May 2013 Moms

Nail clipping....

Ugh. I'm always terrified and nervous to clip and file LOs nails, so I wait as long as possible to do it....she scratched herself yesterday, so I figured it was time. I was clipping them while she napped and when I did her pinky nail, she jerked and I clipped too started bleeding and she cried for a few seconds and fell back asleep. I can't stop crying... I feel awful.

Anyone else do this? How long until it heals?

Re: Nail clipping....

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    pnutgpnutg member
    I find it easier to bite them.
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    Me! Me! I clipped DS's poor little thumb. I had to hold a wash cloth around it for awhile until it stopped bleeding. I felt awful, even though he quickly forgot about it. It healed up in less than a week. I just applied Aquaphor on it frequently.



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    Me me me!!! I did it to DD once and LO twice. Felt bad but I didn't do it on purpose, my poor girls. But they are alive, and just like the others she kept on sleeping. Once they get bigger it gets easier, just tougher when they start fighting you. My DD will fight me so hard I have to hold her down but just now starting to let me do it all the while crying "all done?".
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