Birth Stories

Atypical Birth Story

I don?t post often, but I wanted to share Kelton?s atypical birth story?

I was really hoping that I could finish working the school year before my son arrived, so our last day was the 22nd and I was so relieved we made it! On the 23rd I had a dr appt and they told me to be patient and with my first it could be up to 3 more weeks (I was 38 ? weeks), so I went home took a nap, a walk with my DH and dog, and made a nice dinner. As soon as I had finished the dishes my water broke in the kitchen! I had no contractions but headed to the hospital anyway after calling my midwife.

When we arrived they hooked me up to the monitor and told me the contractions were steady, although I was not too uncomfortable, and they said I was 4 cm dilated so they decided to admit me. Again they felt it would take a while with my first and it was 11pm so they suggested giving me meds to sleep through the night. I took the sleeping meds at 1am, woke up with some strong contractions throughout the night, but fell back asleep quickly and woke for good about 6am with no contractions!

They had me walk the hallways for about 2 hours, but still no contractions, so they decided to check me and then make a plan for inducing. When my midwife checked I was 10cm dilated!  She had another doctor check to make sure, but they decided to see what I could do before medication.  They decided I may have dilated during the night at some point. I pushed for two hours and my son was born- a strange experience since there were no contractions to tell me when to push, and it happened so fast they didn?t have time for the IV and pitocin! He was born with no meds- about the only part of my birth plan that didn?t change! I did need the pitocin to contract and deliver the placenta, but they only gave me a small amount and I had minimal tearing so no pain meds were needed.

I wanted to share because I had never heard of a contraction-free birth before so this caught me off guard! My midwife and nurse had never seen it before either- it was quite the story at the hospital! Apparently It does happen and I had a healthy baby boy at 7lb 8oz, 21inches, and 10 days early! He is doing great- gaining weight rapidly and he gets more handsome every day!

Re: Atypical Birth Story

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    That's amazing!

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    My mom swares she had the same experience w/ both my sister and I. I always found it hard to believe, but apparently she's not alone.  I was not so lucky. Glad it went well for you!
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    Can I borrow your body and birth story for my next birth?? 

    Awesome story and awesome delivery!  Wow!

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