cleans.  It wasn`t punishment, actually, it was a consequence. I felt bad, and it wasn`t the right choice, but you are being ridiculous to call that child abuse in any form. Seriously.

    You took away food b/c a 3yo would not clean up.  I hate to be the one to tell you but that is punishing her b/c you did not like her behavior but your behavior was no better and you told her to go to bed without food so that means she could have gone to bed hungry and that would cause pain and therefore is abuse.  She came out so you think it worked, it was not abuse only b/c she gave in but it would have totally been abuse in my eyes if she did not give in and you followed through like you said you would.

    No dinner is not a consequence, if you said she threw her food and did not get dinner that would be a consequence but YOU threw a tantrum and took away her option for dinner.

    And you would NEVER read me say that it is ok to spank out of anger, or any reason for that manner.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    Today she said she was too tired & hungry to help clean up before dinner. So I told her if she didn't help clean up, then she could go to bed without dinner.  So she is in her room, at dinner-time, and still refusing to help clean. I can't believe I am withholding food from a 3 yo - not something I should have said but now how can I go back on my word?

    Holy crap, seriously?  I missed this part and that is not only mean but seriously that is child abuse.  Your child clearly told you she was hungry and you told her to clean up or go to her room hungry?

    child abuse? eye roll.   seriously, what is wrong with you that you would call that abuse? It belittles real abuse. 


    It might not be beating your child but I find sending a hungry 3yo to bed without dinner to be abusive.  Physical pain is caused by it, is it not?  And psychological pain?  I realize that she came out on her own but you did not indicate that you planned on getting her.  I understand that we all get to the point of not knowing what to do and make mistakes, I am certainly no expert on disciplining children, not even my own, and I certainly have chosen the wrong consequence for their behavior in the past but I do not think that sending a child to bed hungry is ever an answer.

    Sending your child to bed without dinner one night is not child abuse and any social worker would laugh at that. Although not something I would do a child missing one meal will not scar them physically or emotionally for life.  So when I make a dinner with stuff I know DD will eat, but she wants a hot dog instead I say no, she goes to bed hungry...Child abuse now? 

    No, you offer food so that is not the same.  The OP refused to give food b/c a yo would not clean up.  Um, that is what 3yos do, our job is to teach them not to take away their option for a dinner.  Isn't it our job as a parent to give our children the option of food regardless of how they behaved?  This is a 3yo!

    And I am not exactly suggesting that someone call DYFS, just that the OP realize that not giving any option of dinner to a hungry child is abusive.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    You took away food b/c a 3yo would not clean up.  I hate to be the one to tell you but that is punishing her b/c you did not like her behavior but your behavior was no better and you told her to go to bed without food so that means she could have gone to bed hungry and that would cause pain and therefore is abuse.  She came out so you think it worked, it was not abuse only b/c she gave in but it would have totally been abuse in my eyes if she did not give in and you followed through like you said you would.

    No dinner is not a consequence, if you said she threw her food and did not get dinner that would be a consequence but YOU threw a tantrum and took away her option for dinner.

    And you would NEVER read me say that it is ok to spank out of anger, or any reason for that manner.

    I'd have to say I disagree with your abuse accusation. Bad choice as punishment? Sure. But, she already admitted that before you accused her of abuse. Once she made the threat, she felt she had to follow through. Abuse in your eyes is fine, but can you see at all where it's not actually abuse? It would be one thing if it was something she did several times a week. She said it was not a good choice so why keep going about it?

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    You took away food b/c a 3yo would not clean up.  I hate to be the one to tell you but that is punishing her b/c you did not like her behavior but your behavior was no better and you told her to go to bed without food so that means she could have gone to bed hungry and that would cause pain and therefore is abuse.  She came out so you think it worked, it was not abuse only b/c she gave in but it would have totally been abuse in my eyes if she did not give in and you followed through like you said you would.

    No dinner is not a consequence, if you said she threw her food and did not get dinner that would be a consequence but YOU threw a tantrum and took away her option for dinner.

    And you would NEVER read me say that it is ok to spank out of anger, or any reason for that manner.

    I'd have to say I disagree with your abuse accusation. Bad choice as punishment? Sure. But, she already admitted that before you accused her of abuse. Once she made the threat, she felt she had to follow through. Abuse in your eyes is fine, but can you see at all where it's not actually abuse? It would be one thing if it was something she did several times a week. She said it was not a good choice so why keep going about it?


    I agree with EK on this one.

    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
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