3rd Trimester

Are all the October EDD here yet? unofficial check-in

Blair's on vacation and we haven't had an OOP check-in for a while so I figured I'd give a shout-out to the rest of the OOPs here today.  Feel free to vent about how unprepared you are for the LO's arrival or AW about how super on top of things.  Me?  I'm going to vent...

Less than 10 weeks to go and we're no closer to have a name picked out.  Our house is in remodel hell (no kitchen, and all the bedrooms are still torn apart) and other than a case of newborn and a case of size 1 diapers, I have none of the baby essentials (infant seat, clothes, etc.)  How is everyone else doing?


Re: Are all the October EDD here yet? unofficial check-in

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    I am due 10/17 & I am here.  Our shower is this weekend, so I will know what I need to get still after then. Hopefully not too much, but we will see!
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    I'm here!  Basically, my swing is set up, but leaning against my changing table in the nursery... and the walls are painted.  I haven't gotten the crib set up yet, waiting on new hardware for it.  My wallpaper border is not up yet.  My first shower is at the end of August.  We still have plenty of time!
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    well I havent had any showers yet they are all at the end of august so i feel like i have nothing for the baby! because im waiting until i see what i get before i go buy a bunch of stuff... the nursery is painted and the dresser, changer and crib are in there and i have the bedding still need bookcase,glider rocker, and some decor
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    I'm due October 29, and just made the jump over here. It's like a whole new world Smile  So much to think about! I know a lot of things are on the horizon, i.e. meeting pediatricians, developing a birth plan, packing the hospital bag, but it still feels like I have plenty of time. I just can't quite wrap my head around all of it yet.
    "For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    sgrlsgrl member

    I think we should all be here now!

    I'm doing ok other than some new discomfort in my back/ribs! The nursery is a mess but at least we have the crib up - and it is gorgeous!

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    I am nowhere near ready for LO.  I am not having a shower, so i know i have to start getting everything i need just so i could be ready for when the baby comes.  I dont know where to start.. I just moved and my house is a mess, i am on vacation next week so hopefully i start getting ready for LO.
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    Well, we have a name.  The nursery is pretty much cleaned out and DH has contractors coming to the house tonight to look at what kind of work we're looking at for the nursery and when we can start.  We have some paint colors picked out, not 100% sure, but 90% that they are the colors we are going with.  My mom has been dropping shower hints and we haven't registered yet.....I have a little time, but I think a trip to Babies R Us is something we need to really get on!  No baby purchases yet either.  I am waiting until at least the nursery has new floors in it before ordering the furniture, it is in stock and will be delivered in 1-3 days, so no real problem there.  That's about it for now Smile

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    LEE_VLEE_V member

    I'm here - and thrilled to be here!  My due date is October 28th.

    We are currently building a new house and planning to move in at the end of September, so I haven't decorated the nursery yet... but I am planning and buying little things here and there.

    We're having a girl and I have no girl clothes!! I have THREE cute sleepers that I bought and that is IT. 

     I am feeling VERY unprepared. VERY. 

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    I'm here! Due Date Oct 7th and I have my co-ed Baby Celebration BBQ this weekend aka my baby shower! Yay. Can't wait : ) Hope it's not too hot and sticky out! Baby has been doing kickboxing allll freakin day!! Don't know what he's trying to tell me but he's all over the place today!
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    I'm here :-)

    I'm going to vent about the horrible heart burn that I can't get rid of and the fact that my blood pressure has been creeping up, which is freaking me out.  Oh, and we don't have a name either and I can't find anything that we both like...

    We had our shower early since it was back at my parents place in NY and I didn't want to travel 10 hours each way after 30 weeks.  So we have all the big stuff.  Now I'm just buying the small things.  For some reason I never feel like we have enough clothes, even though we have a ton already.

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    We have the crib/changing table set up, clothes washed, hung, in the dresser, most of the nursery artwork is done (DH did 4 paintings, he's thinking about doing 2 more) We have a few more crafts to do.

    We still need most of the gear like the infant seat and stroller, but our shower is in a month.  We also need to paint the nursery and get the bedding. 

