North Carolina Babies

I'm home - and ok!

First of all, THANK YOU for your thoughts and prayers.  This is NOT what I wanted to do on vacation, but alas - sometimes things don't always go as planned:o) 

So, after my post below I had a few discussions w/ others and made a call to a dr's office and spoke to someone about my condition.  They said I should be seen immediately.  After discussion with my husband we thought it best to go straight to the ER since we knew they would have anything we needed. 

After 6+ hours, the doctor says I'm okay:o)  I'm O+ blood type, so that's no longer a concern.  I need to work on my diet and eat better carbs b/c my blood sugar level was normal, but low and it shouldn't have been since I had eaten fairly recently.  That's probably what's causing my lightheadedness.  My bp is perfect.  My weight is great.  AND...I got my first u/s! 

I'm actually only about 7wks 1 days pregnant...less further along than anyone figured.  I heard the heartbeat - 156 - and oh, yes, I cried!  I was just so scared there would be nothing there and that terror will haunt me in the long weeks to come, but I was so joyful it was there and strong.  My cervix is closed.

As for the bleeding, they said nothing out of the ordinary.  There is a tiny tiny tiny gestational sac consistent w/ a small sunchorionic hemorrhage.  It was barely there and my tech said it looked so insignificant it's really nothing to worry about.  There's no free fluid going on in there; everything I need IS going on in there, and I have a healthy baby so it seems.

So thanks again! 

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