Rhode Island Babies

Kent vs. W&I?

Hi friends!

Trying to decide if I should deliver at Kent or W&I. The OB I want to use said their office only delivers at Kent (Caring for Women), but I found her through W&I. My gut tells me that if I'm 10 minutes from the baby hospital I should deliver there, just in case there are any issues.

Has anyone used Kent? Does anyone have a preference based on experience?

Thanks in advance - it's so helpful to have this board as it's too early to tell our friends and family yet!


Re: Kent vs. W&I?

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    Morning & congratulations! 

    I haven't delivered yet but I am partial to W&I.  I have had a number of operations and procedures there and have only had great experiences with their facilities & staff.   My friends that have delivered at W&I have had wonderful experiences there too.  I live in South Kingstown but think its worth it to make the trip up to Providence - hopefully sooner than later!! 


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    Wow, I'm about as far along as you... and I'm going to be using Caring for Women! I have been going there for a few years and have been really happy.

    I can't actually help on your question though - I want to deliver at Kent. I'm actually glad to hear that Caring for Women delivers there, since I didn't want to have to go to W&I but didn't want to switch OBs. 

    Part of that is that I live 5 minutes from Kent, and that I've seen their women's wing. It was really welcoming, safe and quiet. I want to deliver someplace quieter and calmer like that than a busy place like W&I. I figure if there are serious complications, Kent would be able to handle it and we could be transferred to W&I if necessary. But, I do say go with what's comfortable! 

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    I gave birth to my first daughter at Kent through Caring for Women! They gave me the option of both that and W& I, I picked Kent because at the time I lived like 3 minutes up the street. I liked that they have private rooms for everyone and were just smaller and less crazy than W&I. But ... the nurses weren't so great. The lactation consultant sucked, told me I couldn't breastfeed my baby cuz my breast were too big!!! The nurses always acted like I was an idiot. Admittedly I had a lot of questions but she was my first! So ... am having #2 at W&I. Good Luck!
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    I just delivered at W&I for the second time.  I had a scheduled c-sections, so perhaps when people are saying it's very busy/crazy there they are referring to L&D.  My experience at W&I was very organized and relaxed.  I had a private room (I'm pretty sure everyone does) and it was very peaceful.  The food wasn't terrible, the nurses were really helpful (though occasionally gave conflicting advice), and I felt really at home and well cared for.  That being said, my friend just delivered at Kent for the third time this past June and she really likes it there. I think you will probably be happy at either facility.  If it were me, I'd let the decision maker be that W&I is probably better prepared for an emergency situation.  In the end, a safe delivery is the most important.  GL!
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    I delivered at W&I and loved it. It was so nice to know that if something was to go wrong, the NICU was right there. My delivery wasn't easy so knowing this really helped to keep me calm. I knew that nurses/doctors that were trained to help high risk.sick babies were right in the room *just in case.* I know some call it the "Baby Factory," but I didn't feel that way. Maybe I just got lucky, but I will go there next time! 

    I have two very good friends that delivered at Kent and they both rave about it. I know the rooms are bigger, etc.  

    I would suggest touring both and then just trusting your instinct.

    G/L :) 

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    I'd definitely opt for Kent. I have friends that delivered at W&I and decided on Kent for subsequent pregnancies and preferred Kent. You get a lot of personalized attention-something you're not going to get at a big hospital. I was the only person in labor at the point I was there, so a nurse was constantly there. They would come in for a 1/2 hour at a time and just chat with me, which was nice because labor can be boring, especially if you have a long one. I think if I were in labor at 32 weeks, I'd be delivering at W&I but for an uncomplicated pregnancy I'm all for Kent. My friend had a preemie at 28 weeks, and after a month they transferred her to Kent and she even preferred Kent over W&I.
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    I am an employee at Kent, and I've delivered at W&I.  I think of all of the hospitals with maternity wards in the state, they are above and beyond the best choices because they both have NICU's.  I am partial to W&I for a few reasons:

    1. When I first got pregnant, I figured that it is one of the top hospitals in the country, and if anything goes wrong for either you or baby, then you have to be transferred there, so why not already be there in the first place?

    2.  Something did go wrong at the very very end of my labor (not anything to do with the hospital, or anything that could've been predicted, just a very rare complication), and I have no idea how things would have turned out if I hadn't been there already.  Luckily, everything was just fine in the end, and I had a big, beautiful baby boy. 

    3.  Kent does not have a "lo-jack" system for the babies.  It is a locked ward, so all visitors have to be buzzed in, but there is no security system attached to baby.  While this certainly isn't a deal-breaker, it would've made me reconsider if I'd been thinking about them in the first place.

    Good luck in your pregnancy and whatever decision you make in the long run!



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    I am also partial to women and infants, I am being treated as a high risk pregnancy, snd I just feel that W&I has the latest technology, and one of the best NICU's in the state, hopefully I will not have to find out first hand!  I have also gone for a few surgeries at W&I and all of the staff were very friendly and helpful.  2 of our friends had their babies at kent and had positive things to say.  See what your doctor reccomends
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    I was in the same exact boat as you. I really wanted to go to Women and Infants but I chose to go with my OB (Caring for Women also) and I am very very happy I did.  The nurses were great and because they are not as busy as Women and Infants I felt the care was more personalized.  Not to mention when I got out of the hospital there was the whole W&I bed bug issue.  

    I am really happy I went with Kent.  I can't say enough good things about Kent and having not only a great doctor, but great on-call doctors from Caring for Women. 


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