Special Needs

"Lurkers" please come in

I hate that word!  Can we use "Silent Partners" instead?Wink

I am pleading to all of you that are worried that you might not belong here to introduce yourselves.  There must be something that drew you to that "Special Needs" tab.

There is nothing wrong with getting a feel for a place before sharing personal info but this board can only get better with new members! 

Re: "Lurkers" please come in

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    My 11.5 month old son was born after a perfect pregnancy and seemingly harmless labor and delivery. About 4 hours or so after birth he started to have frequent apnea spells ( he went to the nursery to be cleaned and the nurse looked over and he was grey). Noah was taken to the NICU as apnea in a full term infant is not normal. A CAT scan was done which showed his brain was severely swollen ( you couldn't see the ventricles), an EEG done later that night showed 2 areas of seizure activity ( only on EEG, never outward seizures).

    We were given a very scary prognosis, since labor and delivery was without apparent?incident??they thought it could be a genetic ( metabolic) issue, or another genetic flaw. Intensive metabolic testing was done- it was?completely?normal.

    Currently the thought by docs was that Noah suffered some sort of transient insult, probably hypoxic at some point during labor.

    He is a MIRACLE, he is growing, thriving, and developing 100% NORMAL. I am blessed to be his mommy.

    Noah does not have special needs but I like to check in on your mommies- for the first months of his life I did not know what to expect and I was given some scary possibilities. ?

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    I lurk because I have a sister with Down syndrome and my family is extremely involved in the Down syndrome community.

     I am also so amazed by what you women go through on a daily basis and how blessed my family is that my sister is a healthy 10yr old with Down's.  Sometimes people can't always see it that way....


    **Edited: I also just got diagnosed with Celiac disease**

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    I sometimes lurk.  I have 2 nephews (my DH's sisters sons) that are Autistic, and I'm always looking for other people dealing with this. 
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    I lurk some.  DS has torticollis and severe reflux and is currently in physical therapy twice a week to work on his stiffness and limited mobility and neck tilt.  They think that the reflux is causing him some gross motor delays.  We're hoping his muscle stiffness is due to the reflux and torticollis, but we haven't ruled out other causes.

    I don't normally post because our son's issues are relatively minor in the greater scheme of things, but I still like to see what y'all have to say about OT and PT, etc., since y'all have more experience with this kind of stuff than most moms.

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    I lurk because my sister has 9p- ( https://www.9pminus.org/ ) and I like to see how other moms do it and if the need ever arises give any info I may have to help as well as learning from others.

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



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    I mostly lurk (have only posted a couple of times). ?I have a daughter with celiac disease (and another that I'm pretty sure is about to be diagnosed). ?I don't really have a lot to add to the discussions about delays since DD's were very minor.?

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    I am here because ds has milk, soy, beef, pork and maybe corn allergies.  He also has a bacterial infection called c-diff which may have caused some severe ulcerations throughout his intestines and colon area. This needs to be cleared up before we find any other gi problems he has going on ...


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    I lurk not becuase I have a special needs baby but because I was one.  At nine monthes old i started having seizures.  My first seizure lasted over 45 mins and left me paralized on the right side of my body for 3 days.  I stayed on seizure meds until i was 5.  When i was 12 i had another grand mal seizure.  During an EEG i had an aura (for me a funny feeling in my stomach) at the same time the EEG recorded me having a seizure.  It turn out i had been having seizures for years but no one knew.  At 19 I had brain surgery done to remove my right hippocampus (the focal point for my seizures.)  Since then I have been seizure free (8+ years).  Two years after surgury i was able to stop all seizure meds. 

     As a result the prolonged seizure, I have a limited short term memory.  My school didnt reconize my learning disability until i was in 11th grade.  While school was very challanging for me, I was able to graduate from HS and College and now work as a IT specialist for a large company.  I hope i can provide information and hope to other moms whos child also suffers from seizures. 


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    I lurk, I don't really know why though, maybe because I am familiar with a couple of poster's stories and like to check on them. It also makes me happy to see the love you all have for your children and the absence of snark that is prevalent on other boards.
    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
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    I lurk for multiple reasons.  I love seeing the love you all have for your babies.  My DH and I met 3 months after his DD died, he was not married to his DD's Momma.  She was born with CDLS or Cornelia D'Lange Syndrome.  She was his light and his life and he still misses her fiercely 6 years after she passed away, and of course he always will.  She did not die from her condition her cause of death is a long sad story due to medical negligence.  I like to think of myself as a bonus Mommy to an angel baby.  We are expecting our first baby together due Christmas Day another little girl.  We did run multiple test to see if this baby will have CDLS (not "supposed" to be genetic) but it is not easy to test for. 

