DS is in the process of growing his canines. The two top ones are sharp little points breaking through and his two bottoms are trying to make an appearance.
I was doing laundry last night and I have this wicker laundry basket. DS kept climbing into it to break off peices of the wicker so he could chew on it. We've even given him an old pacifier so he could chew on that. We've given him small hard plastic spoons to chew on. We've tried teething rings but I think those are best for little babies. His favorite chew item is to chew on the spouts of his sippy cups but he ruins those and they're expensive to replace.
We've got an IV of Tylenol and Motrin hooked up to him but what else can I do to give him some relief. He woke up at two this morning crying and uncomfortable. All I could do was give him some motrin and some ice water. Mama's tired. I can only imagine the discomfort DS is in. Any ideas?
Re: Recommend teething products