Babies: 9 - 12 Months

This bugs me

I am not flaming anybody here, just making a casual observation....

Whenever anyone brings up something with jarred baby food, there are inveitably a bunch-o-posts that say "That's why I am so glad I make my own food, etc etc etc...".  It seems a little condescending to me and it only serves to make the original poster feel like an a$$hat that she serves her baby poison, errrr jarred baby food.  Does anyone else find this similar to the BF/FF debate?

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Re: This bugs me

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    yes... ?another reason i stay away more than usual.

    and as always...i must comment on how adorable parker is. :)?

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    Anyone that makes another mom feel less worthy by saying something like "i'm superior because I make all my baby food" sucks, IMO! ?Yes, very similar to BF/FF...

    I also get that a little bit with CD moms who comment in the diaper rash posts by saying they CD and their baby has never gotten a rash before...(but this might also be my own guilt because I'm filling up the landfills with my 'sposies!!)?

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    Depending on who posts it, it can come off a little I-told-you-so-ish.
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    I actually get into it a lot with my friend because she makes her own baby food and I, um, jar feed.  She's made snide comments about the types of food that I feed DS and how I should really think about making my own food.  It really upsets me.  I feed my baby.  I make sure that he gets the nutrition he needs.  So yea, I find it similar and rude.
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    ita. People get so self- righteous about their parenting decisions. Making your own food vs jarred baby food is just the next progression of the bf/ff debate.

    People need to get off their high horses and stop being so flipping judgemental about other mothers decisions.

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    yes...  another reason i stay away more than usual.

    and as always...i must comment on how adorable parker is. :) 

    Thank you so much wee!  And, um, Sophie is looking spectacular in your siggy;o)

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    I actually get into it a lot with my friend because she makes her own baby food and I, um, jar feed.? She's made snide comments about the types of food that I feed DS and how I should really think about making my own food.? It really upsets me.? I feed my baby.? I make sure that he gets the nutrition he needs.? So yea, I find it similar and rude.

    We should get "proud JFer" blinkies ;D?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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    I tried making my own baby food, but I realized that DD was going to get some foods from jars that I can't make on my own.  I can't find guava anywhere and she loves it!  Same with mango.  I'm also not going to pay a ton for cherries - and she loves those with the Gerber foods.  Plus she's starting to eat more of my foods at dinner, so if it's healthy enough I'll give it to her.  If I'm eating frozen pizza or mac & cheese or something I'll pull out a Gerber thing and feel like she's at least eating better than me that night!
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    I actually get into it a lot with my friend because she makes her own baby food and I, um, jar feed.  She's made snide comments about the types of food that I feed DS and how I should really think about making my own food.  It really upsets me.  I feed my baby.  I make sure that he gets the nutrition he needs.  So yea, I find it similar and rude.

    We should get "proud JFer" blinkies ;D 

    I'll second that motion.  ;-)

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    I pretty much lumped it in with the shock and horror about Joseph starting solids as early as he did.

    Personally, it has more than once given me a warm fuzzy when someone who told me how horrible it was that I would "force food on my child before he was ready" now complains about how her DC won't even eat purees, and wonders how Joseph can be such a good eater. Well, let's see...I FED HIM!

    That's not meant as a snark at anyone who waited to feed. Just those who sniped at me.

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    I didn't reply because anything can go wrong when making your own baby food as well. You can introduce bacteria, get plastic from a spatula or whatever in it, hair, bandaid, undercook chicken, ANYTHING can happen. I make my baby food for purely cost reasons, but I would not flame someone for choosing the other route, things can go wrong both ways.
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    I didn't reply because anything can go wrong when making your own baby food as well. You can introduce bacteria, get plastic from a spatula or whatever in it, hair, bandaid, undercook chicken, ANYTHING can happen. I make my baby food for purely cost reasons, but I would not flame someone for choosing the other route, things can go wrong both ways.

