"That being said, I've already started saving for an iPad for my LO, and have downloaded some games, books, etc that will be useful, educational, and fun for him at multiple stages. So yes, I will be that parent. However, we will still have plenty of outside time, going to the park, drawing and coloring, all of the normal things. But if he wants to play games on his ipad while we are in the car or waiting for the doctor, or after he's finished his dinner and we're still eating, I have absolutely no problem with it. I know I am the minority on TB with this opinion, but I am excited for him to have such a nifty toy."
wha wha what????
Re: batmandi, buying an ipad for your unborn child?
I love when CV shows up!
Oooooook CV. I'll play, just because you're bored.
Taken out of context yes, this does seem a little strange, but let me clarify (this was part of a response to the HTT: Addicted to Technology, btw). I will not be buying him an iPad before he is born, or expect an infant to play and learn from one. But by the time he is 10 months, he will be ready to use and enjoy appropriate games on it.
Ok, go ahead and start flaming. I'll come back later to check later if I feel like it.
My nephew got an iPad mini for his 2nd birthday which I think is REDIC, so an iPad for a baby even younger than that is INSANE IMO.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Do you honestly think this is in the best interest of your child?
Eleanor 9.30.13
You don't know that. My son was using an iPad and iPhone at 9mths. He isn't addicted to it but there are sure times when he loves to play. That's not an unrealistic thought at all.
Everytime I see someone pushing a $1800 used pram with their baby playing on it's iPad I think to myself, "damn, I wish my parents loved me more".
this is up there with letting babies watch tv. totally unnecessary!
Oct. '13 will never let ANYONE forget ANYTHING.
but there IS a link...... which is not to say that everyone with adhd watched tv growing up. isnt this kinda obvious here!
while i completely agree they are overdiagnosed in many ways, i can see ZERO benefit to an infant/ baby watching tv. NONE.
Baby is occupied while mom does laundry....or takes a nap, smokes a cig, etc. See, there are some benefits.
My son watches TV and plays with my iPhone. Not very much, and not very often. But already he asks to do it more than I would like him to. I disagree that children don't learn from television/computers/smart devices. However, they probably don't learn it as well or as much as they could from another source.
I think there are pros and cons. But the pros would be much fewer, and the pros wouldn't even exist until an indefinite age.
This may be the dumbest thing I have ever read on TB.
My grandmother has a facebook and can work it well. I'm sure she (or any of us) didn't start out with a tablet at ten months.
DD2 | June 2011
DS1 | Oct 2013
ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
DS2 | June 2016
DS3 | Dec 2018
Due with baby blob August 2021
I'm definitely one of those people that loves technology but a 10 month old with a tablet is ridiculous. Unless you happen to know something I don't and can tell me how to get my 2.5 year old to stop deleting my apps when he gets hold of my iPhone during a time it might be unlocked. Otherwise he locks up my phone because he can't figure out the passcode... he seriously needs to get with the program. It's only 4 digits, he clearly should have mastered this by now. Jeez.
Even if it's not "his" tablet and you just let him use it occasionally, it's just going to get water damaged from all the drool that teething produces. It's certainly not going to benefit anyone if it's destroyed like that, but even so it can't do much good when he doesn't understand what's going on aside from "ooh look! The icons are trembling!"
10 months!? DS is almost 18 and I JUST downloaded a couple of games and it was only for on a 4 hour flight... he def doesn't need it
my son does too, including ipad. i am talking about infants/babies/early toddler years.
Why thank you. And kudos to your grandma. But she isn't the majority.
Let's look at our own board as an example. What percentage knows how to gif or post pictures? And how many of those needed multiple in depth directions to do so? I am one of the non gifers, no clue where to begin.
My husband is the technology savvy one in our home. And in his entire family. Any computer issues, he gets calls. Even as simple as calls from his mom to check history and set up parental guards on her Internet for his younger brother. His younger brother is pretty savvy and can get past anything his mom puts up, but not what husband does.
