I just bought the monitor and have a question. I know it starts asking for sticks at CD 6 but I don't ovulate until CD 20 or so, so it will be a waste of sticks to start using then at day 6. Can I just turn the monitor on from day 6-12 for example and not feed it a stick? Would it go nuts or can I just turn it off until the next day? It's the first cycle using it so it doesn't know my cycle yet.
Let me know, TIA!!!
Re: CBEFM users - quick question
Mama to Lewis Elijah-11/18/05
and Evangeline Mae - 12/06/07
and two angels 3/17/07 at 5w and 12/16/08 - 11w partial molar pregnancy with bonus chemo
Best Kind to Have-blog
I dont know about pp's suggestion about just feeding it a clean stick, but if I were you, I would give it a stick. No, you cannot turn it off no matter what....it always knows what day it is of your cycle. It is supposed to 'remember' your cycles and only ask for sticks on certain days after the first few cycles, so I would just suck it up and give it the sticks it asks for.
(I used it for 1 cycle and then had an IUI, so I didnt need to use it anymore)
I just bought one too & from what I understand it starts with asking on day 6 so it can figure out how your cycle is...as it reads your cycles it adjusts when it will ask for sticks as cycles go on.
It starts with day 6 like pp says. After the 1st month of use it adjusts to later days. I wouldn't skip any prior to ovulation because I think that can alter the complete cycle and provide false readings.
Once you get the peak sign I wouldn't feed it anymore. You will get another peak day and then one high I believe.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler