Baby Names

difficult last name

We are mostly stuck between 2 names but we both have a huge crush on the name Sawyer for our boy. Although our last name kind of kills it and is similar to Reat (with an EE sound). Do you think Sawyer Reat sounds terrible? the "-er re-" is difficult, I am just sad because I love the name!!
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Re: difficult last name

  • Yeah, they do kind of run together. It's not my favorite sound.

    If it's the only name you love, it wouldn't kill the name for me, but I would definitely seek better sounding alternatives.

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  • imageJoy2611:
    It doesn't bother me in the slightest.  I think Sawyer Reat sounds fine.

    I kind of agree. 

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  • Sounds okay to me!! :-)
  • I wouldn't think anything of it .... I've heard way worse.

    Now if you went with something like, oh I don't know, North West, I'd totally side eye you! lol.


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  • swgdvmswgdvm member
    I think it sound fine!
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