DS was significantly language delayed- he received two years of speech 2x/week, OT 1/week, and PT 2/month. He made huge and fast progress, and was dismissed at 3.
Recently his confidence skyrocketed, he finally began to speak in public. He carries great, thoughtful and even insightful conversations. But the more he wants to say the harder it is to understand him. His sister was always an easy translator but now she can't always understand him. He seems happier in general, even rocking a little mischief, but melts down to full blown hysteria if he wants something. And until recently he had no problem with "Mommy, may I please have..." He will finally wander away from me in mommy and me classes a little but will not take swimming or tae kwon do like his sisters (he did a trial and on the day to sign up he refused and said he'd stay with me.
ANyway, at his 4 year appointment the pediatrician (one in the practice I hadn't met yet) gently suggested that he may benefit from a speech evaluation. Sigh.
It's not a big deal- not like when he was in early intervention. But I just don't wanna. PLain and simple. I was happy we did it when he was small and pretty much none of them remember. Ugh. Poor baby!
Re: Feels like back to square one.
This does stink. But he's still young. My DS qualified for preschool through the school district for speech and OT. He loves it. Even if your DS only qualifies for speech, he may love the extra attention. Who knows?
It would be frustrating to me as well. My guess is that now that he has so much to say, he's rushing too much and not thinking about it? I don't know. Good luck.
If you feel he is sliding back, there is clearly issues that need addressed. I would have him evaluated. It's not like it really takes that much time. Just because it does not seem like to much of an issue now, does not mean it will not be later. Also it may give him even more of a boost of confidence when he can get all he wants out clearly. I had a child with speech problems progress, then regress. Yes, kids will tease him at school. I have heard it as early as preschool. Not all kids are understanding. Do you work with him at home?
DS2 - 8/08
DS3- 9/09
DD1 - 11/11
DD2 - 10/13
DD3 - Csection Scheduled November 29th
Of course it is for him but it is about our entire family. Because we go through this together. At least that's how we've operated thus far. That's my baby. I want him to be okay. It's just hard looking at the reality. And that is all that selfish little tirade was.
I know you are 100% correct about how kids are. They attend a co-op preschool and I have seen some heartbreaking examples. He's always been liked, even though he never spoke at school until May. I don't know if he regressed or his vocabulary and communication burst made it apparent. Some of his articulation difficulties are within the normal range but until fairly recently he never spoke in public and the complexity of his communications was minimal.
6 months ago: "I want a banana"
Now: "Mom remember the time I had a banana at grandma's house and I dropped some and the dog ate it- that was funny. Her name is Shannon, right? Do we have any ripe bananas?" So obviously it requires a lot more effort for him to get out and me to interpret.
I am glad the pedi gave me a push, the DH is glad, too. At least he has a year before K if he needs it... Doesn't mean I'm thrilled- lol!
This is coming from a mom who has currently a soon to be kindergartner that use to whisper is preschool and will be continue to receive speech services in the fall. And another child that has a birth defect that also had speech services through kindergarten.
The best thing you can do for your child is be their advocate.
For sure. Before kids I was an advocate for families with kids with autism. I wouldn't ever withhold or not pursue professional insight or services. It was just my woe-is-me boohoo vent because as you know. as mama you hold it together for everyone else and couldn't actually say that selfish stuff out loud.
I swear half the parents in C's class "don't want to" or "the school does it all". I want to beat my head into the wall. I wanted to cry when one family has 2 girls with serious speech issues and our area offers several free summer programs. Last year I had C in 3 different therapies making sure there was no back slide. This family only got into one for only one daughter because "our daughter never gave us the paper". Umm, you are suppose to check your 3 and 4 year olds backpack. Not wait for them to hand it to you. This year their daughter is in none because the teacher did not tell them about it... I guess the packets put in both of the folders were never looked at. *sighs* and their girls are picked up. So I know it did not "get lost on the bus". Not that it would, the bus driver takes backpacks and returns them when the kids get off. There is more to their story which makes me want to cry even more, but I will not go there. DH use to work with the husband.
Anyway, I projected it onto you. Sorry.
And now back to my world of C talking non stop. I will not lie, there are times I miss the speech apraxia. I am not saying I regret the help and working past it, Just sometimes I miss the break in talking. lol Now it is non stop. Mommy needs a break.... and more sleep.
DS2 - 8/08
DS3- 9/09
DD1 - 11/11
DD2 - 10/13
DD3 - Csection Scheduled November 29th