What is your plan of attack as far as pumping before heading back to work to start a milk stash? I just started my daughter on 1 bottle a day to get her used to the bottle. So I am pumping when she is receiving that bottle. I am also wanting to pump some more to get a stash going, but I don't want to overstimulate and cause too much milk to come in I guess. I am trying to keep it at a happy medium or maybe I should be feeding her and pumping as much as I can. I am just looking for suggestions and thoughts on what everyone else is doing? Or are you not making a stash? I just had lower supply towards the end of the year breastfeeding my last and my freezer stash really saved me and allowed me to go actually over a yr. of breastfeeding. I guess I am just trying to prepare myself for that again I guess. Just curious how often, times of day, you are pumping after nursing your baby while still on leave preparing for going back to work.
Re: Starting a milk stash before returning to work
Somewhat...I could pump after she eats last in the evening. So did this mean you just pumped once a day then or were you pumping after every nursing session through out the day as well?
I would only pump once per day. The morning after your first feeding would be ideal. Do not pump after every session... that seems like an oversupply disaster waiting to happen! If you get 2-4 oz everyday, you'll build a nice supply quickly.
I pumped 1x per day extra in the mornings after feeding her. In hindsight, it was probably too much, but I got obsessed with the idea of huge freezer stash. The only time I take anything out of it is on Mondays for daycare, and I replace it on Fridays, so I would have been fine with just 10-20oz extra, instead I have over 400 oz. I guess if I want to get sloshed for several days straight, I'd be covered.