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    I'm not even remotely close to being prepared.  I've had one shower so I have some of my goodies but I still need so much more.  Not to mention, we are moving four weeks before the baby is due so I will have to paint and set up her entire nursery in that time.
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    I'm due October 26th. We haven't started working on the nursery yet. Its our August and September project. DH is redoing the whole inside of our house. This all started the day after my BFP. He wants his daughter to have the best house and will make sure that happens. Buying a new house would have been easier, but we're not ones for doing things the easy way. Smile This week nothing has been done on the house. We have to put our dog down tomorrow. She had a stroke on Monday evening and a seizure Tuesday morning. The vet said there's nothing they can do and since she's 16 its time to put her down. I've had her since I was 5 so this has been very difficult on me. I remind myself that it's what's best for her and she lead a very long and loving life. I also know that people are dealing with much harder things than I am so feel sorry for myself isn't going to stop us from having to say goodbye.
    Harli Grace born 10/22/09 at 38 weeks - 6lbs 1oz www.ourmadbaby.blogspot.com
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    i'm not on the check in, but my due date is Oct 29th and am 27 weeks today. so tomorrow should be the last girl in (if her due date is October 31st)
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    I'm due October 30 and I can "officially" be here tomorrow (I think?).

    I have pretty much nothing done. Its odd, because I was SO prepared with my first and now I haven't even dragged out the totes of clothes to see what I need to buy!

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
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    I'm here.  We have all of our furniture set up and the nursery is painted.  Just waiting on the couple of showers I have coming up in August to get our bedding and some of the other decorative touches.  So, I feel pretty prepared in that regard.  However, this little girl may never have a name since DH and I can't agree on anything.  All he suggests are names his mother likes.  Ugh.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
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    I'm here and due on 10/27. I think everyone should be over by now.  I was wondering what happened to the check in's,  I thought I kept missing them.  Anyways my DH and I are overachievers and have the nursery completely finished, well minus the bookshelf which I swear will never get here. My shower is August 15th so after that we will probably get whathever else we need for our little one.  Hope everyone is doing well.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I am due 10/11 and can't believe there are still 10 weeks left! Already so uncomfortable and I know it will just get harder! But so excited to meet her...
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    EDD: 10/15/09?

    Vent: I am SO sick and tired of being sore in the thigh/hip/pelvis area! And though I have a while yet, I can't wait to have LO out so I can have my body back... (But want her to stay in and finish baking!)?

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Im due 10/11 and the house we plan on moving into is completely gutted!

    They tell me I'll be able to move in by labor day.... but its a hellava mess at the moment. No kitchen, not bathrooms, hell part of upstairs has no drywall! Its insane!

    and of course everyone keeps asking me if my nursery is done. LOL. Nothing is done. I have started packing and I have alerted work that Im done end of August so I can have time to unpack everything. 

    and I have had a wicked bladder infection for a month!

    end of vent... lol

    Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
    Married my love 4/22/2006
    DD born 10/12/2009
    DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
    Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
    Pregnancy Ticker}
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    I'm 10/30 and I think today is my official start according to the bump, right?

     We made a lot of progress in the past 7 days. Room is cleaned, painted, crib together, dresser in, DH installed a new closet system, and we're picking up the glider tonight.

    What's left (room wise)...wall decor, install ceiling fan, wash clothes and put away, organize all of our stuff.

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    I'm here! and have been for a while. EDD Oct. 8! Big Smile

    umm, we've literally done nothing. sure, we've got a few clothes, some blankets, cloth diapers, some bottles, travel system, bumbo seat. i think we're just waiting for the baby shower before we splurge? i hope? Tongue Tied my parents are getting the crib (WHEN?!?!), but we don't have bedding.

     2 months ago, our landlord gave us permission to paint the corner of our bedroom (our designated mini-nursery area, haha), as long as we paint it back before we move out by the end of next summer. we still haven't looked at paint swatches. cd's/clothes haven't been washed, "nursery" artwork hasn't been done, house hasn't been baby-proofed yet. 

