Hi Ladies!
As you can see from my lack of posts, I am a huge lurker. My DS was born 3/7 and is 4 1/2 months old now. Since he was 1 month old he would escape from a regular swaddling blanket so I bought HALO sleep sacks. He has slept great ever since!!!!
But now I'm unsure if keeping his arms tucked down is becoming a problem. The problem is that he rubs his eyes and face and knocks paci out if his arms aren't pinned in the sack. So he cannot sleep without it. Is this creating a crutch for sleep?
I've tried a few times to leave his arms out and it was a disaster; he can't sleep and fusses a lot, misses his prime tired window and becomes overtired.
I'm worried that I'll never be able to put him for a nap or for the night without pinning his arms down. Rolling over isn't a problem yet, but he's close and I'm stressing having to stop using the sack
Any similar experience/suggestions?
Re: Swaddling
our LO still isn't ready to not have some sort of swaddle/swaddle transtioner. We use the baby merlin magic sleep suit. when she can roll well from one side to the other (to get comfortable) we will wean her from it.
the few times we try with out it she either rolls straight to her tummy and cries for 10 minutes before falling asleep for 20-30 or we put it on her and she passes straight out
We're having the SAME issue. I think he's ready to be unswaddled b/c he tries so hard to sleep on his side or roll to his belly. I'm worried he'll roll on his belly when he's swaddled and not be able to push back over (actually I know he won't - he hasn't done belly to back yet).
I've tried doing one arm out the last couple of days, but he wakes himself up trying to get his other arm out. Then he knocks the paci out and cries b/c it's gone. It's tiring.
My little man at 0-1-2
Pin me baby!
I've tried keeping his arms out/unswaddled just for naps and he doesn't sleep for more than 10 to 20 minutes after spending 30 minutes falling asleep. It just doesn't work.
And I am afraid to try at night because I know it won't work and I'll eventually cave, putting him back in the HALO sack.
Maybe I'll try using the sack but keeping his arms out (rather than just his sleeper outfit) .. but I'm not looking forward to the day when he rolls and I CANNOT put him in it anymore. We may just be going cold turkey here.
We were going to try to wean off the swaddle this week ... but we changed our minds last night. She fights it too much, and clearly isn't ready. She's to the point now where at least once her hand(s) escape during the night, it doesn't wake her up anymore, so that's a step in the right direction, but I don't want to force it. We do try to keep at least one arm out for some naps if she is tired enough, but at this point, it is just too hard for us (and her) when she gets over tired because we're trying to force her out of it.
Sooo ... In the meantime, I will make her a cute new swaddle instead of buying more bigger sized ones