Cloth Diapering

Stupid question about 2 in cloth.

We're expecting our 2nd baby in January were just discussing diapers for 2.
If you have 2 in cloth how do you work it? Do you keep and wash dipes separate, or do you keep one wet bag and wash together?
My H and I have different ideas so I was just wondering how you do 2 in cloth.

Re: Stupid question about 2 in cloth.

  • We did 2 different loads every other day. Kept them separate and kept a good wash schedule. Some do dipes everyday with 2 in cloth. I liked having a laundry break.
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  • Well, our two wear the same diapers. (J. only wears one at night.) Even when he still wore some during the day, we've always just had 1 diaper pail and washed together. Trying to keep things separate seems like a PITA to me. 
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  • My second is only 11 days old but right now I'm washing them all together, they use the same wipes and same changing table too.
  • I'm planning to keep them all together and wash every day. My stash is large enough to go longer, but my washer wouldn't be able to get them all clean. And I don't want to run two loads of CD's in one day since I know how quickly our regular laundry builds up.
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