My husband started working on computers at a young age and has kept up on technological advances. This interest led him to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering, a very demanding degree that has a high failure rate for graduating. He has gone on to receive his Masters degree and now works on government projects that protect our national security as well as helps keep soldiers safe in foreign wars by giving them the ability to see areas of danger before entering them physically.
We need people with these interests to continue to protect our country and advance our abilities. It may seem like a silly hobby or a convenience but technology is doing more than many of us realize.
ALSO, batmandi specifically said she will use it in conjunction with outside play and traditional books and art. Not her sole parenting plan.
did your husband start working on computers at 10 months? My husband is a software engineer--- we are FAR from luddites. my 4 year old is a wiz on the ipad, we are not adverse to him using it, in moderation. but using one at TEN MONTHS OLD?? come on!
She's far from addicted to it even though I don't restrict her time using it. Most of the time she'll run off to play and leave it sitting on the couch. She'd much rather be outside playing in the dirt, but unfortunately she can't most of the time.
I do think 10 months is too young for a tablet though.
The closest thing my kid will have to a tablet is a Leapster or something similar that is solely educational. I would maybe consider a Kindle Fire as they have controls that only allow the child to spend X amount of time a day on the device.
I've seen so many kids that just have melt downs if they cant play on their phones.
And I'm from the generation that grew up with computers. I'm only 23 and I'm pretty modern in most aspects of my life, but I just don't see a good reason for kids to have electronics. Even the research that shows all the advances for kids with Autism. My little brother has autism and the phone is more of a hindrance then a help. He doesn't play the educational games. He figured out how to download the other ones. Despite blocking the ability to download in the settings and having a password, he figured out the password and how to disable the setting. His mom has changed the password numerous times. He always figures it out. He has no social skills compared to other autistic kids his age and at the same point on the spectrum. Not to mention there have been studies that show that the more kids play certain games the less ability they will have to concentrate in real life. They will get bored easier or distracted easier, because life just isnt as fast paced or colorful as a game.
firstly, the issue with your 'brother in law' ? is that his parents arent monitoring him if he is downloading crap on his own (i doubt a 4 year old can break a password if they set it up!!) so i blame the parents, NOT him.
secondly, did your brother have early intervention, or is he in any special programs now ? "no social skills' autism or not should be addressed
you mean like your life growing up?
Yes CV. Just like that. Once again, take it totally out of context. Go stir the pot elsewhere now. You're giving me a headache.
so let me get this straight: you are trying to NOT raise a spoiled child (like you were) by buying them an ipad before they are even born? you really need to go to therapy about your upbringing, i say this with utmost sincerity.
When did I flucking say I was going to buy him an iPad before he was born? I said I was SAVING for it. I'm saving for a lot of sh!t, including diapers, and clothing, cord blood banking, etc etc. things I will need after he is born which also take priority, obviously. You are literally trying so hard to make me look like a shitty person by taking multiple comments out of context and ignoring what I am saying to tell you why and how the comment you are quoting is incorrect and why you are blowing it out of proportion.
Whatever CV. I'm over it. Gonna GCBC for a few days. Have fun bitching about me while I'm gone.
There are a few tablets on the market that are made specifically for young children, with a parent mode to download/delete apps, and the kid mode that just lets them use the apps.
I was using a computer as soon as I was old enough to. This was back in the day when DOS was the primary OS, but even then, there were age-appropriate, educational games for toddlers. I don't see how this is really all that different.
I definitely won't be purchasing an iPad for my child, but I am considering the other options. I want something that will be hers, not mine that she gets to use, but it will still only be available for designated amounts of time. I want something built to handle being chewed on and drooled on, and dropped on the floor. And I don't know what age I'll consider it appropriate yet. I think that's going to depend on my child.
I do not plan on letting her use my phone to play games. She can have a toy phone, but no real ones. My nephew got so used to his mom's iPhone that he knew the toys weren't real, and wanted nothing to do with them. And then she gave him an old, deactivated phone, and he managed to dial 911 with it still.
and in that 'etc' i assume you mean 1300 pram?