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    I lurk because I am a pediatric physical therapist who works in a special needs school.  Reading your posts helps me gain perspective on what the parents of the children that I treat are going through.  I am also happy to help answer PT related questions or give tips if anyone is interested but I don't want to butt in.  :)  It is so wonderful to see the support that you each give each other.  I also enjoy reading about children's milestone achievement!
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    I lurk because I was a special ed. teacher before I had my son and became a SAHM.  Before that, I worked at a regional center, so I have been in this field for many years.  I am very involved in the autism community, and I guess I just lurk to see if I can ever offer advice.  I hope that's okay with everyone??
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I, too, lurk b/c like PP I was a special education teacher for 5 1/2 years before becoming a SAHM after my second boy.  Before becoming a teacher I worked in community rec programs for individuals with disabilities.  I love working with this special group of individuals.  They have a love for life you cannot find anywhere.  I enjoy reading your stories and hearing all the successes and see if there is any advice I could ever offer. 
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    I just noticed this board, and I'll lurk occasionally because I have a sister (now 30) with Down syndrome, and I'm also an Early Intervention infant development specialist.  So I'll pop in if I can ever offer advice or anything useful.  Smile
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    I'm just now finding this board... I need to bookmark it!

    I teach swim lessons part time for a bunch of special needs kids; one with DS, several with autism, one with sensory integration disorder, one with Turner's, and another with something too long for me to remember (Sad

    I'm also on the steering committee for my county's Special Olympics.

    I'm interested in hearing stories and getting more places to do research!

    Baby Charchie born 12/22/2011
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    I lurk because I have a 4 year old cousin with downs, lost an 8 year old cousin to a brain tumor (brother to cousin with downs), and because I used to work with special needs kids in a school before SAH.
    Andrea 7/9/08, Joaquin 4/18/11, boy coming 12/18/13 Forever missed: Gabriel 11/24/09 at 20 weeks
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    Hello.  My two best mom friends have children with special needs and I'm trying to get a better feel for what they're going through so that I can be more sensitive to their needs and a better friend in general.  One child has severe verbal apraxia and the other cerebral palsy.  Thank you for letting me lurk.


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    I lurk because I am a medical student with an interest in pediatrics, especially neonatology. I love seeing your babies, and learning about your journeys and perspectives.

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    I lurk, b/c I am a CTRS as a home for children that are dx with Severe to profound MR and work as the Early intervention Teacher.
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    This is the second time I've been on your board as a "lurker." ?I have taken a special interest in pediatrics and prenatal moms (I'll earn my ?D.C. in December) and I have taken on some patients who are special needs kids (they've been my most rewarding, by far). ?I like to see what your concerns as moms are...b/c a lot of times I notice that the moms are timid about being honest (at first) with their thought and concerns. ?I'm not a mother and I guess that might be a factor. ?I just want to help these kiddos.

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    I lurk because my niece is a special needs baby. She got meningitis a few weeks after birth which lead to a number of disabilities that are still being diagnosed. She has impaired vision, cerebral palsy, and some brain damage. She is our little miracle though and has already surpassed what the doctors expected of her. She brings her parents and the rest of us such joy and I just wanted to share her story and learn more from other special needs families.
    Unexplained. IVF#2 worked! Beta at 10dp6dt = 154, Beta at 13dp6dt = 603 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My oldest son was diagnosed with respitatory distress at 6 hours old and transferred to a level III NICU in another hospital.  It was the scariest time of my life as he was hooked up to a CPAP for 2 days.  It was completely unexpected...he was born at 40w5d weighing 8lb10oz.  It was later determined I had undaignosed gestational diabetes which led to his underdeveloped lungs.  Thankfully he was discharged after only 4 days (I say only now but then it felt like forever) with no lasting complications.  He later had torticollis (a result of his NICU stay) which he received physical therapy for.  He now is receiving speech therapy through EI as he is 2yrs old and only says a handful of words.

    I lurk because I know compared to what everyone else is dealing with my problems are tiny.  But it's also nice to know there is an area where other parents know what it's like to not have your child doing everything another child the same age (or younger) does.

    I also have a 6.5 month old baby who was born without any complications.