    Very good point, Bre.  And with my skills in the kitchen, anything can happen;o)

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    Hmm, it makes me wonder... if I BF and jar feed does it even out? Stick out tongue
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    I didn't reply because anything can go wrong when making your own baby food as well. You can introduce bacteria, get plastic from a spatula or whatever in it, hair, bandaid, undercook chicken, ANYTHING can happen. I make my baby food for purely cost reasons, but I would not flame someone for choosing the other route, things can go wrong both ways.

    What an AMAZING playpen! It looks like the clean-up is a snap!?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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    I've noticed a few snide comments from some (not all) who make their own food.  I seriously considered making Ben's food but got a little overwhelmed by it.  Jar food just works better for us.  I only give him organic and it would be ridiculous to buy the variety of foods in organic vs. being able to get it already made. 

    And, I have tried every single thing he eats.  It all tastes good.  We don't do meats though.  I've tasted those and they are kinda gross, IMO (no offense to anyone).

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    Ha mrsharper I'm with you!  I'm one step ahead, though, because I give 110%.  But I use 'sposies.  Damn you just can't win.
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    I didn't reply because anything can go wrong when making your own baby food as well. You can introduce bacteria, get plastic from a spatula or whatever in it, hair, bandaid, undercook chicken, ANYTHING can happen. I make my baby food for purely cost reasons, but I would not flame someone for choosing the other route, things can go wrong both ways.

    I was gonna add this too - I absolutely agree! ?You have to be really anal with cleanliness and make sure you are cooking/washing/steaming/blending everything correctly otherwise it could be dangerous to baby...


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    And I just have to laugh to myself, because I think it's my Gerber peas post that started this all, and I actually make a lot of my own babyfood with whatever fresh fruits and veggies I can find. I just don't make ALL my own babyfood.

    When I see those types of posts - and there are a lot on this board - it bugs me a little, too. So often they don't have the full story or they can't imagine what it's like in someone else's shoes.

    It's like the poster who said that pumping when DC is 2 days old is pointless in all cases. Well, my kid was in the NICU being fed by a tube at 2 days old, so I pumped. And it wasn't pointless. (Sorry to go off on a tangent there...)


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    Well, I just can't decide.  I FF after 5 months and make the veggies, but buy most fruits in jars -- and it's rarely organic.

    Am I just an OK mom?

    Oh, and sposies all the way.

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    Maybe I'm the only idiot who tries to get the stuff on the top of the blender to the bottom by way of the spatula and then gets it stuck in the blade? Seriously, though, when I was a waitress, we had to do food safety classes, dealing with proper cooling before refrigeration/freezing and stuff like that. I would venture a guess that not all moms that make their own food know about these rules. AND I'm certain that probably Gerber foods facility is a HELL of a lot cleaner and sanitary than my kitchen at this point :P

    *kitten* considering that laundry basket is also the toy box--yes cleanup is easy! I just can't clean up toys while he's occupying the box! I did it because he sits up well almost 100% of the time, but occasionally he falls over, and it helps to keep all the toys nearby so he can bang them together! (disclaimer: of course I watch him every second, but it allows me to study on the couch without having to catch him and keep him from rattling my papers) :)

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    as a sidenote, i fed DS gerber peas today, and he gobbled them right up.  not before making a few "yucky" faces first though :)

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    Yes!  Who cares, all are entitled to their own opinion!
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    I haven't read the post in question, but when people will post about a baby food recall or something, I might post that I am glad that we went with homemade, and part of it was because I know exactly what they are eating when I make it myself that I even did it. However, food is a very important issue to me, so it was something I was willing to do, and I don't care at all if others feed jarred, homemade, whatever. Hopefully, it is still ok for people to express their reasons for choosing homemade baby food and/or possible to do so without people assuming that they are judging. I think it depends on how it is worded.
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    I haven't read the post in question, but when people will post about a baby food recall or something, I might post that I am glad that we went with homemade, and part of it was because I know exactly what they are eating when I make it myself that I even did it. However, food is a very important issue to me, so it was something I was willing to do, and I don't care at all if others feed jarred, homemade, whatever. Hopefully, it is still ok for people to express their reasons for choosing homemade baby food and/or possible to do so without people assuming that they are judging. I think it depends on how it is worded.

