Has anyone here gone to either Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
or to see Dr. Faber with Kaiser? I have Kaiser insurance but
unfortunately nothing is covered (not even labs). I have heard good
things about Dr. Deb Minjarez with CCRM. Since everything is going to be
out of pocket anyway, I thought I would check both places out. If
anyone has any experience with either of these places, your advice is
appreciated! Thank you!
Re: CCRM vs. Kaiser
I have Kaiser insurance and started there in April 2012 and after 7 treatment cycles including 4 IUI's we had to choose a different clinic because Kaiser does not offer IVF.
We went with Conceptions and worked with Dr. Bush. He found a septum in my uterus right away, which Kaiser never mentioned. I also don't think Kaiser is good about initial blood work.
Anyway, I had surgery in March to remove the septum and just found out last week our first IVF cycle was successful.
So I guess since you are all OOP I would NOT choose Kaiser. We are lucky enough to have two of the top clinics right here in Denver so take advantage!!