    Wonderful DS#1 9/14/06** Wonderful DS#2 3/29/08**

    Natural m/c 3/28/10 5w6d** Natural m/c 9/4/10 5w4d**

    BFP: 2/27/12. u/s showed blighted ovum at 9wks Natural m/c started 4/11, cytotec 4/13/12 (at 12 wks). **

    First appt with RE 5/7. Testing complete. Dx: luteal phase defect

    BFP 10/25/12. u/s on 11/16 confirms heartbeat image

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I'm an occasional lurker who's here because I'm a disability activist, interested in someday adopting children with special needs, and my PhD research is about published narratives about life with disabilities, but I'm also really interested in how we talk about living with them when nobody is editing us.

    Pretty sure that I don't have much to contribute, but I do feel like I learn a lot!

    Mother's Day, 2011
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    I come over here every once in a while to see if there are any post I can reply to. I am a Marriage and Family Therapist but more importantly I was born hard of hearing. Its been was always a struggle for me as I went through school. I was told I would never be able to go to college and well I have a BA and MA. I have been?frustrated by how much help there is to people who are hard of hearing but that no one knows about. For example in Texas their is a fund that will pay for state college (UNT,UT,UTA etc...). I met a girl a few years back who was in her Sr year of college worse off then be as far as hearing went and never knew she could get her college paid for. Their are also funds for hearing aids and other aids. What is also?frustrating is that while in school I was labeled as special needs and put in classes that were too slow. I could handle the work, but I just needed to sit up front. I feel bad for parents who do not know any better and their kids get placed with these labels at school which can really effect how they do in school. Anyways, so that is why I come over to this board every once in a while to see if I can offer what I have gone through or let others know of all the funds that are out there.?
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    I would have been part of this board had our first DD would have survived. She had a congenital heart defect (hlhs) as well as a few other issues. I lurk and hope that someone won't have to go through such a tough defect.


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    I just came across this board, but I'll keep lurking b/c I'm a speech therapist that works with kids with varying special needs, and I'm always curious to hear from parents of kids with special needs.  Plus, I'm happy to give advice whereever I can :)
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    I'm also a pediatric PT.  I've worked in EI and in the school system.  Kids with special needs hold a special place in my heart.  I lurk because I love to hear about your great kids and I feel like the more I know the better I can do what I do. 
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    I lurk because I'm not lazy to post or to tried.

    Carter has a g feeding tube due to not gaining weight or growing. He is getting his mic-key button 11/6 which is going to be day surgery. We found out he might have something called gyleogen stoage diease, still waiting on the results to see more info on it, waiting stinks. He poops so much better since he got his surgery to fix his anal problem. 

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    I'm a little late responding.  I lurk occaisionally, I am an SLP student - 1yr from being a "real" SLP.  I lurk to hear your stories, they are very inspirational, get parents perspectives (VERY important for SLP/service providers to try, because we could never fully understand, to see what parents are going through), and maybe answer any questions if I happen to know the answer. 
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    This is great!  Keep them comin'!  Hopefully some of you will feel more comfortable posting here!
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    I'm a "slient partner" (I love that!)  DD had an uncontrollable high fever at 11wks, she was hospitalized and given antibiotics.  It was a kidney infection, the bacteria that caused it was a real nasty one and we were told that it's notorious for causing brain damage.  But after many pedis examined her they said she showed no signs of it.  Plus the bacteria was never in her bloodstream. Then we had to proceed with a renal u/s and VCUG and she was diagnosed with kidney reflux and is taking a daily antibioitic.  Then when she was 5mths she started having a muscle twitch kind of thing (really hard to describe).  So we had to re-visit the possibility of brain damage.  We had an MRI, EEG, and so much blood work done.  Thankfully everything returned as normal!  We still have a battle with the kidney reflux and I lurk here to see if anyone else is dealing with it, plus the support here is wonderful and I get teary eyed almost daily from all the love I see on here.

