Two Under 2

Thinking about not getting a crib

We have everything we need for #2 and I'm wondering if we can get away with not buying a second crib. We have a bassinet and a pack n play that little baby could sleep in for quite a while. DD will be 15 months when the new baby comes. At what point would she be ready to be out of the crib in case we needed it for the younger one?

Is this crazy? We'd rather not spend the money if we don't have to, but I don't want to make things harder than they need to be.

Re: Thinking about not getting a crib

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    This is a great question- one I don't have the answer to as my second isn't due until June.  Anyhow, just a suggestion- if you end up needing to buy a crib after all, try Craigslist.  My Mom bought my son a crib for her house that she got for a great price- $75 with the matress and everything.  It looks practically brand-new and works great.  Just an idea.
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    Kaylin started sleeping on a nap mat at school when she was 12 months old. Many kids are ready to move to a toddler bed at that point. We converted her crib about a week ago and it has gone very smoothly. We probably could have done it quite some time ago. Every kid is different though. If I were you, I would hold off on buying a crib. 2-3 months after baby is born, re-evaluate moving your DD before you buy a crib.
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    My girls are 19mths apart and we did not buy a second crib. At around 14mths we put my oldest in a toddler bed and she did great. Now she is a regular full size bed with no problems. I wouldn't waste the money. Like you said you could aways use the pnp if your oldest isn't ready.
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    My kids are 17 months apart and we didn't get a second crib. We kept my son in a cradle and are now getting ready to move my daughter to a toddler bed, but honestly he could be in the cradle for a couple more months and he wouldn't be the wiser. :)
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    I would say no! That is what i am doing. Baby #3 will stay in bassinet on pack in play in our room until I go back to work then move the crib and #2 will get a big girl bed. :-)
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    I no longer have 2u2, but I did. We transitioned DD to a twin bed when she was about 15.5mths old so we never bought a 2nd crib. It worked out fine for us.
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    I'm planning to do what all the above women have suggested.  My DS will be 18 months when the baby comes.  I'm hoping to transition him right before that.  I want to keep the baby in a pack-n-play in our room for a few weeks anyway.  If it doesn't work, then I think I'll try to get a second hand crib to use for a bit.
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    We aren't getting a crib yet either. If DD needs one and DS is not ready to be done with his, then we'll look into it. No need to spend the money on something we won't use.
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    Mine will be 18m apart. I'm not sure DD will be ready for a toddler bed, but we're holding off on buying another crib until after the second is born. I know she'll be in the bassinet in our room for at least a couple months so we'll see at that point.
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    We are about to have our third child and are still on the same crib we bought with the first.  When DD #1 was 16 1/2 months old she learned how to flip herself out of the crib.  We immediately bought a twin mattress and set that up on the floor for her.  So, when #2 was born when #1 was 21 months old the crib wasn't being used anyway and there was no need for a new one. 

    Then we got pregnant with #3 and #2 will be about 21 months old when he is born in a couple weeks.  She never learned how to escape the crib so we had to move her on our own.  We planned to have our two girls room together and give the baby the other room for his nursery.  We started by swapping out the crib for a toddler bed when #2 was about 18 months old.  She loved it and took to it right away with no problems.  Then about a month after that when we felt she was really used to the bed we moved it in with her sister and she has been rooming with her ever since. 

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    I regret not buying a second crib. #1 slept great in a crib, but was not really ready for a toddler bed. We still have a hard time keeping him in bed.
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