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Dyspraxia/CAS/SPD Question

Can anyone who is well versed in neuro issues tell me how dyspraxia, CAS and SPD all fit together? Over the course of the past 8 months my son and both of my nephews have all been diagnosed with a combination of these, and I am wondering what the interrelations of these disorders are?

Does dyspraxia cause CAS and SPD? Does SPD cause dyspraxia and CAS? Are they considered to be comorbid conditions? Are they all just different presentations of the same neuro issue? I know that these can sometimes all go together, I am just trying to figure out how it all works and how they are related. 


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Re: Dyspraxia/CAS/SPD Question

  • Hi, I am not well versed at all but my son was diagnosed with CAS/ SPD last month and from what I have read that they are comorbitities because the same part of the brain is affected in all the disorders. I have heard that they believe genetics plays a part at least in CAS. How are your son and nephews doing?  We just got approved for OT today. 

    Are you on the Facebook group for apraxia? I have gotten a lot of good info there.  

  • Thank you so much for the info. I didnt realize that there was an apraxia FB page. I'll have to check it out!
    My son is doing well. OT and speech 2x a week, and we are trying to get him additional services through school for the fall. We have seen lots of improvement in the sensory areas with OT and some improvement in speech. He said girl last week for the first time, and we were all so excited! However, not much improvement in fine motor at all.
    My nephews are 7 years and 20 months. The older is in private therapy and the younger is in the process of starting EI.
    Good luck with OT! It has helped tremendously for my little guy's sensory issues. Does your son see an SLP also? How often?
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  • Thanks! He is in speech 1 day a week right now but I think we will be increasing it to 3 days a week soon. Luckily our insurance covers it. I am hoping that if we do intensive speech now, it will help him gain words quicker than if we just stick to one day a week. He just turned 2 last month. It is so exciting when they say new words isn't it? ODS just pulled play-dough out of nowhere at speech and I told his SLP, I have no idea where he learned it from. Lol. 
  • That is awesome!! I hope things continue to go well for him :-)
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  • Sorry I can't answer your question, but I do have a son with dyspraxia (I guess that's the same as DCD? Or I'm confused) and SPD ... but what is CAS? I did google but came up with WAY too many possible acronyms to wade through. ;)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • CAS is Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Since ds has been given a possible diagnosis I feel like I talk in acronyms all the time. Lol. 
  • HEy guys looking at my sons speech.  Has a delay we think in Fine Motor.  Is not clapping, not pointing,  he is only saying two words.... We are thinking it might by DYSPRAXIA.  What are symptons of DYSPRAXIA and signs at say 18 months?  can any one tell me their experience with DYSPRAXIA?

  • thats good to know auntie!
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