Or am I just being hopeful that the near-vomit-inducing haze of pain that was my night may actually have served a purpose?
It started last night with the vision changes and ocular migraine (aura) at 9pm. I vainly hoped I could sleep thru it. Silly me forgot that I've not slept straight thru a night in years. Woke up at midnight in the middle of a full-blown migraine. Spent the next couple hours in hell before falling asleep from sheer exhaustion.
Typically my migraines are caused by hormones or severe/abrupt weather changes. So I'm hoping last night was the former.
Of course I called my doc today, just in case. They're not terribly worried since I have a long history of migraines (I've had them since I was 12) and everything on Monday's appt was totally normal, but they do want me to call immediately if the headache returns or I have other symptoms.
Re: Migraine = pre-labor hormone changes?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that your hormones DID in fact, shift. This meaning labor is perhaps very near.
I've not been a frequent migraine sufferer, but I did end up at the ER at 30w with stroke-like symptoms. They determined I have a-typical migraines (as in, not that bad of a headache) that present with stroke-like symptoms. The neurologist said she wants to put me on meds after I'm done breastfeeding since now I wouldn't go to the ER if I was actually having a stroke as of now and that wouldn't be good. Enough about me. Sorry you were in so much pain.