Special Needs

Thank you (and a small update)

Thank you to the ladies who responded to my seizures/IS post a few days back.  I really appreciate your willingness to help.

Today we had the MRI and CT scan.  We may also have the 2nd EEG moved up based on its findings.

Callie did great. She's sleeping now, but did really well with the sedation.  We should have the results tomorrow.

Tori 10.10.09 / Callie 9.14.10 / Callie's Epilespy Journey

Re: Thank you (and a small update)

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    Glad to hear she did so well.  Sending good thoughts your way.
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    I hope you get good results tomorrow!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

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