Maine Babies

Mommies, reassure me...

I posted on SAL about this but then I figured it would be better to get reassurance from those who have been through actual labor.

So I currently have the flu/cold....I have had a lot of ctx action the past 3-5 days, but last night they started getting painful. They are not timetable though and always seem to subside, and I know you can feel this way for like a month before you actually give birth, so I haven't been that worried.

However, they are getting increasingly more painful and plentiful today. Nothing too timetable, and some more painful than others (like one will be terrible, and the next few will just be uncomfortable) but definitely more than 5 in an hour. This is how I would describe what I'm feeling:

. Starting in my back, then into my tailbone and lower abdomen

2. Tightening at the middle and top of uterus

3. Pain/pressure in my crotch and tailbone, like a dull ache/congestion type feeling

I do NOT wanna even think about having this baby for at least another week, so I could use some reassurance - please tell me your stories of having similar ctx-type things for weeks on end before actually going into labor. Please. I am so sick right now and scared to death that something might happen prior to me getting healthy.... 


Re: Mommies, reassure me...

  • First of all I hope you feel better!!

    For weeks before I went into labor I kept having contractions and kept wondering if this was "it". Everyone kept telling me I would know when it was the real deal. Turns out they were right! When I really went into labor (finally!) there was no question about it. I knew 100% that it was the real deal.

    So from my personal experience I would say you are safe for now. GL!?

  • Honey I have no words of advice since I didn't really have noticeable contractions and had a c/s!

    If you are worried I would call your doc.  Seriously.  Don't sit home being worried like this!

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  • I had off & on ctx for weeks before I actually went into labor, but on the night I officially went into labor they got increasingly closer together & more intense.  It is still probably a good idea to check w/your OB.  Feel better soon & see you over here in the next few weeks!
  • I just posted a reply to the one on SAL, go read it! =)
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