Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How many times....

a night do you go back into LO room at bedtime to soothe them?? 

It feels like forever from when I put LO to bed to when he actually falls asleep for the night. I hate it. I actually dread bedtime because I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.

 I try to get him relaxed before bedtime. We have a bath and lotion and PJ routine. I make sure his belly is full, I rock him, I turn on the baby crack machine, I give him his pacifier, I put him in the crib still awake, I rub his head for a while, he closes his eyes... I slowly walk out the room..............

and as soon as I effing sit down he SCREAMS. I swear it can take 2 hours sometimes of me going back and shooshing and putting the paci back in and rubbing his forehead. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I end up in tears some nights.    

I really hate this part. 

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Re: How many times....

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    Emmie does this too. Its a little better since we got the wubanubb, but as soon as that paci falls out she screams. Its also b/c she sleeps so much better on her tummy and I won't let her sleep on her tummy at night! I'm hoping it gets better as she gets older
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    I am in the same spot. The only thing we have tried is doing the routine earlier. But really, it's just so I'm not AS tired when fighting the battle.
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