    wording is definitely seems that the right wording for these types of debates has yet to be discovered ;)

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    I haven't read the post in question, but when people will post about a baby food recall or something, I might post that I am glad that we went with homemade, and part of it was because I know exactly what they are eating when I make it myself that I even did it. However, food is a very important issue to me, so it was something I was willing to do, and I don't care at all if others feed jarred, homemade, whatever. Hopefully, it is still ok for people to express their reasons for choosing homemade baby food and/or possible to do so without people assuming that they are judging. I think it depends on how it is worded.

    My point, though, is that when people post about a food recall, they probably don't give a rat's_ass about your reasons for making your own food.  It just comes off crappy, IMO, as it only serves to make the poster feel even worse.

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    I haven't read the post in question, but when people will post about a baby food recall or something, I might post that I am glad that we went with homemade, and part of it was because I know exactly what they are eating when I make it myself that I even did it. However, food is a very important issue to me, so it was something I was willing to do, and I don't care at all if others feed jarred, homemade, whatever. Hopefully, it is still ok for people to express their reasons for choosing homemade baby food and/or possible to do so without people assuming that they are judging. I think it depends on how it is worded.

    My point, though, is that when people post about a food recall, they probably don't give a rat's_ass about your reasons for making your own food.  It just comes off crappy, IMO, as it only serves to make the poster feel even worse.

    i agree.  if you make your own food, you serve no purpose in a post about a baby food recall, other than to be condescending and say, "WHEW, i'm SO GLAD i make my baby's food!  i don't have to worry about this ever!  i give 110% always!"

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    ITA and those people can suck it. Twice.

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    Being that DH is a restaurant manager and teaches Serve Safe courses, I feel safe cooking, storing, and reheating homemade food.  That said, Evan does get quite a bit of jarred foods, both at home and at daycare.  Im sure she wouldn't knowingly give my son food that wasn't reheated or stored properly but you never know.  Thus jar food seems easier and I don't have to ask for my Baby Cubes back.  If I were a SAHM he would most likely get more prepared foods.
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    It totally bugs me too! I'm so glad you posted this. I hate the whole bf/ff debate and this is just another thing that irks me.  I EBF but use jarred baby food. so I totally get both sides of the spectrum. Why dont people just shut the hell up about what they feed their young.  LOL!!
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    I guess I notice it but simply don't care.  I do what I do for my dc and others do what they can for theirs...  jarred, home-made, organic, high fructose corn syrup, whatev...  I survived on formula, kool-aid and Little Debbies. 
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    I'm just glad that I home grow all my vegetables out in the back yard and single handedly pick off all the bugs and fungus myself instead of even thinking about putting pesticides on it.

    Truly. I feel for all of you who have to worry about what is in the vegetables that you make your baby food with. 

    I feel even worse for women who hate their babies enough to go with jarred foods.  It must be awful to be such a disconnected unattached mother. I feel for your children.

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    Oh geez...I know it was my post in the peas thread that prompted this one.  I absolutely did not intend to come off as condescending.  I apologize since apparently I did come off that way.  And, I agree with the pp that lots of things can happen when you make your own too.  All to often they find salmonella or e coli in fresh fruit and veggies and it never hits the news until after you have already used it.   My thinking was that I am probably not going to find any plastic in it because I made it and looked closely at the puree before it was frozen. 

    Honestly, I felt so bad about not getting the opportunity to BF my DD because I never got a drop of BM to give her after the colostrum.  Of course I had people making me feel awful about giving DD formula when they did not even know why I had to use that option.  I use making my own baby food as a way to make up for the fact that my body failed us in the feeding department. 

    I seriously did not intend to spark any debate about jar feeding vs making your own food.  You have to do what is right for your family.  Same goes for BF vs FF, CD vs DD and so on.  My apologies.

