Cloth Diapering

dawn vs other dish soap

when prepping/stripping can you use any dye/fragrance free dish soap or is Dawn the only one to use?

we get the Kirkland dish soap.

I just got a doz Alva Baby bamboo inserts and need to get them ready to go

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Re: dawn vs other dish soap

  • TJ1979TJ1979 member

    You don't need dish soap to prep.  Just wash them a bunch of times.  I prep my natural fabrics as I go with each load of whites, towels, sheets, etc.

    Unless you are talking about prepping used inserts.  Then I would def strip.

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  • they're brand new, but DH would be a little upset if I did 10 loads of laundry for just those inserts and I heard that boiling did better?
    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
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  • TJ1979TJ1979 member
    Oh. Well like I said, I just throw them in with my regular laundry to prep. I've never boiled.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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  • good to know.
    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
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  •  I did boil my inserts,when are brand new to remove all the oil from them.but you need to boil only the inserts,not the covers.after been boil I washed them normal with laundry soap.

    about the dish soap, people usually use it for stripping diapers. I did use seven generation,but I don't really like using any kind of dish soap to strip diapers. I think is best to boil all the inserts than spend to much water. 

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  • imagezaraceligon:

     I did boil my inserts,when are brand new to remove all the oil from them.but you need to boil only the inserts,not the covers.after been boil I washed them normal with laundry soap.

    about the dish soap, people usually use it for stripping diapers. I did use seven generation,but I don't really like using any kind of dish soap to strip diapers. I think is best to boil all the inserts than spend to much water. 

    thanks, that's what I was thinking about the washing.  I use different soap for my diapers than for the rest of the laundry. I just bought inserts this time as I needed to replace some MF ones
    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
    4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
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    12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
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    Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
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  • When I got my Alva bamboo inserts I used my largest pot that I use for spaghetti, and boiled 6 at a time (I also bought 12) for 20 mins each boiling with a TINY squirt of blue Dawn. I found boiling really easy, you just keep the boil low and I didn't have to watch it, just came back to "stir it" every few mins. I used metal BBQ tongs to take them out and put the wet ones in a wetbag while the others boiled, then put them all in a single wash together with half the soap. So, wash on medium load setting with 1/2tbsp of Tide, rinse, then extra rinse. I skipped the pre-wash since I considered the boiling the prewash.
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  • imageAndreabks:

     I did boil my inserts,when are brand new to remove all the oil from them.but you need to boil only the inserts,not the covers.after been boil I washed them normal with laundry soap.

    about the dish soap, people usually use it for stripping diapers. I did use seven generation,but I don't really like using any kind of dish soap to strip diapers. I think is best to boil all the inserts than spend to much water. 

    thanks, that's what I was thinking about the washing.  I use different soap for my diapers than for the rest of the laundry. I just bought inserts this time as I needed to replace some MF ones

    When I was prepping my diapers I added them in with the regular laundry and just made sure to use the CD detergent on my clothes for those loads only.  We didn't go through a ton of soap for that.  Then my regular detergent on our clothes after that.   

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