    ::freaks out::

    oh, and WHEN WILL THIS HEAT WAVE END?! third-tri women really don't play nicely with 38-40 degree weather, never mind the humidex, for a week straight, and two more weeks predicted. drinking water only gives me horrible heartburn. Crying

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    I feel pretty ready! All we have left with the nursery is decor. No big deal there ;) It helps to be able to reuse all of DD#1's clothes and stuff!

    Now the name.. that's another thing Huh? Each time we've almost decided on a name, we changed our minds. Now we both thought we were set for sure on the name and last night we were discussing it, and while we are still almost positive we're going with the name, we are having little bitty doubts. grr! I wish it would be as easy this time as it was for DD#1! Or if we were having a boy, (both times) we had our boy name picked our for absolute sure before even knowing the sex!

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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    I'm here... Im due October 9th, but scheduled for a csection on the 2nd... As far as being ready... not even close.  We have the crib put together, still have to put the dresser together and paint the nursery... I had my shower and I have a TON of stuff that needs to be put away (but REALLY need the dresser to do that!)  We still have to get the car seat and stroller, but that is the last of the big items that we need.  Other than that, I guess I am as prepared as we can be! 
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    We've got a name.   DH is working on the crib.   ...and that's about it.   Oh wait, yesterday we picked up the dresser we're going to convert to a changer.   But there is still TONS of crap in the so-called Nursery.

    Kill me.  Kill me now.

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    sgrlsgrl member

    I'm due October 26th. We haven't started working on the nursery yet. Its our August and September project. DH is redoing the whole inside of our house. This all started the day after my BFP. He wants his daughter to have the best house and will make sure that happens. Buying a new house would have been easier, but we're not ones for doing things the easy way. Smile This week nothing has been done on the house. We have to put our dog down tomorrow. She had a stroke on Monday evening and a seizure Tuesday morning. The vet said there's nothing they can do and since she's 16 its time to put her down. I've had her since I was 5 so this has been very difficult on me. I remind myself that it's what's best for her and she lead a very long and loving life. I also know that people are dealing with much harder things than I am so feel sorry for myself isn't going to stop us from having to say goodbye.

    I'm so sorry about your dog. :(

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I will be moving here Sunday :)! My EDD is October 25th and I'm getting nervous! Only 13 more weeks and our little girl will be here :). We still need to get a few things, but we have two baby showers coming up over the next few weeks so we will not be buying anything else until after those. But, we have the essentials (car seat, crib, some clothes, etc.) so if she decides to come early we will be ready!!
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    I'm due Oct 21st. Feeling pretty prepared. Progress is being made. Almost have the nursery completely painted & already have the crib, bedding, chaning table, etc. So just time to add all the finishing touches.

    August is gonna be busy though! Start our 7 week-long birth class on Monday, 3 weddings to attend this month, 2 work functions, oh yeah & working on the nusery.

    My biggest complaint - it's 100 degrees here (record setting temps) and we have no a/c. I'm trying to tough it out but I really just wanna cry :(

    Passed my GD test on Monday though, but found out I'm anemic. Oh well, nothing wrong with taking an iron supplement.

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    so i feel really unprepared but we have alot done! nursery is done, all i need to do is raise crib position up but can't do that now (nephew is here during the week and is 1), all nb and 0-3m clothes, socks, hats, burb clothes, blankets are washed and put away.  only have bought 1 box of nb diapers, dh says we will get more after he is here since he might be a giant :) need to wash car seat still (its from ds2), order swing, order bundle me, order boppy cover, order new pump kit and hopefully order a new baby monitor....  i guess i'm feeling so unprepared because there is alot i want to get done before hand...get caught up on scrapbooks for my older boys, get my taxes done...., get halloween stuff ready (baby will be here 10.2), get my oldest sons birthday stuff orgnaized/invites made and ready to go, bday is 11.3, make a diaper bag, and some burp cloths! oh so much to do! better get going!
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    I am here. Due Oct 28th. Went and took my GD test today. Hopefully I pass. No complaints for me really except that I want it to be October already!
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    no name for us yet and no daycare as of today. Tons left to do at home and work. best of all, I don't want to do anything at all, Indifferent

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    I'm here!

