Colorado Babies

CCRM vs. Kaiser

Has anyone here gone to either Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine or to see Dr. Faber with Kaiser? I have Kaiser insurance but unfortunately nothing is covered (not even labs). I have heard good things about Dr. Deb Minjarez with CCRM. Since everything is going to be out of pocket anyway, I thought I would check both places out. If anyone has any experience with either of these places, your advice is appreciated! Thank you!

Re: CCRM vs. Kaiser

  • Hello,

    I have Kaiser insurance and started there in April 2012 and after 7 treatment cycles including 4 IUI's we had to choose a different clinic because Kaiser does not offer IVF.

    We went with Conceptions and worked with Dr. Bush. He found a septum in my uterus right away, which Kaiser never mentioned. I also don't think Kaiser is good about initial blood work.

    Anyway, I had surgery in March to remove the septum and just found out last week our first IVF cycle was successful.

    So I guess since you are all OOP I would NOT choose Kaiser. We are lucky enough to have two of the top clinics right here in Denver so take advantage!! 

    TTC #1 since 08/2011 DX: PCOS 3 rounds of Letrozole, 4 rounds of Letrozole + IUI = BFN New RE and onto IVF
  • I didn't use CCRM but I did see Dr Bush with Conceptions and it was great and they are very thorough. I currently have an 8 wk old baby thanks to them.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • I also have Kaiser. I would go straight to Conceptions and not waste too much time with the RE's at Kaiser. I highly recommend Dr. Bush.
  • I saw Dr. Surrey at CCRM and thought he was great. I have a friend who saw Dr. M and loved her. I would go with whereever is closest to you. You may be spending several trips/week there. Also, read online review - most docs and clinics have themm.

  • I did not like CCRM. We went to Rocky Mount Fertility center in Parker, Dr Smith is amazing!
  • I went to both CCRM and Conceptions. At CCRM, I felt like just a number with Dr Gustafson. At Conceptions, I felt like Dr Bush was not taking me seriously and really did not care as long as I was paying. I ended up doing IVF in Europe for a great cost savings.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I saw Dr. Surrey at CCRM and had a really great experience.  We did our diagnostics in Feb and Mar and ended up doing IVF in mid-May - first time success and am now 21 weeks pregnant with twins.  Dr. Surrey would always call me after certain visits to make sure all was well.  I didn't feel like a number while at CCRM - you are there so frequently that you become friendly with the staff and lab ladies.  I thought everyone I interacted with at CCRM was positive and happy.  Again, great experience.
  • I saw minjarez and got pregnant on my first round of iui. I will say, you only see the doctor every so often (we only saw her twice), and you are mostly interacting with nurses. They are the best, and they know what they're doing. They are not nurturing and you definitely feel like a number; however, we did get pregnant! We are planning on going back to them for number two!
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