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    Oh geez...I know it was my post in the peas thread that prompted this one.  I absolutely did not intend to come off as condescending.  I apologize since apparently I did come off that way.  And, I agree with the pp that lots of things can happen when you make your own too.  All to often they find salmonella or e coli in fresh fruit and veggies and it never hits the news until after you have already used it.   My thinking was that I am probably not going to find any plastic in it because I made it and looked closely at the puree before it was frozen. 

    Honestly, I felt so bad about not getting the opportunity to BF my DD because I never got a drop of BM to give her after the colostrum.  Of course I had people making me feel awful about giving DD formula when they did not even know why I had to use that option.  I use making my own baby food as a way to make up for the fact that my body failed us in the feeding department. 

    I seriously did not intend to spark any debate about jar feeding vs making your own food.  You have to do what is right for your family.  Same goes for BF vs FF, CD vs DD and so on.  My apologies.

    Don't worry. You're in good company and truly, I just chalk up some of these ridiculous responses with poor social skills. Like the person who takes the joke too far or makes a comment at an inappropriate time and then keeps going with it? 

    Just not a good feel for the "right" moment or thing to say. Its ok. It will come. 

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    Oh geez...I know it was my post in the peas thread that prompted this one.  I absolutely did not intend to come off as condescending.  I apologize since apparently I did come off that way.  And, I agree with the pp that lots of things can happen when you make your own too.  All to often they find salmonella or e coli in fresh fruit and veggies and it never hits the news until after you have already used it.   My thinking was that I am probably not going to find any plastic in it because I made it and looked closely at the puree before it was frozen. 

    Honestly, I felt so bad about not getting the opportunity to BF my DD because I never got a drop of BM to give her after the colostrum.  Of course I had people making me feel awful about giving DD formula when they did not even know why I had to use that option.  I use making my own baby food as a way to make up for the fact that my body failed us in the feeding department. 

    I seriously did not intend to spark any debate about jar feeding vs making your own food.  You have to do what is right for your family.  Same goes for BF vs FF, CD vs DD and so on.  My apologies.

    Way off topic but I just got that shirt for DD and I absolutely love it!!!

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    Yes. I really hate the tone that there is only one right way to do something. I had a friend who posted on her blog about resisting the pressure to supplement with formula even though her baby was on the verge of failure to thrive.

    I supplemented a little at first so I was insulted. Being around her made me feel guilty all the time. ?

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    My point, though, is that when people post about a food recall, they probably don't give a rat's_ass about your reasons for making your own food.? It just comes off crappy, IMO, as it only serves to make the poster feel even worse.

    Exactly. It's like (on an admittedly lesser scale) if someone were to post "my DC caught pneumonia at daycare" and someone said "boy am I glad I can afford to stay home! I have a healthy child!" Um. thanks.

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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    Oh geez...I know it was my post in the peas thread that prompted this one.? I absolutely did not intend to come off as condescending.? I apologize since apparently I did come off that way.? And, I agree with the pp that lots of things can happen when you make your own too.? All to often they find salmonella or e coli in fresh fruit and veggies and it never hits the news until after you have already used it.?? My thinking was that I am probably not going to find any plastic in it because I made it and looked closely at the puree before it was frozen.?

    Honestly, I felt so bad about not getting the opportunity to BF my DD because I never got a drop of BM to give her after the colostrum.? Of course I had people making me feel awful about giving DD formula when they did not even know why I had to use that option.? I use making my own baby food as a way to make up for the fact that my body failed us in the feeding department.?

    I seriously did not intend to spark any debate about jar feeding vs making your own food.? You have to do what is right for your family.? Same goes for BF vs FF, CD vs DD and so on.? My apologies.

    It's like the slow clap, it will come ;D

    And btw OP did state that it wasn't in reference to anyone specific. It just probably made her think of when people do it wrong. But, I mean, I can't speak for the OP.

    On a scale of Nest-sins, this one isn't bad at all. I've seen very many positive posts from you.?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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