    The nursery is done and I bought their diapers (I'm CDing), but I don't have the car seats, sheets, etc. I have some clothes, but not many at all. 

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    I'm here as of a few days ago.  I've got the nursery painted, the valence up, the rug laid and the dresser/changing table in place.  Still waiting for the crib to be delivered (shoiuld be in next 1-3 weeks).  I've got some clothes and they are in the dresser and closet.  My showers are in mid-September so that's when I'll hopefully be all set.  I start my various classes in September.  I've been feeling pretty good, but today feel fatigued, lethargic and a little light-headed.  I think it's the heat and humidity that has finally settled in NY.  Oh, and my ribs hirt pretty much every night.
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    I don't feel at all prepared for baby.  Our diaper stash isn't anywhere near up to snuff yet and we don't have enough clothes.  But, the car seat has been purchaed off our registry (I suspect my mom did that).  The crib and bassinet have both found a home.  I don't have a pump yet.

    Luckily, the nursery is painted.  Hurray!


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm due October 26th. We haven't started working on the nursery yet. Its our August and September project. DH is redoing the whole inside of our house. This all started the day after my BFP. He wants his daughter to have the best house and will make sure that happens. Buying a new house would have been easier, but we're not ones for doing things the easy way. Smile This week nothing has been done on the house. We have to put our dog down tomorrow. She had a stroke on Monday evening and a seizure Tuesday morning. The vet said there's nothing they can do and since she's 16 its time to put her down. I've had her since I was 5 so this has been very difficult on me. I remind myself that it's what's best for her and she lead a very long and loving life. I also know that people are dealing with much harder things than I am so feel sorry for myself isn't going to stop us from having to say goodbye.


    I'm so sorry about your dog.  What a difficult decision to have to make, but it sounds like you're doing the right thing for her.  Right Hug


    We just moved and had avoided buying baby stuff until getting to our new place, so now we're starting to get it together.  We finally got the car seat and stroller, I've picked out some gender-neutral clothes, and we ordered some cloth diapers last night!  So that's progress...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm 10/27 and I made the jump a few days ago!  Although I must admit I have been lurking for awhile.


    My shower is not until 9/12 so I feel totally unprepared right now!  I suppose the only MAJOR thing we are missing is the carseat but he still needs lots of clothes, swing, a dresser and about 18 million little things!

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    i have absolutely nothing for the baby yet...except a few little outfits and his crib. his room has yet to be painted and the carpet isnt in yet...i'm stressing! the plan is to have it at least painted and carpeted before the shower, which is in 2 weeks
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm here! I'm due on 10/16.

    We are finishing the painting in the baby's room tonight! Woo-hoo! 

    We so far have a stroller/car seat, glider & ottoman, and swing (gifts during a sale). I think I have 8 outfits (maybe) that I got an clearance at Carters. No shower yet....not sure when that will be.

    Hatching the Hawks
    Hatching the Hawks
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    Me, I'm due 10/28...

     I guess my updates are:


    • weight = good
    • measurements = good
    • baby seems perfect
    • Having 3/D;4/d u/s on Sat and hopeto see LOs sweet face! :)
    • Dh has painted her nursery and put up crown moulding, he's still doing a chair rail and picture boxes along the bottom 1/2 of her room.
    • All furniture/stroller/crib/glider/ottoman have been purchased
    • Tons of clothes and necessities have been purchased

    Not so good...

    • Failed my 1 hour glucose yest and have to take the 3 hour in the AM. :(
    • Still need to meet w/ seamstress to have custom bedding made.


    So stressed about the friggin glucose test now! :(

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    dle927dle927 member

    I'm due 10/2 so I've been over for a while. 

    We have the nursery set up with crib, dresser, changing table which were gifts from aunts, g-ma and parents(missing some art for the walls but that can wait), have tons of clothes that still need to be washed, have the bedding, some bottles, pacifiers etc.  Shower is Sunday and I'm hearing that people are very generous.  I know my sister bought our travel system, SIL bought us a swing, cousin just bought us a mattress. 

    Still no name though!  And we're still renovating some of our house which may never be done.  But at least the baby has a place to sleep!

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