
so different

While at my BIL's house today, my MIL proceeded to tell me and my SIL (she also pregnant and due in May) about her birth stories. I didn't know that she delivered 3 breech babies (2 are twins) vaginally and no mention of a c-section was ever mentioned to her. She only had 1 epidural and it was right before she was going to deliver her first child. She had another child regular with a vaginal natural birth. These were between 1966 and 1976. When she had her last child she was breech and the doctor gave her no option but a c-section (1979) such a difference in that time period. It was very interesting to see how supportive she was of both my SIL and myself and how we want natural childbirths (this is her first) and of my desire for a VBAC.

Just thought I would share the differences with everyone from then and now.

Happy Holidays.


Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: so different

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    until one day when it went wrong and a lawsuit scared everyone into only offering c-sections....

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #1 5/30/07 M/C 8/26/10 at around 6 weeks BFP #2 10/16/10
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