We kept DD#1 RF until she was about 2.5. She weighs about 30-35 lbs and could be RF but we moved her FF and she seems fine. I know many people who keep their kids RF after the age of 3. I believe they can stay RF in many seats for up to about 40-45 lbs. The decision is yours.
Our DD#2 is RF at 17 months old and I plan to keep her RF until after 2.5 as well.
DD2 will be 3yo next week. She is rear facing in her carseat and will stay that way to the limits of her seats. She is currently around 35 lbs and 39". We have a Graco MySize70 that will rear face to 40 lbs with an adjustable headrest that should get us to that weight limit. Our other seat is the Diono Radian, which has a 45 lb weight limit, but she'll probably outgrow it by height around the same time as the other seat. I'm hoping to get her as close to 4 years as possible.
DD1 outgrew the rear facing limits of her Britax Marathon at 2.5 years, 32 lbs, and 40". We had the classic Marathon with a 33 lb rear facing weight limit, but she actually outgrew it by height first.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
The current recommendation is to rear face as long as your car seat allows. My son is front facing and has been for a while. He's 2 years and 9 months and only 28 pounds. While his car seat can accommodate rear facing until 45 pounds, his head is above the seat back. If your child's head is within an inch of the top of the seat back, it's time to turn the seat around. I personally would also turn it around after 2 years if my kid was fussy about rear facing or very unconfortable, but there are others who would not until the child outgrows the seat. As long as your child still fits rear facing, do what you're comfortable with.
DS1 is FF and he's 3y4mo. He's been FF since he was 20mo. I appreciate the safety of RF longer but there's no way I could keep him RF any longer than we did, he was uncomfortable as it was.
DS1 is 3y3m and still RFing. We will turn him when his head is within an inch from the shell or when DS2 needs the convertible. My guess is 3-5 months either way.
DD is 3 y 1 month and is RF. She has about an inch left before we need to FF. she is happy RF so I don't see the need to turn her around. DH wanted to turn her around in his truck "just because it might be fun" but I told him no. I suspect we will turn her around in about 6 months.
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DD is almost three in the 75% for length and still RFing. We might have to switch her once DS moves to a convertible because we might not have the space behind the driver's side when DH is driving (he's 6ft5). But I'm hoping she will fit RFing and we will continue until she exceeds the RFing limits.
My 3-year-old has been FF since she was 13 months (flame away....). She was a screamer in the car...and I don't mean just random screams. Like as soon as you would buckle her in until you unbuckled her...no matter how long the drive. As soon as we switched her to FF, she stopped all of that. It was a miracle. My 9-month-old is so easy in the car, so I will go as long as possible having him RFing.
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Re: Three year olds?
Do you mean RF vs FF?
I don't know what RR stands for?
We kept DD#1 RF until she was about 2.5. She weighs about 30-35 lbs and could be RF but we moved her FF and she seems fine. I know many people who keep their kids RF after the age of 3. I believe they can stay RF in many seats for up to about 40-45 lbs. The decision is yours.
Our DD#2 is RF at 17 months old and I plan to keep her RF until after 2.5 as well.
DD2 will be 3yo next week. She is rear facing in her carseat and will stay that way to the limits of her seats. She is currently around 35 lbs and 39". We have a Graco MySize70 that will rear face to 40 lbs with an adjustable headrest that should get us to that weight limit. Our other seat is the Diono Radian, which has a 45 lb weight limit, but she'll probably outgrow it by height around the same time as the other seat. I'm hoping to get her as close to 4 years as possible.
DD1 outgrew the rear facing limits of her Britax Marathon at 2.5 years, 32 lbs, and 40". We had the classic Marathon with a 33 lb rear facing weight limit, but she actually outgrew it by height first.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
My three year old is ff but is the height of a kindergartner, not a 3 year old. We had to ff much earlier than we would have liked due to size.
I think if your child is within the height/weight limits to rf, you should keep her rf.
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