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    I came to this board yesterday, but if it's ok I would like to continue to come and read your stories. Working with children and adults with special needs has always been a passion of mine. I currently work with adults who are severe/profound MR with lots of medical issues as well. Most of our clients' parents were told their children wouldn't live past 30 and to put them into an institution and forget about them (which they did). We have clients who are over 65 so it is so awesome to me that you guys are such dedicated parents. Eventually I would like to adopt a child with special needs, so I thought maybe I could see if there was some insight you all have that I haven't thought of before I make that leap. You ladies are amazing though! Thanks for letting me lurk.
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    The biggest reason I lurk is there are a few of you that I've met on other boards, and I'm wondering how you all are doing. I must say that it sounds like you're all doing fabulous! The love just radiates off this board :)

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    I just found this board and it would have been so helpful earlier this year. My youngest DD was born as were told healthy. On her 2nd day of life a pedi came in as they did every few hours and checked her vitals. He heard an unusual heart murmur and ordered an ECHO. The pedi cardiologist came in later that night and turned our lives upside down. We were told she was born with a rare heart condition where she was born with 5 heart chambers and 3 holes in her heart. We were told that she should be safe until at least 5 months old when we would have to schedule her open heart surgery for correction. Well we were sent home, not fully understanding her condition and life took a bad turn. 3 days after we took her home I was feeding her a bottle of breast milk, because she couldn't nurse from lack of energy and she quit breathing. I was terrified. I did everything I could think of and luckily we were living with my parents during this time for help with our oldest DD and my mom got her breathing again but we couldn't wake her. We called 911 and during the ambulance ride, she started to fade and the paramedic was getting anxious. We then ended up staying for 3 days at the hospital and was told that she had severe reflux and being born early caused her to forget to breath while feeding. We were sent home. I was so scared. We went to our cardiologist office the next morning for a more accurate diagnosis and she quit breathing 3 times while there. We were imediately sent over to the best childrens heart hospital in the Seattle area (Marybridge Children's Hospital). They kept us there for 1 week and tube fed her to fatten her up for surgery that would take place the next week. They were amazing! They kept her monitored 24/7 and kept counselors checking in with us to keep us positive. She had the heart surgery at 3 weeks old and she survived with amazing results. That was the most difficult day of our lives and all I could do was pray for God let me have our baby for a little longer to show her how much she is loved. Our prayers were answered and she was a fighter! While she was recovering after surgery they let us see her and touch her tiny little hand. She looked up at me and kept following me all over the room with her eyes. She new I was there and that made me feel so alive. That day I feel was her real birthday and we from that point she has never been the same baby that we first brought home. She is so full of life and is now a normal thriving 9 month old. I recently found out that the week before her surgery while we were staying at the hospital, she was in heart failure and the doctors didn't expect her to live.They couldn't tell me, because I was so unstable. She is truly a miracle and we are forever thankful for our amazing medical team. I am thankful for my DH's medical coverage because we have only had to pay for $1200 out of pocket for well over $1 million in surgery, testing, and doctor visits. We had moved across country when I was 3 months PG with her, and if we had stayed in TX and my DH had kept his city job she would have died because our medical coverage was horrible. I want to just cry when I think about families that don't have good coverage and their babies aren't able to have the best doctors and healthcare. I pray for every family that has to experience having a sick baby, I know your pain and anxiety. May you be blessed as we have been.
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    I'm late responding to this post, but I just happened across this board today. DD was just diagnosed with an anterior placed anus. As mild as that may be compared to what others on here are experiencing, it's been a long, hard road for us. I had some awful pediatricians who made me feel like I was crazy for thinking something was wrong for 9 months. I was advised to give up breastfeeding and we tried so many different things to combat what was forever diagnosed as colic. My DD is just so cranky and uncomfortable all day long that some days I just want to run away and hide. Our nights are awful. I haven't had more than 2 hours of sleep at a time in months and months.
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    I should also add that because of her being undiagnosed for so long, she has some delayed developmental milestones - she doesn't roll from back to stomach or stay on her tummy long enough to try and crawl. Babies with this condition are very uncomfortable on their stomachs so these delays are common.
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    I lurk because my sister has cerebral palsy (she is 26 y.o.), my 4 y.o. son is allergic to peanuts, and a close friend found out recently that the baby she is carrying is Trisomy 13.
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    I'm also late posting. Idk what brought me to this board, to be honest. I don't have children, and I don't have anyone in my family with SN (except my dad, he was born with congenital nystagmus, strabismus, and other visual abnormalities -- he had surgery to correct the strabismus but still struggles with congenital nystagmus daily).

    I am a social worker and have worked with SN children in the past. Mainly I just come on here to see if there is anyway i can offer support, and I am just amazed at what strong women you all are and what your families must go through on a daily basis. That, and this is one of the only boards i have seen on here that everyone is SO nice to each other, no trolls, no flaming, etc etc.

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