
Weird 4D picture

On Monday we had a growth scan on the twins and she quickly switched over to the 4D imaging. She claims she couldn't get a very good unobstructed view of their faces so she took what she could. The babies look so weird and frankly a little scary. They almost look skeletal. Should I be worried that something is abnormal or do some images just look that way??

Monday I was 30w1d.
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Re: Weird 4D picture

  • The u/s tech at my MFM said its really hard to get a good shot of them at this stage because they are so close together and don't have a lot of room. This was last week at 29w1d.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • cadencaden member
    It's normal. I started closing my eyes when the 3D/4D images were on the screen b/c I thought my kids looked like a cross between Chucky and Skeletor.
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  • 3D/4D u/s pics are notoriously weird and sometimes creepy looking.  I had a few done around 27-28 weeks.  If your Dr. isn't concerned, don't be!
  • At 30 weeks, your babies are really just starting to put on some fat. So they are indeed still pretty skeletal! 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • It just seemed like the noses were chopped off, like you could see the nasal cavity and the eyes seemed huge. I know I shouldn't freak out but I can't help but wonder....
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • That's perfectly normal to see cross sections, especially in 3D/4D scans. Once I hit 3rd trimester my tech only tried on two out of my weekly u/s because they were so crowded and obscured by each other.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
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