Do you think people who curse regularly are trashy?
DH was telling me that his boss is always saying that cursing is the trashiest thing and nothing makes a person look more like trash than cursing a bunch. Funny because DH does quite a bit.
I almost never do, but I don't really think twice if others do around me. I really don't think it makes somebody lower than low if they do.
Just curious of what others may think.
Re: Do you think this is trashy?
I think there's a time and a place for everything ... sometimes cursing is the only way to effectively make your point.
So to my ear, someone who curses regularly is diluting the importance of everything they say.
this, though admittedly I let a godddamnit out occasionally and then ds repeats that for like 3 days afterwards. Lol
SFIL is like your H's boss, though. He never swears and thinks it's gross when people do. Just total trash that you can't communicate without swearing. It drives him crazy that MIL swears.
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This. Work is not a place to use words like that. Now, among friends or with me, DH cusses like a sailor and so do I.
I don't think because you curse makes you trashy. I use to have a horrible mouth before I had DS. Having a kid really makes me think twice about whats coming out of my mouth (unless he's not around, then all bets are off )
I do think its borderline trashy when someone swears in front of their kid all the time and then the kids regular vocabulary includes the words sh*t, f*ck, etc.
And also agreed that there's a time and a place.
I prefer to look at it as "colorful language".
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this, I don't curse but I'm ok wn some ofour friends do it when we are hanging out; if it's in a work setting or around kids then yes, trashy and inapropiate
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
This. I have no problem with it in a casual/friend setting. Now that we have kids, I do find myself double checking for little ears though, even when there's no possibility of the kids being around.
C 7.16.2008 | L 11.12.2010 | A 3.18.2013
This is about my opinion. And I do find it a little trashy when a 3 year old uses the f word and the parents don't seem to care. I would get offended if someone cursed a lot around my kids, but I wouldn't think that made them trashy.
My old landlord used the f word seriously every other word, and I consider that trashy.
If anybody is offended by this, I am sorry. Cursing once in awhile is fine. When someone uses it regulary though (every other word being a curse word)....they come across as uneducated to me.
Of course, using it in front of children is beyond trashy.
I do think it's trashy, even though I cuss quite a bit. Not as much as other people I know, but still too much for me to consider it okay. It's something I need to work on for sure.
I had a boss, who while she didn't cuss regularly, she talked about things that made her seem very trashy: sex before marriage to "test out" a potential husband, politics in the work place, etc. I think that is way more trashy than cussing regularly.