Babies: 3 - 6 Months

4month wakeful/sleep train/crib transition questions

My son is definitely going through the 4 month wakeful he wakes up every 2hours at night now wanting me to hold him till he falls asleep and wanting to eat like crazy. I am exhausted.. I have a few questions.. How did you get through this time frame? Any advice?

would this be a good time to start sleep training? If so can you please give input on the best methods for this?


and lastly.. Do you think this would be a good time to do transition to crib? I'm just afraid that he may relate his crib to negative feelings during this crazy time. I would appreciate any and all advice! 

Re: 4month wakeful/sleep train/crib transition questions

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    I don't think there is any right answer.  :)  We transfered our LO to her crib at 3 months.  I was so scared because she was STTN and I didn't want the crib to ruin it.  She didn't even notice...We do however heat up the crib with a heating pad first.  Even though our LO had been STTN since 3 months, at 4 she started waking up every time her damn paci would fall out of her 5 or 6 times a night.  That's when we decided to sleep train by letting her CIO.  There are many different ways to do it, and it still doesn't work for naps (we just started last weekend), but after night 2 she was STTN again.  We did the 5-10-15 method.  Where she would cry for 5 and we would go sooth her a few minutes...but not take her out of her crib.  Then 10.  15.  After 15 you keep going every 15 tell they stop.  The next night we started on 10 and so on.  The numbers aren't exact. you could do 3-6-9.  But the bigger numbers, the faster the result.  Get a book on it.  The baby book I refer to a lot is Eat. Sleep. Poop.  It has been a great source for me on sleep training and many other things.  GL!  Sleep training is not fun!
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    Developmental periods and growth spurts are not the time to sleep train. You can try transitioning him to the crib, but I wouldn't do any form of CIO at this point.

    The 4 month wakeful does suck but, this too shall pass. They are just learning a lot of stuff right now and want to be up to process it all. It doesn't help that there's a 3-4 month growth spurt mixed in there too. Hang in there. 

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    I wouldn't sleep train at this age, if baby is waking up he is probably hungry since there is a growth spurt along with a 30 day Wonder Week going on at this time.  My baby has been a crappy sleeper for almost 3 weeks now.  It sucks.  It's awful.  I'm so freakin tired but I'm just trying to get through it.  Now would not be the time to sleep train.  No way.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    My little guy has also been going through a terrible sleep phase. . . probably due to growth spurt, wonder week, 4 month wakeful, take your pick. Regardless, it seems to be getting a bit better lately (knocking on wood) so I plan to wait at least two more weeks or so before we sleep train to get him falling asleep on his own in his crib.
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    you may want to wait with any changes and transitions until he gets through this 
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