Marie (fn only)
Valentina (mn only)
Josephine "Josie"
Adrienne (mn only)
Ivy (but would prefer a longer name that could be shortened to this as a NN)
Micah (for a girl, mixed feelings though, also maybe diff spelling)
Abigail (mn only)
Monique (very mixed feelings)
Chantal (GP name, mn only)
I don't know... I have until November and I'm still just name shopping. :P
Re: Names I like. Opinions, please.
I also love Lila, Lily and Josephine from your list.
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
Thanks for all the insight, and I'll check back for more.
I love Marie, Valentina, Lila, and Ivy. Marie Valentina is an especially nice combo to me.
Valentina (mn only)- Don't like at all.
Zoe/Zoey--Well DD is Zoe, so I love but I saw you can't use as a FN--and I wouldn't use as MN.
Josephine "Josie"- I like it.
Lila/Lily- I like Lily or Lyla.
Edith- NMS, don'[t really like.
Adrienne (mn only)--its okay.
Ivy (but would prefer a longer name that could be shortened to this as a NN)- Ivy is okay--have no ideas for a longer name.
Micah (for a girl, mixed feelings though, also maybe diff spelling)- Don't like.
Abigail (mn only)- I like as a first name more than a MN.
Colette- I like it.
Monique (very mixed feelings)- Don't like.
Chantal (GP name, mn only)- Don't like at all.
TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 (my birthday!) MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
TTC #1 (Round 2): May 16, 2014
Names | Blog | Chart
"Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."
Like: Marie, Lily, Adrienne, Abigail
Nms: Valentina, Lila, Edith
Dislike: Monique, Chantal
Hate: Zoey, Micah oh a girl