
EBF moms of 4-5 month olds - pumping volume?

I EBF my DD 99% of the time and pump/feed expressed BM in bottles one night a week while I'm at work. I used to be able to pump 6-8oz each night after her last feeding but lately I've been getting 2-3oz. Is my supply regulating or dropping? She seems content - sleeps 12 hours a night (one feeding after 7 hours or so) and has more than enough wet/dirty diapers. How much should I be pumping after DD eats? (I know it varies...) TIA!

Re: EBF moms of 4-5 month olds - pumping volume?

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    I'm good if I get half an oz.
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    I can't answer the how much question because I hardly ever pump (DS refuses to take a bottle) but I was just thinking that maybe one reason you're pumping less than before because DD is eating a lot more now.  Maybe try pumping longer to see if you get a second wind?
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    If I try to pump soon after DS eats I usually get about 1-3oz from both sides combined.  I have no supply problems.
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    If I try to pump soon after DS eats I usually get about 1-3oz from both sides combined.


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    I am the same as you and I am trying to build my supply now because I am working more... hard to do when you pump 2 oz...
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    I used to get 3-4 oz when dd took a bottle at night, now I'm only getting 1-2 oz. She seems happy and content during the day, sttn, and seems satisfied if I feed her at night, so I thought it had something to do with my supply regulating and not overproducing like I did for a long time.
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