Who's here and what are you doing?
Rosie is at MIL's till Sunday. Which is a much needed break from her. So everyone in the house is all:
My BMB's UO turned into a giant debate over welfare. Apparently there are lots of people who are pro "Boot Straps" and using services that you qualify for, but putting money into savings is not what "it's meant for". Oooook then. Anyways, we're making dinner and then I'm getting drunk and playing Pokemon.
Re: Roll Call!
Here. Watching Sherlock.
// I love you too. //
Dd went to bed sweetly and peacefully. Ds CIOd for 45 mins and pulled the "sing to me" and "but I love you mama" maneuver every time I went in to quiet him. Lil punk. That's the last time we go out for ice cream after dinner!
With him anyway.
TB loves to debate welfare. And there seems to always be some jack a$s who thinks it's ok to get all Rush Limbaugh. Or racist.
I just don't... I can't.
Aww, congrats
This all started from "People on welfare shouldn't have iPhones". However, tons of people qualify for public assistance (like WIC and daycare), they just don't know it. Also, a large chunk of the people in these programs are military families since they really don't make that much.
The first thing I thought when I bought my iPhone was, "Shiit, I'd better keep it in my pocket when I swipe my EBT card."
I qualify for a small amount of food benefits because I have three kids and the dude who fathered the last two dipped while I was pregnant with the second so he could par-tay. At 4 weeks PP I still can't run out and get a job, so I don't feel bad about cashing in on those benefits. But I also decided I occasionally deserve to have nice things and I put some me-money I'd saved from Christmas, birthday, etc. toward buying the phone. Also, I have that Virgin mobile deal where I only pay, like, $50/mo. Which is only $10 more per month than MetroPCS, except I get a way better phone. So then I'm like, "Wait, wait. Why do I care what strangers think?" and I play with that beast in the checkout lane shamelessly.
// I love you too. //
I feel ya. I used myself as an example. Since, when I was a single mother I worked a 40 hour per week job, worked overtime when I could, and got monthly bonuses, but child care would of still cost me over half of what I made a month. I used what I qualified for, tucked some money into savings, and took care of my kid. However, me being on public assistance programs like WIC, Food Stamps, and Childcare means that I don't get an iPhone.
And congratulations to your son on being a crawler!
That crap KILLS me. It's the reason I decided to be a SAHM before ex-BD dipped. Now the trick is finding gainful employment after the cost of child care is factored in.
// I love you too. //
Oh COME ON. Didn't this JUST happen to a Blue Jays player a few weeks ago? It even happens to people who play ball for a living! It's typically an accident. It happened to my dad when he was a kid - he was the one hit. He tried to put his glove up to block it but it hit him in the bridge of his nose and knocked him out cold. He never blamed the batter, that sh!t just happens sometimes.
// I love you too. //
Yep. Totes your fault, Klondike.
Oh, those lumpy babies. I got emotional when I packed away the NB stuff. He's fitting nicely in 6 month onesies now
It was nuts. The parents acted like it was intentional. Yeah, she that great of an aim. I felt bad, but it wasn't DD's fault.
DD has been hurt so many times over the years during the sports and I have never been upset with a parent or kid. There have been a few girls throwing hard intentional elbows during basketball and I still never got in anyone's face. Sh!t happens during sports. The refs and coaches take care of fouls. Some of these sports parents need to open their eyes and breathe.
Wat? You mean my newborn's frequent feedings are just him snacking?! To think I could have been filling him up on water to shut him up. Here I thought he was just a growing baby.
// I love you too. //
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna push it to the side and go to bed...
I no longer think I was truly "clueless" when diving into the whole parenting thing. Some of the questions people ask on TB really blow my mind. The 0-3 board is awful.
Those newborns are pesky with their snacking. They can wait until mealtime like everyone else. Do they think they we can just drop everything and feed them when they think they are hungry?
You know, I"m ok with uniformed people asking stupid questions, as long as they accept the answer they are given.
Well ain't you a clever one.
I wish I was on mobile and could blame autocorrect! But I accidently forgot a ltter.
It is for me. I leave tomorrow afternoon to do a 5k. My mom's weekend will be spent running and glamping.
It's true. And funniest when they make it dirty.
I'm here. Watching Arrested Development and digesting dinner.
I'm super tired despite having slept in until 10 today and not-so-secretly hoping that I'm not growing a baby right now, because that would suck.
Hey, me too! But I'm watching old episodes, so DH can catch up.
I'm not going to be far from you this weekend on my momcation!
I double checked. It's about an hour and a half away; not as close as i thought.
DW is taking DS out of town for a few days this weekend as well. It will be weird sleeping in Sunday morning. I've been fantasizing about it. I plan to get nice and tipsy. There may be drunk bumping if my friends are lame with their "girlfriends" that night.
O Hai. How r ur cowz?
I guess my judgy is showing. AGAIN. I need to get that in check.
also lol @ "uniformed." Too lazy to quote dat tree.