Health & Exercise

Exercise after C=section? please share

I had a c-section last week 11/11.  1 week postpartum  I still look swollen in tummy area... and just wondering what to expect from others of you who have had c-section as far as recovery... and how soon you began exercise.. I also am reading about Belly Bandit... so I look into that...

 I worked out regularly during pregnancy.. mostly elliptical... and walking... prior to that I ran 2-3 miles about 5 days a week.

 I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through a c-section.. what you did to get back in shape... and how soon some of you started running..

I know 6 weeks is standard to wait for exercise... does this include walking too??

 Thanks in advance for your replies!

Re: Exercise after C=section? please share

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    It's really rough at first.  I was very active during pregnancy so it was extremely frustrating not being able to exercise.  I started walking as soon as I got home from the hospital.  I started just walking 2 miles a day, then I would regularly walk 3 miles a day about 2-3 weeks after the c-section.  Then, I basically would just walk however much I would have been running before pregnancy -- about three 4-mile walks a week and a 6-mile walk and a 5-mile walk on Saturdays and Sundays (I have a dog and he LOVED this!).  I would always take the stroller and my dog with me.  I also started doing yoga, pilates, and ab exercises about 3 weeks pp.  At 5 weeks pp I was DYING to run and tried to go running.  The first one was awful -- I felt like my incision was going to rip open and I only made it about 1.5 miles before I had to walk (as a reference point for how bad this is, I've ran 3 full marathons and more 1/2 marathons than I can count, so not being able to go 1.5 miles was weird).  But, I ran the next day, and the next day, and the next day and before I knew it I could go 3-4 miles again. 

    I felt like I was running back to normal at around 3 months pp.  Now, about 5 months pp, I feel like I'm actually a better runner than before.  My incision is only tender when I push on it and I can't feel it when I exercise. I can actually run faster than before I had a baby.  I'm also back to my pp ab routine and I feel like most of my core strength has returned. 

    So yes, you can definitely walk and probably should.  It kept me sane when I couldn't do any other exercises!

    Good luck!  Be patient and gracious with your body -- you'll get there, but it may take a little time.   

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    Of course you know you cannot do anything for at least 5-6 weeks (it is hard but don't do any exercising NONE) You really don't want your insides to be badly hurt the inside heals slower than the outside.  Then you can start doing some walking after 6 weeks yoga and pilates are ok too but just be careful you may want to do it and feel better but you cannot see the scars on your uterus and inner muscles.

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    Not sure I agree with pp.  My doctor specifically told me I could walk when I was discharged from the hospital.  And my brother, who is an OB/GYN said that trying to run when I felt ready, even if it was a week shy of 6 weeks, was fine, too.  Obviously I'm not a medical professional, but in my experience, it was not necessary to wait the full 6 weeks to resume activity.
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    Not sure I agree with pp.  My doctor specifically told me I could walk when I was discharged from the hospital.  And my brother, who is an OB/GYN said that trying to run when I felt ready, even if it was a week shy of 6 weeks, was fine, too.  Obviously I'm not a medical professional, but in my experience, it was not necessary to wait the full 6 weeks to resume activity.


    I understand what you are saying but even if you look it up anywhere it will say to wait, but everyone is different. Since I lost my baby(34 weeks) prior to the C-section I was not taking any chances of compromising my body since I wanted to to be able to possibly have a VBAC and carry another baby. To each his own. 

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    I was DESPERATE to get moving again after my C-sec 4 years ago!  Like you & the other pps I had an active pregnancy so it felt so strange to sit still for long periods of time without moving!

    I think we took our 1st walk with the stroller at about 4 or 5 days pp.  My mother was visiting so I was able to get out alone & walk 1 or 2 miles as well!  I do remember overdoing it on the walks though & my body let me know as I started bleeding more than I had been (midwife told me this was a result of doing too much)!

    I was pretty conservative though, choosing to wait until my first pp appointment to get the all clear for more strenous workouts beyond walking.  Once I got that I resumed everything - running (although it took a while to get up to speed again), weights & yoga!

    Best of luck!  Listen to your body!  You will get it back Smile

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    I waited until after my 6 week appt to start exercising again.  I started light, doing my old Firm and Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    A week or so later, I started the Insanity workout program.  I am now almost 14 weeks and all the baby weight is gone.  The program is very hard, but it really works.  

    Be patient and careful with your body.  A c-section is a major operation, give yourself time to heal properly.  I felt fine 2 weeks after my delivery, but my dr urged me to take it easy and to not start exercising too soon.  She said it really does take the 6 weeks for the internal stitches to heal and dissolve.  I was bummed out because i like to exercise and I couldn't wait until I could work off the fat, but I figured I should be better safe than sorry.  I didn't want to injure myself and set myself back. 


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    Thanks to all of you who took time to reply... this really helps and is encouraging to be patient... as it's not worth risking injuring myself and ultimately making recovery longer! :)
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    I'm late to the party, but I totally hear you on wanting to exercise right away.  I had a c/s with twins at 34w and ran the entire pregnancy.  I started walking right away pp, run/walk at 2 weeks, and running full time at 4 weeks. 

    (I figured I'd never be pregnant again, so I didn't care if my guts fell out. Big Smile)

    I was luck to have a super easy pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.  My mom was able to watch the boys for a bit each day on maternity leave, so I was able to train for a half marathon at 11 weeks.  I wish I had that kind of time now though.  Dumb job.

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    I still looked pregnant after both of my c-sections for several weeks.  It takes some time for your uterus to return to its normal size.  I also have a lovely little shelf above my scar.  I had it last time and it got better but took probably months.  I had two 9+ lb babies so the skin on my abdomen is really stretched out and flabby-not attractive.  As for exercise, I would take it easy until you are pain-free.  I only did some walking until my 6 week follow-up, since then I have returned to the gym.  I feel great now!

    (Also, I found the Belly Bandit very helpful in supporting my abdomen early on-it wasn't as painful to get up and down.  However, it quickly became too big and I didn't use it after the second week.) 


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