October 2012 Moms

Anyone else working full time and pumping still?

And hasn't supplemented with formula?


Re: Anyone else working full time and pumping still?

  • Me. I'm still pumping 3x at work. I'm not sure when I should or could cut a session. LOs not eating as much as before, but I get paranoid about producing enough and would rather keep freezing extra than cut a session. 

  • I was going to cut one but I had a pretty dramatic decrease in supply last week so if anything I'll do more. I've actually run out of room in the freezer though. I probably have about 500 oz frozen at this point.

    How many oz do you send to daycare? I used to send 3 6 oz bottles, then 3 5 oz and now I send 3 4 oz and he rarely takes all of it. Sometimes I do 5 oz still

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  • imagelady dixneuf:
    I was going to cut one but I had a pretty dramatic decrease in supply last week so if anything I'll do more. I've actually run out of room in the freezer though. I probably have about 500 oz frozen at this point. How many oz do you send to daycare? I used to send 3 6 oz bottles, then 3 5 oz and now I send 3 4 oz and he rarely takes all of it. Sometimes I do 5 oz still

     My LO has dropped how much she takes at daycare as well. We are back to 3 - 5 oz bottles, but she rarely finishes them all anymore. Which is good for me, because it takes me 4 pumps a day and I still sometimes don't get the 15 oz I need.  

     I have a small frozen stash, and will only supplement with formula for MOTN feedings that are too close to when I last pumped. 

    Still pumping 3xs a day here & so far no formula!  Wanting to drop to two pumps a day, but like you scared my supply will drop.  LO gets 3 4.5oz bottles plus 1 meal of solids and snacks at DC.
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  • Omg RVA that suuuucccks!

  • imagelady dixneuf:
    I was going to cut one but I had a pretty dramatic decrease in supply last week so if anything I'll do more. I've actually run out of room in the freezer though. I probably have about 500 oz frozen at this point. How many oz do you send to daycare? I used to send 3 6 oz bottles, then 3 5 oz and now I send 3 4 oz and he rarely takes all of it. Sometimes I do 5 oz still

     I am still pumping 3x per day at work and 1 session before bed.  I have probably 100 oz in the freezer, but I'm still worried about my supply dropping, so I am still pumping as much as possible.  No PP period yet, no supply dip, so we'll see what happens in the next couple of months.

    DS actually increased his milk intake after starting solids.  I send 5, 3-oz bottles to daycare for him (he eats every 2 hours, just smaller amounts).  I'm not sure he's going to be ready to wean at 1 year at all!

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  • imageRVASC811:

    imagelady dixneuf:
    Omg RVA that suuuucccks!

    Oh yes.

    I have a very sweet friend who is working on donating it for me. Half of it is at her house in her deep freezer because we ran out of room, and when we found out about the allergies, C was in the middle of a bunch of medical tests, I was in a crunch at work, and I had to have minor surgery, so I just couldn't face handling that too.

    that's great if you can do that. Do you know about this place-  https://hm4hb.net/?

    it's funny, at this point, I don't really care about FFing or BFing

    I'm EBFing for 2 reasons now:

    1. he still does several MOTN feedings and I can just pull him in bed with me and let him nurse

    2. I am cheap and don't want to pay for formula! ha! 

  • CbeanzCbeanz member

    Pumping 2x/day and sending three 4oz bottles.  My stash has stayed around 150 oz. since I started to work.  I dip into it for emergencies and then replenish it if/when I can.

    The pumping got old fast. I just don't have the time at work to keep it up much longer.

  • imageCbeanz:

    Pumping 2x/day and sending three 4oz bottles.  My stash has stayed around 150 oz. since I started to work.  I dip into it for emergencies and then replenish it if/when I can.

    The pumping got old fast. I just don't have the time at work to keep it up much longer.

    I am worried about pumping in the fall and knowing how much to put in his bottles. I think  I may need to do a weighed feeding before going back to work.

  • imageSarahW44:

    Pumping 2x/day and sending three 4oz bottles.  My stash has stayed around 150 oz. since I started to work.  I dip into it for emergencies and then replenish it if/when I can.

    The pumping got old fast. I just don't have the time at work to keep it up much longer.

    I am worried about pumping in the fall and knowing how much to put in his bottles. I think  I may need to do a weighed feeding before going back to work.

    I doubt you will honestly, you can pump now and see how much he takes to get an idea. I'd start w like 6 oz and see how he does, it's very unlikely he'll take more than that if he's on solids. Plus by Aug he'll be eating even MORE solids.Don't worry about this. It's a non issue and it'll be fine.  

  • CbeanzCbeanz member

    Pumping 2x/day and sending three 4oz bottles.  My stash has stayed around 150 oz. since I started to work.  I dip into it for emergencies and then replenish it if/when I can.

    The pumping got old fast. I just don't have the time at work to keep it up much longer.

    I am worried about pumping in the fall and knowing how much to put in his bottles. I think  I may need to do a weighed feeding before going back to work.

    I have a baby scale at home so I did some weighed feeds myself. But you could just pump and see how much he takes. Probably between 4 and 6 oz at a time. I'm sure you'll get it all straightened out the first few days you're apart.
  • I used to send 4-five oz bottles but lately she's been leaving a full one and not finishing like 2 bottles, so this past week I've changed to 4-4oz bottles and usually save the extra for the next day. I'm scared to not send enough in case she's hungry!
  • I know not your intent but I am sensitive enough to want to say that a lot of us who supplement work our butts off pumping. We can't help we get less than others.
    DD 9/15/12
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