Okay, I know we've discussed this on the nest, but I figured I post this on the bump. DH and I are planning a short visit to St.Louis in October. Annabelle will be a year old. I was just on southwest.com checking out their infant/toddler travel rules. I'm not sure if I should buy her a ticket or just hold her in my lap. Obviously this will be her first flight. A short 3 hour flight. Reading up on Southwest, they basically recommend a car seat, no harness or anything that straps to you.
For those who have traveled with a older infant, did you buy them a seat? Or did you just hold them in your lap? If you have bought a infant seat, how much was it? Southwest does offer infant seats, but I have to call their 1-800 number.
Re: Air Travel w/ Infant-Toddler
Annabelle doesn't really have a schedule nap time, it's whenever she goes down. I really don't want to pay another full fare price. I was going to pick a time during the day, that's when she is the best. Haha.
We took Eloise as a lap baby until she turned 2 and was too old to be a lap baby. We haven't flown since, but she already is signed up for her Southwest miles.
We fly Southwest a lot (Eloise has flown them to Long Island, Austin @ 13 mos, San Diego @ 16 mos and Orlando @ 22 mos?) and never had an issue. She only got a seat (for free because there were empty seats) on a short flight home from LI. I would call ahead to let them know you have a lap baby, it won't cost anything but it makes checking in a little simpler.
My big advice is to bring snacks & small toys- crayons, etc. stuff she isn't used to so it's new and exciting to her. Have a sippy cup or bottle for her to drink from for take-off/landing so she will swallow and her ears won't "pop." I nursed Eloise for a long time and always nursed her for take-off/landing and we never had issues.
We have had both boys as lap babies on Southwest and we never had a problem. Like PPs have said, if the flights are not full you can always put her in her own seat, just make sure you bring your carseat to the gate and ask before boarding if the flight it full. If it is, then they will just gate-check your seat. I think someone said this, but after to purchase your tickets, or sometime before you fly, call the airline and have her added as a lap baby. Southwest has always been pretty helpful when it comes to flying with kids.
Make sure your car seat has the FAA approved sticker. This is req'd on board an aircraft. It would stink to lug it to the gate only to have to check it for that reason.
I work for SWA and I agree with PP. If there are seats you can feel free to bring your car seat on board. Have something for your LO to suck on for climb out and descent. It will help equalize their ear pressure. You cannot really explain how to do the Valsalva maneuver (plug your nose and pop your ears). (:
You will be fine.
Haha, I don't even know how to do the Valsava maneuver. I've seen people do it and it is just so foreign to me!
Oh I checked her carseat and it's not FFA approved. That was easy. I already made up my mind.