
I have a theory...

Amazing infants = crazy toddlers. 
Crazy babies  = decent toddlers.

I met a mom at music class that said her baby was a nightmare, didn't sleep through the night, fussy, etc. but she "never went through the terrible twos". 

Possible? Who knows. 

(I didn't smack her, in case y'all were wondering. :))
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Re: I have a theory...

  • I think it's just a different perspective. Like they all go through similar things, but it doesn't seem as bad as when they were a baby. However, for those of us that had awesome babies with no issues toddlers being toddlers seems more extreme. IDK.
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  • I guess this was true for me. Connor was a horrible sleeper, fussy, always needed to be held but was relatively easy as a toddler. He responded well to time outs and was great when we went out anywhere. Claire slept through the night from like the 3rd night home from the hospital but is a handful now. Shes very busy and when we go out places we cannot get through half of whatever we are doing before she has to get up from the table or get out of the cart etc. Shes a sweetheart (so far) but can't stand sitting still for too long and just gets into everything!
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  • See? 

    There's something to it.

    Thanks, #Mags749
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So, medium crazy baby = medium difficult toddler?
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Damn. Baby G is such a chill little thing right now.

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • It's a THEORY. 

    @LuckyDad, you know that doesn't mean it's fact. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • The theory I want to be true is that wild first kid = calm second kid. Please and thank you.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • I read this title and the song from the Buffy musical immediately played in my head...
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • I could be a SS, but DD1 was an easy baby relative to DD2, who was colicky like whoa, and she is a decent toddler. DD2 is 18 months old, and while she does things quicker than DD1 and will eat whatever I put in front of her, she is a hot, clingy mess most of the time.
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  • I thought the next line was gonna be "that if you shaved all her hair off, she'd look like a British man"...but I can't find the gd GIF for it!!
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
  • I agree with Nana. It's all about perspective.
  • I'm seeing some truth in your theory, I guess. Nora cried for 4 straight months due to reflux and was a super fussy/moody baby all around, but her toddler tantrums are mild and infrequent and she pretty much does what she's asked/told to do. I've heard 3 can be worse than 2, so I'm not calling it just yet.
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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